
Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

author:Xiaochuang Literature Society
Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

In the summer of 2010, on the stage of "China's Got Talent", a petite and delicate girl made a stunning appearance. She was wearing a white dress, like a goddess descending from heaven, and performed a song "Firefly" with a clear and moving voice.

When she confidently announced that she was 23 years old, the audience and the judges were amazed. This girl named Zhu Jie is only 1 tall. 28 meters, but conquered everyone with her talent and courage.

Zhu Jie frankly admitted that she was a pocket person, and said that she hoped to prove through her performance that pocket people can also live a normal life. Her words touched everyone's heartstrings deeply and gave people a deeper understanding and respect for this special group.

In 1988, Zhu Jie was born in an ordinary family in Inner Mongolia. In her childhood, she was lively, cute, smart and smart, and was the pistachio of the neighborhood. However, as she grew older, a disturbing fact gradually emerged - Zhu Jie's height seemed to stagnate, and the gap with her peers became increasingly obvious.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

At first, Zhu Jie's parents thought that their daughter was just stunting, so they bought a lot of nutritional supplements. However, despite Zhu Jie's daily efforts to supplement nutrition, there is still no significant change in her height.

On the contrary, it leads to weight gain due to excessive nutrient intake. This situation has plunged the whole family into deep worry.

With a nervous mood, Zhu Jie's parents took her around to seek medical treatment. After a series of detailed examinations, the doctor gave a heartbreaking diagnosis: Zhu Jie suffered from congenital growth hormone deficiency, commonly known as "pocket disease".

To make matters worse, doctors said it was highly unlikely that Zhu Jie would continue to grow taller.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

This thunderbolt of news from a sunny day pierced the hearts of the whole family. Unable to accept this cruel truth, her parents took Zhu Jie around to try all possible treatments.

From home remedies on TV to recommended products on the radio, they don't hesitate to try them. They even made Zhu Jie jump on one foot on the stairs every day, drink the ashes of burning paper, and circle around the sapling to pray.

However, none of these efforts have changed Zhu Jie's height status.

As time passed, Zhu Jie felt more and more strange eyes from others. Neighbors and classmates talked about her, and some even called her "the dwarf who never grows up".

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

These harsh words deeply hurt Zhu Jie's young heart. Once cheerful and lively, she became reticent and afraid to go out of the house. Going to school became a kind of torture, and she always walked alone with her head down, arriving at the classroom early and leaving last, for fear of any contact with others.

That confident smile fades away, replaced by low self-esteem and loneliness.

Just when Zhu Jie fell into despair, a chance chance changed the trajectory of her life. One day, she saw a show on TV about the Pocket People group and was surprised to find that there were 8 million people like her in the country.

This discovery rekindled Zhu Jie's hope.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

This firm belief has become the driving force to support Zhu Jie's progress and laid the foundation for her future success. Despite the hardships of her growth, Zhu Jie is determined to fight for the respect and opportunities she deserves, as well as for all the pocket-sized groups.

In 2009, Zhu Jie, who had a dream, set foot on the strange metropolis of Beijing alone despite her mother's strong opposition. When she first arrived in Beijing, Zhu Jie rented a small space of only 10 square meters.

A modest single bed, a shabby desk and a small wardrobe make up all of her living space. Although the environment is simple, it carries her hope for the future.

However, reality soon gave Zhu Jie a blow to the head. Due to her special figure, she repeatedly hit a wall in the job search process. Even the most basic waitress job was turned away because of her height.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

Every time she was rejected, it added to Zhu Jie's frustration.

The hardships of the job search don't stop there. Sometimes, Zhu Jie had to take a taxi to a distant place for an interview. However, she was often misunderstood by the driver.

They treated her like a child and refused to charge the fare. This kind of well-intentioned misunderstanding instead became Zhu Jie's trouble, making it impossible for her to reach her destination smoothly. In desperation, she had no choice but to walk forward, enduring the pain of blisters and bleeding from her feet.

In order to save money, Zhu Jie's daily diet has become extremely simple. Every day, she can only eat steamed buns and white open fruits, and then continue her difficult job search.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

Hunger and exhaustion continue to eat away at her body and mind, but the desire for her dreams sustains her to persevere.

After hitting a wall countless times, Zhu Jie finally found a job singing in a bar. However, instead of bringing hope, the job brought her more humiliation.

Drunken guests often deliberately make things difficult for her and tempt her to drink with money. In the face of such humiliation, Zhu Jie was furious in her heart, but in order to survive, she could only hold back her tears and grit her teeth to persevere.

Every night, she spends her time in pain and grievances, and the dreams in her heart gradually become blurred.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

Just when Zhu Jie was confused and almost gave up hope, the god of fate reached out to her. She stumbles upon a theater troupe that is hiring pocket actors.

Holding on to the last glimmer of hope, Zhu Jie participated in the interview. To her surprise, with the acting skills accumulated over the years, she successfully joined this shadow puppet theater troupe.

For Zhu Jie, this is not only a job, but also an opportunity for her to rediscover the direction of her life. She devoted herself to the study of shadow puppetry. In order to master the complex operation skills, Zhu Jie began to practice at 6 o'clock in the morning every day, and often practiced for 6-7 hours.

Even though her hands were calloused and swollen by the props, she never complained of being tired.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

After three months of hard training, Zhu Jie was finally able to skillfully manipulate the shadow puppet and vividly show the emotions of the characters. Her efforts were unanimously recognized by the director and colleagues.

In this troupe composed of pocket people, Zhu Jie found a long-lost sense of belonging. Not only is she the only member of the team with a professional artistic background, but she is also passionate about helping other colleagues improve their skills.

Whenever she saw the audience laughing at her performance, Zhu Jie felt extremely happy and satisfied. She realized that she too could bring joy and value to the world.

Through shadow puppetry, Zhu Jie regained her self-confidence and found a stage to show herself. She understands that as long as she works hard, she can shine brightly.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

This experience not only allowed Zhu Jie to regain her confidence in life, but also laid a solid foundation for her future career development.

In the shadow puppet troupe, Zhu Jie not only found a new direction for her career, but also met the most important person in her life, the 130-centimeter-tall pocket boy Bachelor Qin.

Their acquaintance was full of drama and fun.

When they first met, Zhu Jie wore heavy short-sighted glasses and her face was covered with pimples. Her lively and outgoing personality seemed a bit noisy in the eyes of Master Qin, leaving him with the impression of "ordinary appearance and overly enthusiastic".

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

And Bachelor Qin, who had a killer Matt-style explosive hairstyle, stood quietly in the corner, giving Zhu Jie a feeling of pretending to be cold. Both of them had a slight misunderstanding of the other.

However, fate is always wonderful. Only half a month later, when Bachelor Qin met Zhu Jie again, she had already taken off her glasses and the acne on her face had disappeared.

Bachelor Qin was deeply attracted by her new appearance, and couldn't help but admire her beauty.

From then on, Master Qin began to rack his brains to pursue Zhu Jie. He even privately bribed Zhu Jie's girlfriends and asked them to give advice. Master Qin's intentions soon paid off.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

Once, when they went out shopping together, Master Qin keenly noticed Zhu Jie's fondness for a pair of shoes. Although Zhu Jie didn't buy it in the end, Master Qin kept it in mind.

He quietly measured Zhu Jie's shoe size, then bought the shoes, and entrusted Zhu Jie's friend to put the shoes on her bed, giving her a surprise.

On Valentine's Day, Master Qin mustered up the courage to invite Zhu Jie to dinner and carefully prepared a gift. Although he was too shy to express his love, Zhu Jie had already felt his sincerity.

In this way, the two hearts that know each other and cherish each other leaned together.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

Although married life is sweet, it also faces many challenges. Due to their special body shape, many things in their daily lives are a test for them. Seemingly simple things like shopping and taking the elevator are full of difficulties for them.

However, they can always support each other and overcome these obstacles together.

What's even more ridiculous is that they are often mistaken for children of early love. Even when the marriage was registered, the staff thought they were children who had come to find their parents.

In the face of these misunderstandings, Master Qin always explained without hesitation: "We are childhood sweethearts. And Zhu Jie chose to respond to those strange eyes with a smile.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

Zhu Jie often sighed: "Before I met Master Qin, I always walked with my head down, afraid of other people's eyes. But now, I can walk down the street with my head held high, holding his hand, and no longer caring about the eyes of others.

"Master Qin's company gave Zhu Jie infinite courage and strength, allowing her to regain her self-confidence.

Their love story not only warms each other, but also shows the world the true meaning of love - not about appearance, but about mutual understanding, support and growing together.

Zhu Jie and Master Qin interpreted the profound meaning of the phrase "as long as there is love, everything is possible" in their own way.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

In 2010, with the encouragement of Master Qin, Zhu Jie mustered up the courage to sign up for "China's Got Talent". When she stood on the brightly lit stage and told her life experience affectionately, the eyes of Master Qin in the audience were full of admiration and tenderness.

Zhu Jie performed a song "Firefly" with her unique voice, and her singing voice was as pure as a clear spring, which deeply touched everyone present.

What's even more surprising is that when Zhu Jie admitted that she was 23 years old, the audience and judges were shocked. She took the opportunity to convey an important message to the world: Pocket people have the same rights and abilities as ordinary people to pursue their dreams.

Zhu Jie's perseverance and positive spirit won the love of the audience, and she made it all the way from the pending seat on the jury to the top 40 in the country.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

This experience not only gave Zhu Jie gained self-confidence, but also opened a new door for her acting career. In 2014, Zhu Jie ushered in another important opportunity in her life - starring in the TV series "Pocket Mother".

Despite the lack of professional acting training, Zhu Jie devoted herself to the role with her strong perseverance and love for acting.

In order to better interpret the role, Zhu Jie often holds the script in her hand and repeatedly thinks about it in front of the mirror when she is not filming, striving to improve her acting skills to the best state.

Sometimes, she even lost track of the time, and it wasn't until dawn that she realized she had practiced all night.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

During the filming, in order to show the real sense of unfair treatment of the characters in the play, Zhu Jie did not hesitate to let her knees be injured many times. Despite the excruciating pain, she never complained and always stuck to her post until the director was satisfied.

After the broadcast of this drama, Zhu Jie's superb acting skills won the praise of the audience, and her name spread all over the country. However, behind the success lies new challenges.

Due to the relatively small audience of film and television works with special group themes, coupled with the height limit, there are not many works suitable for Zhu Jie to star.

Faced with the bottleneck of career development, Zhu Jie was not discouraged. She began to think about how to break through herself and explore new possibilities. This spirit of continuous pursuit of progress laid the foundation for her future transformation into an online anchor.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

In 2018, in the face of the bottleneck of her acting career, Zhu Jie made a bold decision - to transform into an online anchor. This choice allowed her to continue to live up to her love of singing and dancing while also opening up a whole new career path.

At first, the live streaming industry was an uncharted territory full of challenges for Zhu Jie. But with the experience she has gained over the years in the field of art and the spirit of tireless hard work, she quickly adapted to this new role.

Zhu Jie's sincerity and talent have attracted more and more audiences, and the number of her fans has shown explosive growth.

After three years of hard work, the 33-year-old Zhu Jie has more than 4 million loyal fans. The revenue of each live broadcast can reach five figures, and the total annual income is as high as hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

Such an achievement not only proves that Zhu Jie's efforts are not in vain, but also allows her to find a new value in life.

When asked why she chose to change careers, Zhu Jie replied calmly: "I feel that my development in the film and television industry has encountered a bottleneck and lacks suitable resources. Therefore, this transformation is a new attempt and challenge.

It requires me to keep moving forward and work hard to learn new skills. She had a confident smile on her face, as if all the hardships of the past were a thing of the past.

Zhu Jie's success lies not only in her talent, but also in her perseverance and love of life. She used her personal experience to tell the world: no matter what kind of predicament you face, as long as you stick to your dreams and work hard, you will eventually reap your own wonderful life.

Zhu Jie: He is only 1.28 meters tall, and now he has become an Internet celebrity, with an annual income of hundreds of thousands without pressure, what is the reason

Zhu Jie's story has also become a source of motivation for countless people to move forward bravely.

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