
What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18

author:Fun facts classic stew
What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18
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What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18

On the registration day of freshmen in a high school in Shenzhen, a special figure attracted everyone's attention. 18-year-old Sun Zhuo, a full two years older than his classmates, looked out of place standing at the school gate.

His slightly cramped posture and slightly confused eyes seem to tell an unknown past.

This seemingly ordinary boy is the prototype character of the sensational movie "Dear". Why is it that an age that should be on college campus has just begun high school life? What kind of twists and turns and bizarre life experience are hidden behind Sun Zhuo? Let's unravel this story that is both heartbreaking and hopeful.

Sun Zhuo's life trajectory took a dramatic turn when he was 4 years old. What should have been a childhood full of laughter and laughter was completely changed by a sudden change.

What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18

As a young child, he was sent to a farming family in Shandong and lost contact with his biological parents in Shenzhen.

During his days in Shandong, although Sun Zhuo was taken care of by his adoptive parents, there was always a vacancy in his heart that could not be filled. In the dead of night, he often looks out the window at the starry sky and imagines where his true home is.

There are two older sisters in the adoptive parents' family, although they treat him well, but the blood gap always exists, which makes Sun Zhuo feel a little out of place.

For Sun Zhuo's biological parents in the past 14 years, every day has been a torment. They are running around, looking for their children. Shenzhen's streets and alleys are plastered with missing person notices, but the spark of hope has become weaker and weaker as time goes by.

What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18

They have experienced countless disappointments and heartbreaks, but they have never given up on finding their children.

It wasn't until Sun Zhuo was 18 years old that the god of fate finally favored this long-suffering family. Through DNA matching, long-lost relatives are finally reunited. When Sun Zhuo met his biological parents for the first time, the strong emotional impact made him burst into tears.

At that moment, 14 years of longing, pain and confusion turned into tears of hugging and crying.

This reunion is both the end of the long wait and the beginning of a new life. For Sun Zhuo, he has finally found his roots, but at the same time he faces great challenges.

What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18

How to fill the gap of 14 years? How do you adapt to a new home environment? How to deal with the gap between yourself and your peers? These issues take time and courage to face.

The euphoria after the reunion is quickly diluted by the gap in reality. Sun Zhuo found that there was an unbridgeable generation gap between himself and his biological parents, and he was even more frustrated by the gap in education between him and his siblings.

However, the blood is thicker than water, and the affection gives him the strength to face these challenges.

The joy of the reunion is quickly diluted by the gap in reality. Sun Zhuo was surprised to find that there was an unimaginable gap between himself and his siblings.

What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18

His sister, a woman with the temperament of a scholar, is studying for a PhD at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. On every video call, my sister would enthusiastically share her research progress.

However, for Sun Zhuo, these terms are like a book from heaven. He could only smile and nod, but his heart was full of powerlessness and inferiority. The international academic conferences and cutting-edge research projects that his sister talked about were unattainable dreams for him.

The younger brother is the pride of the family, a scholar with excellent character and learning. Not only excellent academic performance, but also versatile. The heroic posture on the basketball court, the elegant posture when skating, and the dazzling array of awards and trophies all made Sun Zhuo feel both envious and strange.

He once secretly tried to play basketball, but he was always in a hurry, and he couldn't do even the most basic dribbling. Every time he saw his younger brother's outstanding performance on the sports field, Sun Zhuo would involuntarily lower his head and feel deeply frustrated.

What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18

In comparison, Sun Zhuo's life experience seems so thin. At the age of 18, he had never even taken a high-speed train, let alone taken a plane. When his younger brother happily recounted his experience of flying to other places to compete, Sun Zhuo could only listen quietly, imagining what it would be like.

His world seems to be confined to a small rural area, isolated from the wonderful world outside.

The gap in education level made Sun Zhuo even more frustrated. While other peers were already sprinting for the college entrance examination, he had just stepped into high school. Faced with unfamiliar textbooks and complex knowledge points, Sun Zhuo often felt powerless.

Sometimes, he would sneak into the grove behind the school and cry, grieving the years he had missed.

What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18

However, despite these enormous challenges, Sun Zhuo did not give up. He knew he had to work extra hard to catch up. Every morning, while the rest of his classmates were still asleep, he had begun to silently recite texts in the classroom.

During the lunch break, he would take the initiative to ask the teacher questions he didn't understand. When he came home in the evening, he would continue to study until late at night. This desperate effort made his adoptive parents feel distressed, and also made his biological parents feel sad and blamed.

Sun Zhuo's efforts were not without reward. Slowly, his results began to improve. Although there is still a big gap compared to his sister and brother, the speed of his progress surprised everyone.

This gave Sun Zhuo great encouragement and made him more determined to catch up.

What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18

In the face of such a huge gap, Sun Zhuo sometimes feels frustrated and powerless. But whenever he saw the expectant eyes of his parents and thought of the encouragement of his sister and brother, he would rekindle his fighting spirit.

He knows that although the starting point is different, as long as he keeps working hard, one day he will be able to narrow the gap with his relatives and create a wonderful life of his own.

Sun Zhuo's experience is not only a turning point in his personal destiny, but also reflects the huge differences in educational resources in different regions of China. This disparity is particularly evident in the two very different growth environments of rural Shandong and Shenzhen.

In the countryside of Shandong, Sun Zhuo's adoptive parents were simple farmers. Although they did their best to take care of Sun Zhuo, they could not match the urban families in terms of educational resources.

What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18

The poor facilities of the village school, the dilapidated desks and chairs in the classrooms, and the potholes on the playground are all the daily routines of Sun Zhuo's childhood. Although the teachers are conscientious, due to the limited environment and resources, there is still a certain gap between the teaching level and teaching philosophy compared with the city.

Sun Zhuo recalls that in primary school, physical education classes could not be carried out due to lack of equipment, as well as limited extracurricular activities, which limited his all-round development.

When Sun Zhuo first walked into a school in Shenzhen, he was amazed by what he saw. Spacious and bright classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, and a well-stocked library were like nothing he had ever seen in rural Shandong.

He couldn't help but reach out and touch the brand-new desk, his heart filled with excitement and mixed emotions.

What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18

However, this gap is not only reflected in the hardware. More important are the differences in educational philosophies and methods. In Shenzhen, children are encouraged from an early age to think independently and express their opinions.

There was a lot of interaction in the class, and the students actively participated in the discussions. In rural Shandong, traditional cramming education is still dominant, and students are more passive recipients of knowledge.

This difference caused Sun Zhuo to often feel unconfident when communicating with people and was afraid to express his thoughts.

Faced with such a gap, Sun Zhuo felt both frustrated and motivated. He understands that it takes more effort than the average person to close these gaps. But he also firmly believes that if given the opportunity, he will be able to catch up.

What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18

Sun Zhuo's experience is not only a story of personal struggle, but also a microcosm of the uneven distribution of educational resources in China. It reminds us that narrowing the educational gap between regions and giving every child a fair chance to receive quality education is an important issue that the whole society needs to face and solve together.

After reuniting with his biological parents, Sun Zhuo's life ushered in earth-shaking changes. On the one hand, he finally found his roots and felt the family affection that blood is thicker than water; On the other hand, he also faced unprecedented challenges.

Adjusting to a new family life was not an easy task for Sun Zhuo. Although his parents and siblings loved him, the estrangement caused by 14 years of separation could not be eliminated in a short time.

A simple family dinner would make Sun Zhuo feel uncomfortable, and he didn't know how to properly address these relatives and couldn't integrate into their daily conversations. Every interaction is like a cautious temptation for fear of saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing.

What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18

In terms of learning, Sun Zhuo's challenges are even greater. He had to fill in the gaps in his knowledge for many years in a short period of time, which was undoubtedly a huge pressure for him.

Every night, when the other students were resting, Sun Zhuo was still working the textbook. Sometimes, he gets frustrated because he can't keep up, but never thinks of giving up.

Those knowledge points that were once taken for granted are difficulties that need to be overcome for him.

However, the reunion also brings new hope. His parents hired a tutor for Sun Zhuo to help him with his homework. His siblings often shared their learning experiences with him and patiently answered his questions.

What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18

Slowly, Sun Zhuo's grades began to improve significantly, which gave him great encouragement.

What touched Sun Zhuo the most was that despite the huge gap between him and his family, they never made him feel inferior. On the contrary, every small step forward is praised and encouraged by the whole family.

The understanding and tolerance of his parents, and the support and companionship of his brothers and sisters have become the biggest motivation for Sun Zhuo to move forward.

Although this post-reunion experience was full of challenges, it also made Sun Zhuo feel the unconditional love and support of his family. He understands that although 14 years have been lost, the future is still full of possibilities.

What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18

As long as you have the support of your family, you can go further on the most difficult road.

Sun Zhuo's story is not only a personal joys and sorrows, but also a profound warning to the whole society. It reminds us to attach great importance to family education and cherish family affection, and at the same time, we must also be vigilant against child trafficking and other crimes that seriously endanger society.

This heart-wrenching experience has sparked deep thinking about equity in education. With such a large disparity in educational resources between regions, how can every child have a fair chance to receive quality education? This is an important issue that the whole society needs to face and solve together.

Sun Zhuo's story tells us that even if we encounter misfortune, as long as we have a strong will and the support of our family, we will be able to overcome difficulties and create miracles. It inspires us to cherish the happiness that is in front of us, but also to reach out and help those in need.

What did Sun Zhuo, the prototype of "Darling", lose? My sister and brother are top students, and he started his first year of high school at the age of 18

Finally, let's work together to create a safe, loving and hopeful environment for every child. Only in this way can we avoid more tragedies like Sun Zhuo, so that every child can grow up healthy and happy and realize their dreams.

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