
The 60-kilogram python was directly burned to death by the fire, and it has strong survival ability in the wild, why not choose to escape from the hole?

author:Fun facts classic stew
The 60-kilogram python was directly burned to death by the fire, and it has strong survival ability in the wild, why not choose to escape from the hole?
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The 60-kilogram python was directly burned to death by the fire, and it has strong survival ability in the wild, why not choose to escape from the hole?

In May 2020, the tranquility of the Dijiao forest area of Guangxi was shattered by a sudden forest fire. As the smoke cleared, firefighters found a shocking sight in a deep pit as they cleared the scene.

A large python lay there quietly, its body covered with severe burns. This giant python, which weighs 60 kilograms, is recognized as a rare Burmese python and is a second-class protected animal in the mainland.

Despite the best efforts of rescuers, the rainforest giant was eventually outbeaten by his injuries and left the world before waiting for the veterinarian to arrive.

In the ecosystem of the rainforest, the Burmese python is undoubtedly an awe-inspiring presence. This snake species occupies a special place in nature with its amazing size.

The 60-kilogram python was directly burned to death by the fire, and it has strong survival ability in the wild, why not choose to escape from the hole?

Adult Burmese pythons can reach an average length of six to seven meters and often weigh more than 180 kilograms, making them the giants of living snakes. They are not only widely distributed in the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia, but can also be found in the southern provinces of Fujian, Guangdong, and Guangxi on the mainland.

The Burmese python's predatory ability is equally impressive. With their large size, they are able to easily swallow sizable mammals such as goats or wild boars whole.

This feeding pattern allows Burmese pythons to go without food for long periods of time, and some individuals can even go unprey for the whole year. "One meal is enough, months without worry", this sentence vividly describes the eating habits of the Burmese python.

Although Burmese pythons are non-venomous snakes, they do not appear weak because of this. Instead, they rely on great muscular strength to subdue their prey. When spotted on a target, the Burmese python will quickly wrap around its prey, squeezing it by constantly tightening its body until it suffocates to death.

The 60-kilogram python was directly burned to death by the fire, and it has strong survival ability in the wild, why not choose to escape from the hole?

This "strangulation" technique makes the Burmese python a formidable predator in the jungle.

Over the course of its long evolution, adult Burmese pythons have had few real predators. Their relationship with crocodiles and tigers is more like predation than a one-sided hunt.

This ecological status makes the Burmese python often lack effective coping strategies in the face of sudden dangers.

However, the Burmese python is not completely incapable of self-preservation. Of all the pythons, the Burmese python moves the fastest. Even at short distances, they show amazing agility.

The 60-kilogram python was directly burned to death by the fire, and it has strong survival ability in the wild, why not choose to escape from the hole?

Theoretically, when confronted with an unconfrontational threat, the Burmese python should be able to flee quickly.

But in the face of natural disasters such as forest fires, the advantages that the Burmese python is proud of seem to have lost its effect. So, what caused this powerful creature to be unable to protect itself in the sea of fire? This question provokes deep thinking about the ability of pythons to survive and provides a unique perspective for us to understand the complexity of the natural world.

Despite their ability to survive in the wild, Burmese pythons have shown surprising vulnerability when confronted with forest fires. This vulnerability stems mainly from several key factors, which together constitute the Achilles' heel of the python in the fire.

First, the Burmese python has severely limited vision, which is especially deadly in fires. Unlike many other animals, pythons lack eyelids that can move up and down, and they do not have a protective mechanism called "transient membrane" in their eye structure.

The 60-kilogram python was directly burned to death by the fire, and it has strong survival ability in the wild, why not choose to escape from the hole?

This causes the python's vision to seem to be clouded with a veil. Under normal circumstances, pythons mainly rely on perceiving the movement of objects to judge their surroundings.

However, in the field of fire, this limitation of vision makes it difficult for pythons to accurately judge the direction and speed of the spread of the fire, greatly reducing the likelihood that they will escape in time.

Secondly, pythons rely primarily on forked tongues to perceive their environment. By constantly sticking out its tongue, pythons are able to capture odor particles in the air and pass this information to the brain for analysis through a special organ inside the mouth, a nose hoe.

This type of perception is very effective in normal situations, but it can be stretched thin in a fire. Due to the limited length of the tongue, it is difficult for pythons to detect the approach of danger in time unless the flames are already imminent.

The 60-kilogram python was directly burned to death by the fire, and it has strong survival ability in the wild, why not choose to escape from the hole?

By the time they finally perceive the threat, it's often too late.

In addition, the heat wave in the fire field poses an immediate threat to the life of the python. If inhaled too much air, pythons are highly susceptible to inhalation burns, which can cause rapid swelling of the airways, triggering shock and even death.

At the same time, the smoke and poisonous gases produced by forest fires can also cause serious harm to pythons. High concentrations of soot can cause airway obstruction, putting pythons at risk of suffocation.

Finally, the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning should not be overlooked. At the scene of a forest fire, especially in low-lying areas, it is easy to accumulate large amounts of carbon monoxide.

The 60-kilogram python was directly burned to death by the fire, and it has strong survival ability in the wild, why not choose to escape from the hole?

This colorless, odorless gas can quickly cause python poisoning, further weakening its ability to escape. In the case in the Dijiao forest area of Guangxi, the python was found in a small pit surrounded by vegetation, a terrain that is more prone to the accumulation of toxic gases and increases the risk of poisoning.

The combination of these factors makes the Burmese python, which is extremely strong in the wild, extremely vulnerable to forest fires. Their vaunted survival instincts and bodily functions were difficult to function in this extreme situation, which ultimately led to tragedy.

This incident not only revealed the cruel side of the natural world, but also reminded us of the need to better understand and protect these wild animals to create a safer environment for them to live.

After analyzing the limitations of the python itself, we also need to consider the impact of environmental factors on its escape. The characteristics of the forest fire in the corner forest area of Guangxi and the surrounding geographical environment have largely limited the escape opportunities of this 60-kilogram python.

The 60-kilogram python was directly burned to death by the fire, and it has strong survival ability in the wild, why not choose to escape from the hole?

First, the speed at which forest fires are spreading is alarming. In this mountainous terrain, fire can engulf an entire mountain in just a few minutes. In the face of such a swift fire, even the Burmese python, which is known for its agility, struggled to react in time.

To make matters worse, thick smoke and heat waves in the fires can quickly destroy the python's familiar environmental signs. Without these guidance, it is difficult for the python to find the right way to escape in the chaos.

Considering the python's limited cognitive abilities, it is almost impossible to make the right escape decision in such a situation.

Secondly, the topographical features of the fire scene also increase the difficulty of evacuation. According to reports, the location where the python was found was a small pit surrounded by vegetation.

The 60-kilogram python was directly burned to death by the fire, and it has strong survival ability in the wild, why not choose to escape from the hole?

This terrain easily forms a natural "furnace" in which heat and toxic gases build up quickly, quickly creating a deadly environment. The python may have strayed into this low-lying area while looking for shelter, unaware that this would be its burial place.

In addition, the type of vegetation in the area is also an important factor. The mountainous area is home to a large number of masson pine trees, which are rich in flammable resin. This not only speeds up the spread of the fire, but also makes the fire last longer.

The dense pine forest creates a continuous flammable area that provides ample fuel for the fire and greatly reduces the time window for rescue.

One might ask, as a semi-aquatic creature, why can't pythons seek water to take refuge? This seemingly feasible solution faces a number of obstacles in practice.

The 60-kilogram python was directly burned to death by the fire, and it has strong survival ability in the wild, why not choose to escape from the hole?

First of all, the fire scene was located on a steep hillside, and there was no obvious body of water nearby. Even if there are small streams, they may have dried up during the dry season. Second, even if a water source is found, the python needs to store enough gas in an extremely oxygen-deprived environment to enter the water safely.

This is almost impossible to achieve given the air quality in the fire.

Even if pythons successfully dive into the water, they will usually only be able to hold out underwater for about half an hour. Forest fires often last much longer than that. The fire reportedly continued to burn for up to six hours.

For such a long time, it is impossible for a python to hide under water all the time. Once they surface to breathe, they are again threatened by high temperatures and toxic gases.

The 60-kilogram python was directly burned to death by the fire, and it has strong survival ability in the wild, why not choose to escape from the hole?

All these factors combined to make this 60-pound python almost no chance to escape in the face of a sudden forest fire. It could only watch as it was surrounded by flames, eventually coming to the end of its life under the threat of extreme heat and toxic gases.

This tragic end not only reflects the ruthlessness of natural disasters, but also reveals the fragility of ecosystems, reminding us that we must pay more attention to forest fire prevention and ecological protection.

The tragedy in Guangxi's Dijiao forest area is not an isolated case. In 2021, the Indonesian island of Sumatra and Kalimantan suffered similar forest fires. When the fire was finally brought under control, rescuers found a heartbreaking scene in the fire.

A huge python, its body blackened by the fire, still clinging to a tree. What is even more shocking is that the female python is surrounded by six unhatched snake eggs, and other eggs are scattered around.

The 60-kilogram python was directly burned to death by the fire, and it has strong survival ability in the wild, why not choose to escape from the hole?

This scene deeply touched everyone present, especially the police officers who participated in the rescue.

The scene seems to tell a silent story: the mother python may have tried to bring her offspring to life in the critical moment of the spread of the fire.

However, in the face of the irresistible forces of nature, it finally failed to do so, and slept in the fire with the unborn baby snake.

This case not only reaffirms the vulnerability of pythons in the face of forest fires, but also shows the instinctive reaction of living beings in the face of disasters. Even in the last moments of life, the power of motherhood still drives this python to try to protect its offspring.

The 60-kilogram python was directly burned to death by the fire, and it has strong survival ability in the wild, why not choose to escape from the hole?

This tenacious will to survive is particularly poignant in the face of force majeure natural disasters.

The similarities between these two tragic events provide us with an opportunity to think deeply. They not only reveal the cruel side of the natural world, but also highlight the resilience of life and the greatness of motherhood.

At the same time, these cases also strongly remind us that we must pay more attention to forest fire prevention and ecological protection to avoid the recurrence of similar tragedies.

When carrying out outdoor activities or scientific work, we must always be vigilant and strictly follow fire prevention regulations. Even if you use an open flame if necessary, make sure it is completely extinguished before leaving.

The 60-kilogram python was directly burned to death by the fire, and it has strong survival ability in the wild, why not choose to escape from the hole?

We should keep in mind that a small oversight can lead to the destruction of an entire ecosystem.

Through these tragedies, we have become more aware of the importance of ecological protection. Everyone should contribute to maintaining the ecological balance, let us work together to create a safer and more harmonious home for all life on earth.

Only in this way can we truly achieve harmony between man and nature and ensure that similar tragedies are never repeated.

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