
TVB Xiaohua imitated Faye Wong and was praised as "too similar"! She made her debut as a girl group and was well received for playing a third party

author:ANC talks about sports

Ladies and gentlemen, today I would like to share with you a super interesting entertainment news! A TVB Xiaohuadan imitated the diva Faye Wong in a variety show, and was praised by netizens as "too similar"! This Xiaohua was not only from a girl group, but also played a third party in the play and won praise. Wonder who she is? Come to 818 with the editor!

This TVB flower who looks like Faye Wong is Guan Jiamin! In the recently aired TVB variety show "Fu Lu Shou Training Academy", Guan Jiamin appeared in the style of Faye Wong's "Dream Man", with refreshing short hair and a lazy posture, perfectly interpreting Faye Wong's blurry demeanor, it is simply Faye Wong Benfei! Even the host Li Sijie couldn't help but praise her for her very natural performance, and another host, Jiang Meiyi, also nodded again and again and said "It's like"!

TVB Xiaohua imitated Faye Wong and was praised as "too similar"! She made her debut as a girl group and was well received for playing a third party

Speaking of Guan Jiamin, she has an extraordinary experience. At the age of 29 this year, she was actually born in dance. In 2015, she joined the BINGO girl group to make her debut, but unfortunately the development of Star Road was not smooth at that time. But Kwan Jiamin did not give up her dream, and in 2020 she participated in ViuTV's talent show "All People Make Stars III". Although she only stopped at the top 20, her performance still made many netizens regret.

Kwan Ka Man's story doesn't end there. After not being favored by ViuTV, she resolutely chose to sign with Shaw Brothers and officially joined the TVB family. This decision made some netizens call her "anti-bone", saying that she relied on ViuTV to become popular but defected to TVB. But the editor thinks, where is this "backbone", is it clearly a smart career choice?

TVB Xiaohua imitated Faye Wong and was praised as "too similar"! She made her debut as a girl group and was well received for playing a third party

You know, compared with ViuTV, TVB has more opportunities to make dramas. Sure enough, Kwan Jiamin's choice was right. Last year, she played Jiao Haoxuan's girlfriend in "Love Home: Happy Express", and her acting skills won a lot of praise. What's even more powerful is that in "Beautiful Battlefield" directed by Ye Nianchen, she played the role of a junior, and was praised by the audience as a "manufacturable material"! Isn't this the successful transformation of an actor?

Guan Jiamin is not only good at singing and dancing, but his acting skills are also getting better and better. The editor heard that she will also participate in TVB's new dramas "The Cliff of Women and Heroes" and "Extraordinary Prosecution View" next. It seems that the future of this little flower is really promising!

TVB Xiaohua imitated Faye Wong and was praised as "too similar"! She made her debut as a girl group and was well received for playing a third party

Speaking of which, the editor suddenly remembered an interesting phenomenon. Have you noticed that many artists debuted from talent shows and then transformed into actors? For example, Yang Mi and angelababy in the mainland, as well as Hu Dingxin and Chen Ziyao of TVB, etc. It seems that the talent show is really the cradle of stars!

What's more, the transformation from talent singer to actor is not so easy. Some people succeeded, such as Kwan Ka Man; Some have suffered a lot of setbacks. Xiaobian thinks that the key depends on personal efforts and talents. Guan Jiamin can be recognized by the audience in a short period of time, proving that she is indeed powerful.

TVB Xiaohua imitated Faye Wong and was praised as "too similar"! She made her debut as a girl group and was well received for playing a third party

Speaking of Faye Wong, the editor suddenly thought that she has also had a lot of news recently. It is said that her relationship with Nicholas Tse is still stable, and the two also attended a friend's wedding together. It seems that whether it is career or love, Faye Wong is the envy of many people. No wonder Kwan Jiamin would choose to imitate her, after all, who doesn't want to be the next diva?

Returning to Kwan Jiamin, I feel that her success lies in her diversified development. From a member of the girl group to a talent shower, to an actor, she is constantly breaking through herself every step of the way. This spirit of being unsatisfied with the status quo and having the courage to try is really worth learning from!

TVB Xiaohua imitated Faye Wong and was praised as "too similar"! She made her debut as a girl group and was well received for playing a third party

What the editor wants to say is that whether it is Guan Jiamin or other artists, it is really not easy to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. As viewers, instead of judging other people's choices, we should give more encouragement and support. After all, everyone has the right to pursue their dreams, doesn't they?

Okay, that's all for today's entertainment news. I don't know what everyone thinks of Guan Jiamin's imitation of Faye Wong's performance? Do you think she will become a new generation of TVB in the future? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to tell the editor! See you next time!

TVB Xiaohua imitated Faye Wong and was praised as "too similar"! She made her debut as a girl group and was well received for playing a third party

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