
Famous singer Qianbaihui: She once took her husband away from He Jing! After the divorce, her son was her dependence

author:Alley Sports
Famous singer Qianbaihui: She once took her husband away from He Jing! After the divorce, her son was her dependence

Qianbaihui, a girl from rural Taiwan, wrote an extraordinary life with her sweet singing voice and tenacious will. In her early years, in order to reduce the burden on her family, she left her hometown and came to Taipei, where she worked hard in major song halls. With her talent and hard work, she quickly became a dazzling star in the local music scene, all thanks to the attention and support of musician Liu Jiachang.

At the Asian Games in Beijing, Qianbaihui met Gao Dalin, a married musician, and this encounter became an important turning point in her life. They met by chance at a musical event, when Chibae was preparing for an upcoming performance, while Gao Dalin was considering whether to participate because of a disagreement with other musicians over the genre. When Qianbaihui saw Gao Dalin for the first time, she had an indescribable feeling in her heart, as if this stranger had set off a whirlwind in her heart.

Famous singer Qianbaihui: She once took her husband away from He Jing! After the divorce, her son was her dependence

At the concert that night, their opinions began to conflict. Gao Dalin's understanding of pop music is different from Chibae's, she is more inclined to traditional and emotional expressions, while he is more inclined to experimental works. This disagreement not only caused friction in their music creation, but also made Chibaek realize that her attraction to Gao Dalin was not only because of his talent, but also because of his personality and attitude. In August 2014, when the conductor and composer Gao Dalin participated in the music event "Harbin Summer" sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, he arranged the classic Chinese folk song "Jasmine" and performed a new interpretation in the form of a symphony. The concert attracted a large audience and critics, and sparked a wide range of discussions and repercussions.

At the concert, Gao Dalin's conducting style and rearrangement of "Jasmine" were considered an attempt at musical innovation. He blends elements of traditional Chinese music with Western symphonic expressions in a unique way to present a unique and fascinating musical experience. When the audience heard this version of "Jasmine", they expressed their feelings and opinions.

Famous singer Qianbaihui: She once took her husband away from He Jing! After the divorce, her son was her dependence

Some netizens said that Gao Dalin's musical expression gave them a new understanding of "Jasmine", and they appreciated his sensitivity and innovative spirit to music. A netizen said: "This version of "Jasmine" made me feel the perfect fusion of Eastern and Western music, and Gao Dalin's conducting skills were impeccable. ”

However, there have also been some commentators who have pointed out that this new interpretation may cause controversy among traditional music lovers, who are concerned about whether such an adaptation will lose its original folk flavor. One netizen commented: "Although innovation is a good thing, I still prefer the traditional Jasmine, and the unpretentious beauty is what I like." ”

Gao Dalin's performance at the "Harbin Summer" music event sparked widespread attention and discussion in the music industry and the audience, and his innovative attempts demonstrated a deep understanding and modern interpretation of traditional music, while also triggering different opinions and emotional resonance among netizens.

Famous singer Qianbaihui: She once took her husband away from He Jing! After the divorce, her son was her dependence

At a party after the concert, they had a deeper exchange. Gao Dalin revealed the problems he faced in his marriage, as well as his confusion about the future of music. Chibaek confessed that she had always paid attention to and appreciated him, and although she knew that the relationship was wrong, she couldn't control her feelings. Netizens were full of curiosity and concern about this twisted love story, with some praising Qianbaihui's courage and sincerity, believing that her decision was for true love, while others were worried that she might be harmed, after all, Gao Dalin was already a family man.

Chibaek finally decided to give up the music stage and comfortable life in Taiwan, and chose to stay in Beijing to pursue the love in her heart. This decision was not made lightly, she had faced opposition from her family and the pressure of public opinion, but she chose to trust her feelings and embarked on a path full of challenges and risks.

Famous singer Qianbaihui: She once took her husband away from He Jing! After the divorce, her son was her dependence

Gao Dalin and Qianbaihui finally completed their marriage registration in Beijing, choosing a low-key way to start their new life. The celebrity couple in the music industry, despite settling down on the mainland, has not had all its smooth sailing. They faced all kinds of discussions and speculations from the outside world, especially Gao Dalin's divorce past, which became the focus of media and public attention. For Qianbaihui, although she is happy to spend her life with her beloved, the nostalgia in her heart is always difficult to erase.

Living in Beijing for a long time has made Qianbaihui's longing for Taiwan more and more intense. She often kept in touch with her loved ones by phone and letters, but no matter what, life away from home and memories of home were always difficult to reconcile. She has lived in the mainland for a long time and has participated in many social activities and music careers, but the nostalgia for her hometown in her heart is irreplaceable by anyone.

Famous singer Qianbaihui: She once took her husband away from He Jing! After the divorce, her son was her dependence

Although they settled down in Beijing and had a son, Gao Luwan, Chibame's nostalgia for her hometown remained an unrelieved part of her heart. She once tried to alleviate this emotion by participating in the activities of the Taiwan Association, but every time she recalled that simple and friendly town, her heart still could not be calm.

Gao Dalin's divorce and marriage to Qianbaihui may seem to the outside world to be a good story of modern love, but for Qianbaihui, she has never been able to forget her roots and her home. She continues to struggle in her music career, and although the years have passed, the attachment and nostalgia for Taiwan in her heart have always been the same.

Famous singer Qianbaihui: She once took her husband away from He Jing! After the divorce, her son was her dependence

She is actively involved in the activities of the Taiwanese Association and tries to keep in touch with her family by phone and letter. But the nostalgia in her heart has never been calmed, so she began to learn cooking, hoping to alleviate the loneliness and longing in her heart through the joy of cooking.

However, another turning point in his life came in 2011. Qianbaihui decided to make a comeback to the music scene, which not only allowed her to return to the music stage, but also caused a family crisis with Gao Dalin. In the end, the two agreed to separate in 2017, and Qianbaihui now lives alone in Chengdu.

Now, the biggest support in her life is her son, Gully. Despite the unforgiving years, Chibaek is still relentlessly pursuing her dream of a music career. Her story tells us that even in the face of adversity, as long as there is love and perseverance in our hearts, life can still bloom brilliantly.

Famous singer Qianbaihui: She once took her husband away from He Jing! After the divorce, her son was her dependence

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