
Before his death, my father at the post office unit left me a large number of stamps that he had accumulated and was going to burn them to him recently

author:Invincible little whirlwind

Before his death, my father at the post office unit handed me a large number of stamps that he had accumulated during his lifetime, and said to me in a deep voice: "Keep it well, and when you can't open the pot one day, you can take it and sell it, these stamps are enough for you to eat for a lifetime." "At that time, I deeply felt what it means to be a father's love, and at the same time, I also felt how precious these stamps were in my father's heart!

Nowadays, the philatelic era is a thing of the past, and stamps have become worthless waste paper. Looking at the "wealth" stamp that my father left me, I felt a lot of emotion in my heart. Recently, I was planning to burn all the stamps for my father during the Qingming Festival, after all, these stamps were a big hobby of my father during his lifetime.

Before his death, my father at the post office unit left me a large number of stamps that he had accumulated and was going to burn them to him recently
Before his death, my father at the post office unit left me a large number of stamps that he had accumulated and was going to burn them to him recently
Before his death, my father at the post office unit left me a large number of stamps that he had accumulated and was going to burn them to him recently
Before his death, my father at the post office unit left me a large number of stamps that he had accumulated and was going to burn them to him recently

These are old stamps from 85 years ago, and such old stamps are still particularly marketable during the period when philately is in full swing. After 85 years, stamps are no longer good, because the circulation is too large, and many people collect a large number of them, so there are too many goods, and they become worthless.

Nowadays, the stamp market has fallen into a trough, there are very few philatelic people, no matter how old the stamps, how precious the stamps once were, but also become no market value, or the situation of no price.

Before his death, my father at the post office unit left me a large number of stamps that he had accumulated and was going to burn them to him recently
Before his death, my father at the post office unit left me a large number of stamps that he had accumulated and was going to burn them to him recently
Before his death, my father at the post office unit left me a large number of stamps that he had accumulated and was going to burn them to him recently
Before his death, my father at the post office unit left me a large number of stamps that he had accumulated and was going to burn them to him recently

This pile of foreign stamps, even if they are given away for free, no one else will ask for them. Domestic stamps have long been flooded, and foreign stamps are even more worthless when they get domestically.

Now it's not an exaggeration to say that they are flower paper heads, waste paper.

Before his death, my father at the post office unit left me a large number of stamps that he had accumulated and was going to burn them to him recently
Before his death, my father at the post office unit left me a large number of stamps that he had accumulated and was going to burn them to him recently
Before his death, my father at the post office unit left me a large number of stamps that he had accumulated and was going to burn them to him recently
Before his death, my father at the post office unit left me a large number of stamps that he had accumulated and was going to burn them to him recently
Before his death, my father at the post office unit left me a large number of stamps that he had accumulated and was going to burn them to him recently
Before his death, my father at the post office unit left me a large number of stamps that he had accumulated and was going to burn them to him recently

Once popular in the postal industry, the price of any such old stamp is particularly high. It's a pity that things are not people, and now they are no longer popular.

The decline of the philatelic industry has left millions of stamp collectors with dumb losses and expensive IQ taxes. Judging from the current situation, young people have no interest in stamps, and it is estimated that the postal bank has no chance to pick up. Therefore, I plan to burn all these stamps left to me by my father, so that he can continue to enjoy them!

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