
Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high

author:Gossip Baby PLUS

Recently, Nicholas Tse has promoted his new film "Customs Front" across the country, a new film co-starring Jacky Cheung and Nicholas Tse, which has attracted the attention of many audiences.

Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high

This year is the 10th anniversary of Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong's reunion, and 10 years ago, photos of them kissing in the apartment were exposed, and one stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high

At that time, everyone would be moved by this "sister and brother love", but they also guessed how many years they could last, but they didn't expect it to be longer than the marriage of many couples in the entertainment industry!

Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high

In the past 10 years, Nicholas Tse has shifted his career focus to Beijing to accompany his girlfriend Faye Wong, while Faye Wong is in semi-retirement, and occasionally encounters an interesting job, she will come back, but most of the time, she is enjoying life, dragging with her little boyfriend, and accompanying her youngest daughter Li Yan to travel.

Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high

For the relationship, Nicholas Tse is low-key, but in the past year, he and Faye Wong began to show affection, and the two no longer avoided suspicion, and appeared at the airport hand in hand many times.

54-year-old Faye Wong and 43-year-old Nicholas Tse are rarely together, and the outside world praises them as a good match.

Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high
Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high

On June 27, when Nicholas Tse answered "Fitness Secrets" on stage, the fans in the audience suddenly shouted "Faye Wong's love", and the audience laughed, Xie's eyes suddenly widened into copper bells, but he did not respond, and he was still low-key.

Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high

Just when everyone thought that Nicholas Tse was really so "tough" and wanted to maintain his cold image of a "rock star" in front of the audience, he gave "Feng Fei" CP fans the biggest surprise.

On June 28, Nicholas Tse appeared in Shanghai to attend the roadshow of "Customs Front", and a "Feng Fei" CP fan arrived at the scene with a light sign and sat in a remote corner.

Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high

In order to attract Nicholas Tse's attention, CP fans held up the "Feng Fei" light sign high, which really attracted Xiao Xie's attention.

Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high

At that time, Guan Zhibin, one of the leading actors, was speaking on stage, but Nicholas Tse was distracted, he watched the CP fan make a "flip" gesture, twice in a row, the other party didn't react at first, and probably couldn't believe that Nicholas Tse communicated with him in the air.

Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high
Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high

Later, "Feng Fei" fans finally reacted, it turned out that Nicholas Tse was reminding him that the light sign was reversed, and he immediately adjusted it, and at this time, Nicholas Tse smiled at him with satisfaction.

Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high
Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high

"Feng Fei" fans made fun of Nicholas Tse, pointing out that he was the biggest fan of CP fans, maybe Nicholas Tse still doesn't want to use his girlfriend's fame to hype himself, but seeing those fans who bless him and Faye Wong, he still can't help but have a preference.

Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high
Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high

From time to time, it is rumored that Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse broke up, and they have not responded to the originally, but last year, rumors spread again, Nicholas Tse was angry, and he directly scolded the media, "Don't use us, okay?" ”

Probably because the rumors are too outrageous, Nicholas Tse feels that if he doesn't respond, the next step is to rumor that he and Cecilia Cheung will get back together.

In fact, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong have a stable relationship, the two are not tired of being together every day like when they were young, they trust each other, accompany each other occasionally, and keep themselves under the premise of loving each other.

Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high

It is reported that when Nicholas Tse was busy promoting the movie, Faye Wong had flown to Switzerland to attend the graduation ceremony of 18-year-old Li Yan.

Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high
Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high

Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong both have children, but they do not intervene in each other's parent-child relationship, as Faye Wong said, she is looking for her partner, not "the child's stepfather", the child already has a father, don't worry about it.

Before Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung got married, they also fell in love with Faye Wong sweetly, but this relationship was affected by too many factors and ultimately failed to go on.

Then, Nicholas Tse married Cecilia Cheung and gave birth to two sons, and the two divorced.

When they meet again, Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong are both free bodies, without the pressure of economy and inheritance, their love is pure and simple.

Nicholas Tse stopped pretending, and an action exposed how much he loved Faye Wong, and Feng Fei's fans called the sugar too high

Perhaps, that's why they were able to walk through the 10th anniversary together!

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