
The woman said that her deceased husband's bank deposit of 130,000 disappeared, the account was cancelled, and the bank involved responded to the processing

author:Excerpts from the main text

In April 2018, Ms. Deng from Pingli, Shaanxi Province, faced grief over the death of her husband, after which she found more than 130,000 yuan in her deceased husband's Agricultural Bank account in China. Ms. Deng recalled that between November and December 2020, she went to the bank twice to confirm that the funds were indeed in the account, and on December 17, 2021, the inquiry records provided by the bank also confirmed that more than 130,000 yuan was intact. However, the turning point came in February 2022, when Ms. Tang went through the formal procedures to withdraw her deposit, but was told by the bank that the money had been withdrawn and the account had been closed. In this regard, Ms. Deng was puzzled: "The notarized inheritance of 130,000 yuan, the bank inquiry records are all there, how can it disappear?" She expressed her deep confusion to Red Star News.

130,000 inheritance deposits mysteriously disappeared: the woman still had difficulty withdrawing her deceased husband's bank deposit after notarization, and the bank admitted that it was a mistake

In response to this matter, the reporter tried to contact Gao Chang, vice president of the Pingli County Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China, on June 27, and received a reply that the case had been transferred to the Ankang Branch for processing, and it was inconvenient to comment. Until June 28, Gao Zonglin, head of the office of the Ankang branch, revealed to reporters that the incident originated from the operation error of the bank staff, and said that the problem is currently being solved.

Looking back on the whole process, Ms. Deng went to the Pingli Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China for the first time with the death certificate of her deceased husband in November 2020, confirmed that there was a balance of more than 130,000 yuan in the account with the tail number 0072, and issued a certificate of inquiry according to the bank's requirements. When the review was conducted in December of the same year, the funds were still listed, and the bank staff reassured her that she did not have to worry. In accordance with the bank's instructions, Ms. Deng, together with her two sons and the parents of her deceased husband, went to the Pingli County Notary Office to complete the notarization procedures for the inheritance in order to withdraw the estate.

The woman said that her deceased husband's bank deposit of 130,000 disappeared, the account was cancelled, and the bank involved responded to the processing

The picture comes from the Internet

The reporter reviewed the (2020) Shaanxi Anping Zheng Min Zi No. 386 Pingli County Notary Office notarial certificate document provided by Ms. Deng, which recorded in detail the materials submitted by Ms. Deng, including the bank inquiry receipt letter. After strict examination and fact-checking, the notary office clearly pointed out in the notarization deed that the existing balance of the Agricultural Bank of China with the tail number 0072 in the name of Ms. Deng's deceased husband was RMB 133,900.00. The legal document is dated December 23, 2020.

Ms. Deng, who returned to the Pingli branch of the Agricultural Bank of China with a notarial deed, was full of expectations to be able to withdraw her deposit smoothly, but she did not expect to encounter another setback. "The teller operated for a long time, more than an hour, but he was never able to complete the withdrawal. At that time, I was still in a hurry to send my children to school, so I had no choice but to leave the bank first. Ms. Deng recalled. Although Ms. Tang initially believed in the safety of the banking system and believed that deposits should be safe, she was deeply troubled and puzzled by the failure of several subsequent attempts to withdraw funds.

The woman said that her deceased husband's bank deposit of 130,000 disappeared, the account was cancelled, and the bank involved responded to the processing

The picture comes from the Internet

On the December 17, 2021 "Simplified Withdrawal of Balance Inquiry Results of the Deceased Depositor's Small Deposit Business Account" held by Ms. Deng, a total of four accounts under the name of her deceased husband were clearly listed, and it was particularly noteworthy that the balance of the account with tail number 0072 showed that the balance was 133,900 yuan, and the signature of the handling officer Wang Chao was attached to the bottom of the receipt.

The cross-branch inquiry was shocking and found that the deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan had been withdrawn, and the account was inexplicably cancelled

Faced with the difficulty of withdrawing money, Ms. Deng went to the Pingli Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China again on February 16, 2022, but after failing to do so, she decided to find another way and transferred to the neighboring Agricultural Bank of China Zhenping County Branch on the 23rd of the same month. At the bank, Ms. Tang resubmitted the deposit enquiry application, but she was shocked to find that not only had the account with the tail number 0072 been cancelled, but all the money in the account had been withdrawn.

On June 27, Ms. Deng showed the media a new inquiry application, which no longer listed the account information with the tail number 0072, and this document was officially stamped with the special business seal of "Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd. Zhenping County Branch", which further confirmed the fact that the previous account was cancelled and the deposit was withdrawn.

The woman said that her deceased husband's bank deposit of 130,000 disappeared, the account was cancelled, and the bank involved responded to the processing

The picture comes from the Internet

Faced with the mystery of the mysterious disappearance of deposits and the cancellation of accounts, Ms. Deng was full of doubts: "Pingli County Agricultural Bank clearly found out and issued a certificate of 133,900 yuan, why does it claim that there is no such money now?" After several years of bank security and notarization, what happened to my husband's estate? Since 2020, Ms. Deng has been running between the Pingli branch of the Agricultural Bank of China many times, but she has received advice on taking legal routes. What surprised her even more was that the manager, Wang Chao, privately offered to give 2,000 yuan as compensation, but Ms. Deng insisted on pursuing the truth and treating her fairly.

In the middle of the night on June 26, the situation took a dramatic turn when Wang Chao and two men visited Ms. Tang's house late at night, knocking on the door until 11:20 p.m., and even making threatening words, which made Ms. Deng deeply frightened and disturbed. The unusual visit was captured by surveillance video provided by Ms. Tang, who said she had temporarily left her home for her own safety.

Attempts to contact Wang Dynasty directly were unsuccessful, the reporter's phone was hung up, and text messages were not answered. The Pingli Branch and Ankang Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China have different attitudes towards the matter: Gao Chang, vice president of the branch, said that the incident had been handed over to the superiors; Gao Zonglin, head of the Ankang branch office, admitted that this was a mistake by the bank's staff, and was communicating with Ms. Deng to explain, while emphasizing that if the customer is not satisfied with the solution, legal action can be taken. Regarding the actual balance of the account and the reason for the cancellation, Gao Zonglin said that it is necessary to protect the privacy of customers and it is inconvenient to disclose, and the details still need to be confirmed by internal processes, and there is no further response as of press time.

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