
Famous singer Qianbaihui: once took her husband from He Jing, and her son was her support after the divorce!

author:Pei Pei said entertainment
Famous singer Qianbaihui: once took her husband from He Jing, and her son was her support after the divorce!

Qianbaihui, a girl born in rural Taiwan, grew up in a poor family. When she was 16 years old, she lost her father, and in order to reduce the burden on her family, she dropped out of school and worked in a factory.

In the years of youth, Qianbaihui walked into the small song hall, she was young and full of longing at that time, although her voice was not as mature as later, but it already carried a unique emotion. Whenever she sang those pop songs in the dim light, the audience seemed to follow her notes and immersed themselves in dreams. Netizen Xiaoyu's monologue: "I still remember the first time I heard her singing, there was a little sadness in the clarity, just like a girl's heart, which attracted me all of a sudden." ”

Mr. Liu Jiachang is a regular visitor to the song hall, and he is always on the lookout for new voices with potential. One day, he accidentally heard Chibame's singing, as if he was deeply moved by her voice. From then on, he decided to introduce the rural girl to the record company. Netizen Xiao Ming commented on social media: "Qianbaihui is really a pearl hidden in the corner, her singing voice is not the kind that can be directly described in words, it is like a clear spring, moistening every heart that longs for dreams." ”

Famous singer Qianbaihui: once took her husband from He Jing, and her son was her support after the divorce!

After the release of Senbaihui's debut solo album, it quickly became popular in the entire pop music industry. "Walking Through the Coffee House" has become one of her masterpieces, and every note in the song seems to tell her growth and perseverance. "When I Miss You" made countless people feel an indescribable longing in the silent night. Netizen Xiaohong wrote in the comment area: "Her songs are like a book, each one has its own story, and you can feel her emotions when you listen to it." ”

Success is often accompanied by countless efforts and sacrifices. Chibazai's life at that time was not glamorous as people saw it. In the studio, she often has to revise every note repeatedly, and behind the pursuit of perfection is her unremitting efforts. Netizen Xiao Li shared: "I was fortunate to participate in the recording process of her album, and seeing her dedication to music, I realized how difficult it is to succeed. ”

Famous singer Qianbaihui: once took her husband from He Jing, and her son was her support after the divorce!

Behind the light of her career, Qianbaihui also has her own emotional experience. In 1990, she met musician Gao Dalin in Beijing. Although there was a brief rift between the two due to differences in musical concepts, they eventually reconciled, and in 1991, Gao Dalin chose to leave his ex-wife and marry her for the sincere confession of Qianbaihui.

Netizens commented: "No matter how beautiful it is, this affection is obtained by hurting another woman." came to the mainland alone, and in the name of love, he took away the newly married Gao Dalin, and seduced him nakedly. ”

Some netizens commented: "This kind of person is really shameless, knowing that people have just gotten married, and they dare to step in." It's really a robbery of love. ”

Famous singer Qianbaihui: once took her husband from He Jing, and her son was her support after the divorce!

Another netizen replied: "How can you be so immoral about such a thing as feelings? The newlywed Yan'er was ruined by this kind of person. ”

Some people also discussed on the forum: "It seems that people nowadays are really becoming more and more shameless, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve so-called love." ”

Someone commented: "This kind of behavior is really outrageous, I don't know how anyone can accept this kind of behavior." ”

A netizen expressed his opinion: "Maybe in their eyes, love is a game, and they don't care about other people's feelings." ”

On social media, some people commented: "It seems that morality is really getting worse every year." ”

Someone else joked: "Does this kind of 'love' have to be maintained by hurting others?" It's a big rebellion. ”

One commenter commented: "This kind of person is really despicable, knowing that the other party has a family, and can do this kind of hurtful thing." ”

Famous singer Qianbaihui: once took her husband from He Jing, and her son was her support after the divorce!

To sum up, this passage is not only a person's behavior, but also a manifestation of social morality and personal morality.

After getting married, they settled in Xiamen, and Qianbaihui found a balance between career and family. The feeling of nostalgia has always lingered in her heart. Missing her hometown, she eventually moved to Xiamen and actively participated in the activities of the Taiwan Association. In 2000, she returned to Taiwan to visit relatives and spent a brief but memorable time with her family, but the brief reunion quickly turned into separation.

In 2011, Chibaek made an important decision to make a comeback to the music scene and re-enter the music career. It was an important turning point for her, as she had once found a balance in her family, but a deep passion for music reignited and forced her to step back on stage.

Famous singer Qianbaihui: once took her husband from He Jing, and her son was her support after the divorce!

After her comeback, Megumi Chiba restarted her music career, releasing new songs and participating in several performances. Her singing voice is still moving, attracting the attention and love of many fans. That doesn't mean her life isn't without twists and turns.

The aura of her comeback has brought her family life quite a challenge. Her relationship with her husband began to strain. In the past, they have faced the ups and downs of life together, but now, Qianbaihui's busyness and her dedication to the music career have gradually made the family stranger and nervous. This change did not happen overnight, but gradually accumulated in the daily chores, and finally in 2017, they made the choice and decided to separate.

Famous singer Qianbaihui: once took her husband from He Jing, and her son was her support after the divorce!

This was undoubtedly a difficult decision for Chibae, because she knew the importance of family. She tries to find a balance between her music career and her family, but as time goes on and events develop, this balance becomes more and more difficult. For her, music is her dream and passion, but family is also an integral part of her life.

Today, Qianbaihui lives alone in Chengdu, relying on the support of her son Gao Luwan, looking back on her music career and family experience, and looking forward to her future life.

Chibae's story tells us that no matter how twists and turns life may have, music and family have always been an integral part of her life. She has touched countless people with her singing voice, and has also shown tenacity and courage at every turning point in her life.

This is Chibaek, a woman who interprets music and life with her heart, and her journey continues, leaving a deep imprint, but also bringing endless emotion and inspiration.

Famous singer Qianbaihui: once took her husband from He Jing, and her son was her support after the divorce!

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