
Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable

author:Indefinite pleasure reading
Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable
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Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable

In the Chinese film and television industry, there is a unique actress whose temperament is so distinct that it seems to limit the scope of her performances. This actor is Li Ying, known as a screen beauty who "can't play the poor".

However, it is this unique temperament that makes her a reassuring pill in every work.

From a catwalk model to a "lady" on the screen, Li Ying's acting career is full of accidents and surprises. In her latest work, "Two Conjectures on Marriage", Li Ying once again showed her charm.

Despite being over half a hundred years old, she still retains an enviable elegance and vitality. Let's step into Li Ying's world and explore how she broke through and proved herself once again in this new work.

Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable

In 1966, Shanghai ushered in a vibrant girl - Li Ying. She has had a keen interest in dance since she was a child, and she will do leg training and waist stretches every day, otherwise she will feel unwell.

Every time she watches ballets such as "Swan Lake", Li Ying's eyes flash with love and longing for dance.

With the dream of becoming a dancer, the young Li Ying took the entrance examination of the Beijing Ballet Academy with great hope. However, fate seems to have played a joke on her.

Due to her slightly older age and extra height, Li Ying was unable to get into this coveted institution as she wished. This blow was undoubtedly huge for the young Li Ying, but she did not give up her stage dream.

Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable

Just when Li Ying thought that she would never have a chance with the stage, a new opportunity quietly came. Around 1985, China's modeling industry was in the early stages of booming.

Li Ying is keenly aware that although she has been frustrated by her height in dance, this condition is an advantage in the modeling industry. At that time, the modeling industry only required a height of 1. 68 meters above, and Li Ying's 1. The height of 7 meters is quite outstanding.

With her love for the stage and her determination not to give up, Li Ying resolutely embarked on the road of modeling. She became one of the first models in China and began a ten-year modeling career.

During this time, Li Ying not only shot the covers of fashion magazines, but also participated in the production of wall calendars, showing her charm on the catwalk.

Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable

Li Ying's hard work quickly paid off. In the Shanghai Division of the China National Advertising Model Competition, she won the first prize with her outstanding performance and won the reputation of "Miss Youth".

This award is not only an affirmation of her hard work, but also an important turning point in her life.

Looking back on this experience, Li Ying was deeply emotional. From chasing her ballet dream to becoming a high-profile model, the trajectory of her life has changed dramatically. However, it was this experience that cultivated her unique temperament and typhoon, laying a solid foundation for her future acting career.

Li Ying's story tells us that the road of life is not always straight, and sometimes seemingly setbacks may lead us to a broader stage.

Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable

Li Ying's modeling career inadvertently opened the door to the showbiz for her. In the course of her work, she had the opportunity to work with television stations and film studios, and these experiences laid the foundation for her future acting career.

Whenever she has the opportunity to participate in some small role performances, Li Ying will always be noticed by the directors. They would kindly ask her to try out a few lines, and Li Ying impressed the directors with her strong expressiveness and outstanding appearance.

In 1992, the opportunity finally came. Li Ying made her first appearance in the TV series "Full of Stars" and took the first step in her acting career. Immediately afterwards, she played the role of Luo Na in the movie "Hong Kong Blood".

Although this role is a bit "silly and sweet", Li Ying's appearance is impeccable. In the same year, in the war comedy "Sanmao in the Army" directed by Zhang Jianya, Li Ying played the wife of the division commander.

Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable

The two classic scenes of her taking off her stockings and puffing powder in front of the grave in the play are still fresh in the audience's memory.

Although these characters are not the protagonists, Li Ying interprets each role with her heart. She understands that every performance is an opportunity to learn and grow. On the set, she carefully observed the acting skills of other actors, listened carefully to the director's guidance, and worked hard to improve her acting skills.

Li Ying's hard work quickly paid off. In the TV series "Pujiang Narrative", her role as Ye Ling was recognized by the audience and industry insiders, and she was successfully nominated for the TV Golden Eagle Award for Best Actress.

This nomination means a lot to Li Ying, it is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also a firm determination to continue to move forward on the road of acting.

Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable

The experience of this period laid a solid foundation for Li Ying's future success. She has accumulated rich acting experience in different types of roles, and has gradually formed her own unique acting style.

Li Ying's acting skills are getting better and better, and she can delicately portray the inner world of the characters, and vividly show the joys, sorrows, and sorrows of the characters in front of the audience.

Although she has not yet become a household name, Li Ying has already gained a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. She used her strength to prove that she is not only a former model with beautiful appearance, but also a powerful actor with deep acting skills.

This period of silent cultivation has fully prepared her to shine in the future. Li Ying's story tells us that in the entertainment industry, real success requires time precipitation and unremitting efforts.

Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable

In 2009, for Li Ying, who has been working hard in the entertainment industry for 18 years, it became a watershed in her career. The hit of the phenomenal urban youth inspirational idol drama "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower" made her famous with the role of Shen Hanfeng.

In the play, Shen Hanfeng, played by Li Ying, is a mother with keen business acumen and excessive care and interference with her children. This role is very different from Li Ying's previous image, but she interprets it well.

She delicately shows the struggle of a successful woman between career and family, and the deep and complex love of a mother for her children.

Li Ying's performance was widely recognized by the audience. Her elegant and strong temperament perfectly fits the role of Shen Hanfeng. Since then, she has established the image of a "strong woman professional" in the hearts of the audience, and has also opened up a new world for her acting career.

Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable

The success of this role made Li Ying realize that she has a unique advantage in creating a successful female character. Since then, she has been more purposeful in her role choices and focused on playing to her strengths.

In "Wild Duck", Zhou Liqin played by Li Ying is stronger than Shen Hanfeng, but finally wins love. This role shows Li Ying's ability to interpret complex female characters, and she skillfully balances the strength and softness of the characters, allowing the audience to see a multi-faceted female image.

In "The Legend of Chu Qiao", Li Ying once again showed her ability to play a strong role. The character she plays is not only powerful, but also full of wisdom and strategy, which further consolidates her image as a "strong woman" in the hearts of the audience.

In "If Paris is Unhappy", she and Zhang Han once again played the affectionate relationship between mother and son, showing another side of the role. This time, Li Ying created a character who is both ambitious and full of maternal love, allowing the audience to see the diversity of her acting skills.

Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable

Although these characters all have the characteristics of "strong women", Li Ying can show the unique charm of each character in the details, bringing endless surprises to the audience.

Her performance is no longer limited to a single image, but in the continuous breakthrough and innovation, showing a richer and more diverse performance level.

Starting from "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower", Li Ying's acting career has entered a new stage. She is no longer an unknown supporting actor, but has become a representative of the "strong woman" in the hearts of the audience.

This shift not only boosted her popularity, but also brought her more high-quality role opportunities. Li Ying's story tells us that in the entertainment industry, find your own positioning and advantages, and continue to improve, and eventually usher in your own highlight moment.

Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable

In her latest masterpiece "Two Conjectures of Marriage", Li Ying once again showed her versatility as an actor. The role of Xiao Suhong that she challenged to interpret this time, although she is still a mother, completely subverts the audience's inherent impression of her.

Li Ying injected Xiao Suhong with a light-hearted and lively comedy, showing the playful and funny side of the character. Both the dialogue and the expressions are full of a hilarious sense of humor.

The portrayal of this role not only shows Li Ying's potential in comedy, but also breaks the audience's stereotype of her.

It is especially worth mentioning that the "mother-in-law" bickering scene between Li Ying and Yue Hong in the play has become a highlight in "Two Conjectures of Marriage". The wonderful rivalry between the two powerful actors not only showed their superb acting skills, but also added a lot of highlights to the whole play.

Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable

Xiao Suhong, played by Li Ying, is a free woman who pursues elegance and romance and raises her daughter alone after her husband's death. She not only showed her mother's tenderness in the play, but also created an interesting image of a "pretty mother".

The interaction between Xiao Suhong and the boyfriends in the play has added countless jokes to the whole play.

It is worth mentioning that Xiao Suhong's two boyfriends are quite distinctive. One is a real estate agent played by Liang Tian, and the other is a chicken farm owner played by Zhao Liang.

The addition of these characters not only enriches the plot, but also provides Li Ying with more opportunities to show her acting skills.

Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable

The success of this role once again proves Li Ying's acting strength and courage to break through herself. It not only enriched Li Ying's screen image, but also opened up new possibilities for her acting career.

Through the role of Xiao Suhong, Li Ying showed the audience the multiple possibilities of marriage and life, and also showed her diverse acting abilities as an actor.

While achieving brilliant achievements in her career, Li Ying has always kept a low profile in her personal life. Although she has never publicly disclosed her marital status and children, these details no longer seem to be so important.

The state of life that Li Ying is enjoying now is the most precious and eye-catching.

Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable

In addition to focusing on the shooting of film and television works, Li Ying also pays great attention to maintaining her own temperament and image. Despite entering middle age, she still maintains an enviable girlish figure.

In the face of many fans' curiosity about her maintenance secrets, Li Ying admitted that the real secret is actually very simple: self-discipline and consistent exercise.

Li Ying is particularly fond of rhythmic sports. Jogging and yoga are her long-standing and persistent favorites. These exercises not only help her stay in shape, but also inject a steady stream of energy into her.

Li Ying's attitude towards life is also worth learning from. She has always been fearless of the passage of time, with a strong, confident and brave attitude, the journey of life is more and more exciting.

Li Ying: Temperament restricts the way of playing, and actors who can't play "poor" can't play well, this play has her, it's really stable

As the English philosopher Bertrand Russell said, "A person's face is the outward manifestation of his values." Li Ying interpreted the profound meaning of this sentence with her own actions.

From model to actor, from supporting role to protagonist, Li Ying's acting career is full of challenges and opportunities. She used her unique temperament to create one unforgettable role after another, and became synonymous with "noblewoman" in the hearts of the audience.

Although this temperament seems to limit her acting path and make it difficult for her to play the role of "poor", it has also become her unique label. As shown in "Two Conjectures on Marriage", as long as Li Ying is there, this drama will be stable.

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