
"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute


Introduction The finals of "Riding the Wind 2024" are about to kick off, and as one of the most watched variety shows of the year, this grand performance has attracted the attention of a large number of audiences and media. During the rehearsal stage of the finals, the performances, looks and interactions between the sisters became hot topics. The state of each contestant in the rehearsal not only reveals their expectations and preparation for the final stage, but also reflects their hard work and perseverance. This article gives you a glimpse of this wonderful finals through a detailed analysis of the performance and styling of the sisters in the rehearsal.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

The cooperation stage of the sisters In the last cooperation stage of the finals, the sisters showed a super high degree of tacit understanding and professionalism. This stage is not only a great display of their musical talents, but also an emotional exchange and collision. Every step of the dance, every lyric, is full of the deep feelings they have accumulated over the years. It is worth mentioning that their well-designed costumes also add a lot of color to this stage. Whether it's dazzling lighting or gorgeous costumes, it immerses the audience in a dreamlike world.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Liu Xin - Cool style reappearance Liu Xin has always been known for her cool style in this season, and during the rehearsal for the finals, she chose a red shirt with black leather pants to show her handsome side again. Her firm and powerful stride and sharp eyes all show her strong personal style. During the performance, she performed the whole song vividly with her unique voice and skillful dancing skills, which made people fall in love with it.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Chen Lijun – Complex Styling and Leadership StyleAs a team leader, Lijun Chen is under tremendous pressure not only to ensure that her performance is flawless, but also to lead the entire team to success. In the rehearsal for the finals, she chose a highly complex look, which was multi-layered and multi-elemental, showing her unique aesthetic and fearless attitude. Nevertheless, it is not only her complex but chic appearance that catches the eye, but also her calm, confident, and never-say-die leadership style, which is an important reason why she can gain super popularity and is expected to compete for the first place.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Chen Haoyu – A battle between competitorsChen Haoyu is also a high-profile player, and she and Chen Lijun have formed a fierce rivalry. In the rehearsal, Chen Haoyu showed his very individual look, which is completely different from Chen Lijun but is also difficult to ignore. The contrast between the two is not only reflected in appearance, but also in the contest of temperament and expressiveness. As a fierce rival, at a time when the competition is becoming more and more intense, every appearance has become an important part of the comparison between each other.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Han Xue - Experience and evaluation Han Xue has maintained a high level since she participated in "Sister Lang". After the live broadcast, she still maintained a good state, without the slightest slack or fatigue. In the eyes of fans and the public, Han Xue is a person who truly knows how to move people's hearts with music. This evaluation is not only lip service, but also reflects the recognition of the nuanced and emotionally rich level of her work. Because of this, Han Xue in the rehearsal for the finals still continued this elegance and professionalism.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Xie Jinyan - Image Management and Group Formation DilemmaXie Jinyan has always been good at image management, and she still maintains the best condition even in a harsh environment. However, despite her outstanding ability, she faces the problem of a weak fan base. Against the backdrop of little hope of forming a group, she has shown admirable tenacity, and regardless of the final outcome, she has earned a place in the hearts of a part of the audience through her performance.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Miao Miao - Youthful Transformation Miao Miao has undergone significant changes since she dyed her red hair, not only becoming more beautiful, but also looking younger overall. This change has brought her a new vitality and greatly increased the possibility of forming a group. In the rehearsal for the finals, Miao Miao's performance was stable and passionate, which won more supporters for herself and added confidence to the final group.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Liu Yan - Fairytale Cute Style Liu Yan chose a cute white puffy dress for this rehearsal, a decision that was undoubtedly the result of careful consideration. In terms of mental state, she has always maintained a positive attitude, and this optimism has infected everyone around her. Moreover, her business ability is not inferior, whether it is singing or dancing skills, she has shown a very high level, which is impressive.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Shang Wenjie - Explosive Head and Future ProspectsShang Wenjie chose the iconic explosive head shape this time, and this bold attempt is unforgettable. Not only that, but she has a huge fan base, which also provides a reliable guarantee for her group prospects. Judging from the current situation, whether it is in the eyes of the audience or in terms of actual performance, she has a high chance of winning, and she is very hopeful of becoming one of the final winners.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Zhu Dan - strength and luck coexist, many viewers think that Zhu Dan can advance to the finals not only by luck, but also because she has a certain strength. Judging from the actual situation, in the rehearsal stage of the finals, Zhu Dan's performance was very stable, and he won the recognition of the judges and the audience many times. This allows the discussion around him about "luck" and "strength" to be put on hold and enjoy all the benefits of the game.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Zhang Yuxi - Sexy Goddess Descends Zhang Yuxi, as a sexy goddess, has attracted a lot of attention from the beginning. In the finals scene, every appearance of her is amazing, whether it is moving or singing and dancing, it gives people a visual enjoyment. In addition, whenever the camera captures Zhang Yuxi, the natural self-confidence makes everyone admire. Therefore, in this season of the show, she is undoubtedly one of the brightest rising stars.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Fan opinions and expectations have different expectations for which sister can finally form a group. Some people are keen on Liu Xin's cool and handsome, while others are attracted by Chen Lijun's strong leadership; There are also people who are overwhelmed by Han Xue's warm healing power. No matter who can stand at the top in the end, this process has allowed us to witness the hard work and struggle behind each player, and I believe that no matter what the result is, every soul who pays with heart is worthy of respect and love. This is the charm of "Riding the Wind 2024", and it is also one of the important reasons for its popularity.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

ConclusionWith the finals of "Riding the Wind 2024" approaching, every contestant is nervously and excitedly preparing for the final sprint. The success of this season's show would not have been possible without the dedication of all the contestants and the people who supported their dreams. A wonderful and exciting show is about to be unveiled, let us look forward to this peak moment together, and witness the power of women riding the wind and waves shine again!

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Introduction The finals of "Riding the Wind 2024" are about to debut, and this high-profile variety show has attracted the attention of many viewers and media. During the rehearsal stage, the performance, styling and interaction of each sister became a hot topic. Their state on stage not only shows the anticipation and preparation for the final performance, but also reflects the hard work and perseverance behind the scenes. This article will analyze the performance and styling of the sisters in detail in the rehearsal, and take you to enjoy this extraordinary finals feast.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

The cooperation stage of the sisters On the last cooperation stage, the sisters showed a high degree of tacit understanding and professionalism. This is not only a great display of their musical talents, but also a convergence of emotional exchanges and collisions. Every step of the dance and every lyric is full of deep feelings accumulated over the years. Elaborate costumes and costumes grace the performance, and the fantastic lighting immerses the audience.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Liu Xin's cool style reproduction Liu Xin is known for her cool style, and during the rehearsal, she chose a red shirt with black leather pants, which is very handsome. Her firm and powerful stride and sharp eyes reveal her strong personal style. In the performance, she performed the whole song vividly and vividly with her unique voice and skillful dancing skills, which was fascinating.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

As a team leader, Chen Lijun is under tremendous pressure not only to ensure that her performance is flawless, but also to lead the team to success. She chooses a highly complex shape, which is multi-layered and multi-elemental, revealing a unique aesthetic and fearless attitude. Her calm, confident, and never-say-die leadership temperament has made her popular and expected to compete for the first place.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Chen Haoyu's competition between competitors Chen Haoyu also attracted much attention, forming a fierce competition with Chen Lijun. In the rehearsal, she showed off a very personal look, which is very different from Chen Lijun but is no less eye-catching. The contrast between the two is not only reflected in their appearance, but also in the contest of temperament and expressiveness, and every appearance has become an important part of comparing with each other.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Han Xue's experience and evaluation: Han Xue has maintained a high standard since she participated in "Sister Lang". After the live broadcast, she was still in good condition, without the slightest slack or fatigue. In the eyes of fans and the public, Han Xue is a person who truly touches people's hearts with music. This kind of evaluation is not only verbal, but also reflected in the recognition of the delicate and emotionally rich level of the work. In the rehearsal, she continued to be elegant and professional.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Xie Jinyan's image management and group formation dilemmaXie Jinyan is good at image management, and she still maintains her best condition even in a harsh environment. However, she faces the problem of a weak fan base, and there is little hope of forming a group. But the tenacity she has shown is admirable, and regardless of the outcome, she has earned a deep place in the hearts of a part of the audience through her performance.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Miao Miao's rejuvenation has changed significantly after Miao Miao's red hair is dyed, not only becoming more beautiful, but also looking younger. This gives her a new energy and makes it more likely. In the rehearsal, she was stable and passionate, gaining more supporters for herself and adding confidence to the eventual group.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Liu Yan's fairytale cute style Liu Yan chose a cute white puffy dress, and this decision was well thought out. From the point of view of her mental state, she has always maintained a positive attitude, and this optimistic spirit is infectious to everyone around her. Moreover, whether it is singing or dancing, she has shown a high level, which is impressive.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Shang Wenjie's explosive head and future prospectsShang Wenjie chose the iconic explosive head shape this time, and her bold attempt is unforgettable. At the same time, she has a huge fan base, which provides a reliable guarantee for her group prospects. Judging from the current situation, regardless of the status in the minds of the audience or the actual expressiveness, she has a high chance of winning and is very hopeful of becoming one of the final winners.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Zhu Dan's strength and luck coexist, and many viewers believe that Zhu Dan's ability to advance to the finals depends not only on luck, but also on strength. In the rehearsal stage of the finals, Zhu Dan's performance was very stable, and he won the recognition of the judges and the audience many times, so that the discussion around luck and strength was temporarily put aside, and he could enjoy all the benefits of the competition wholeheartedly.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Zhang Yuxi's sexy goddess descended, and Zhang Yuxi's sexy goddess image attracted a lot of attention from the beginning. At the finals scene, every appearance is amazing, whether it is moving or singing and dancing, it gives people a visual enjoyment. In addition, the natural outpouring of confidence amazed everyone, and it was undoubtedly one of the brightest rising stars in this season of the show.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Fan opinions and expectations have different expectations for which sister can finally form a group. Some are keen on Liu Xin's cool and handsome, some are attracted by Chen Lijun's strong leadership, and some are overwhelmed by Han Xue's warm healing power. No matter who can stand at the top in the end, this process has witnessed the hard work and struggle behind every player, and I believe that no matter what the result is, every soul who pays with his heart is worthy of respect and love. This is the charm of "Riding the Wind 2024", and it is also one of the important reasons for its popularity.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Epilogue With the finals of "Riding the Wind 2024" approaching, every contestant is nervous and excited to prepare for the sprint. The success of this season's show would not have been possible without the dedication of all the contestants and the people who supported their dreams. A wonderful and exciting show is about to be unveiled, let us look forward to this peak moment together, and witness the power of women riding the wind and waves shine again!

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

The finals of "Riding the Wind 2024" are about to make a shocking debut, and this high-profile variety show has attracted the attention of a large number of viewers and media. During the rehearsal stage, the performances, styling and interactions between the sisters became hot topics, revealing their expectations and preparations for the final stage, as well as their hard work and perseverance. This article will analyze the performance and styling of the sisters in rehearsal in detail, and lead readers to get a glimpse of this wonderful finals feast.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

On the last stage of cooperation, the sisters showed a high degree of tacit understanding and professionalism. This is not only a great display of their musical talents, but also an emotional exchange and collision. Every step of the dance and every lyric is full of deep emotions accumulated over the years. Elaborate costumes and dazzling lighting effects grace the show, making the audience feel like they are in a dreamlike world.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Liu Xin is known for her cool style, and during the rehearsal for the finals, she chose a red shirt with black leather pants to show her handsome side again. Her firm and powerful stride and sharp eyes all show her strong personal style. During the performance, she performed the whole song vividly with her unique voice and skillful dancing skills, which made people fall in love with it.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

As the team leader, Chen Lijun is under tremendous pressure not only to ensure that her performance is flawless, but also to lead the entire team to success. She chose a highly complex set of shapes, which are multi-layered and multi-elemental, revealing her unique aesthetic and fearless attitude. Calm and confident, and the leadership temperament of never giving up makes Chen Lijun popular, and she is expected to compete for the first place.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Chen Haoyu is also a high-profile player, and she and Chen Lijun have formed a fierce competition. In the rehearsal, Chen Haoyu showed his very individual look, which is completely different from Chen Lijun but is also difficult to ignore. The contrast between the two is not only reflected in appearance, but also in temperament and expressiveness. As a fierce rival, every appearance has become an important link in the comparison between each other.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Han Xue has maintained a high level since she participated in "Sister Lang". After the live broadcast, she was still in good shape, without the slightest slack or fatigue. In the eyes of fans and the public, Han Xue is a person who truly knows how to move people's hearts with music. This evaluation is not only lip service, but also reflects the recognition of the nuanced and emotionally rich level of her work. Therefore, Han Xue in the rehearsal of the finals still continued this elegance and professionalism.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Xie Jinyan has always been known for her image management, and she still maintains her best condition even in a harsh environment. However, despite her outstanding ability, she faces the problem of a weak fan base. Against the backdrop of little hope of forming a group, she has shown admirable tenacity, and regardless of the final outcome, she has earned a place in the hearts of a part of the audience through her performance.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Since Miao Miao dyed her red hair, her image has changed significantly, not only becoming more beautiful, but also looking younger overall. This change has brought her a new vitality and greatly increased the possibility of forming a group. In the rehearsal for the finals, Miao Miao's performance was stable and passionate, which won more supporters for herself and added confidence to the final group.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Liu Yan chose a lovely white puffy dress for this rehearsal, and this decision was well thought out. In terms of mental state, she has always maintained a positive attitude, and this optimism has infected everyone around her. Moreover, in terms of singing and dancing skills, she also showed a very high level, which was impressive.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Shang Wenjie chose the iconic explosion head shape this time, and this bold attempt is unforgettable. In addition, she has a large fan base, which also provides a reliable guarantee for her group prospects. Judging from the current situation, whether it is in the eyes of the audience or in terms of actual performance, she has a high chance of winning, and she is very hopeful of becoming one of the final winners.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Many viewers believe that Zhu Dan was able to advance to the final not only by luck, but also because she has a certain strength. Judging from the actual situation, in the rehearsal stage of the finals, Zhu Dan's performance was very stable, and he won the recognition of the judges and the audience many times. This allows the discussion around him about luck and strength to put aside for a while and enjoy all the benefits that the game brings.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

Zhang Yuxi, as a sexy goddess, has attracted a lot of attention from the beginning. In the finals scene, every appearance is amazing, whether it is moving or singing and dancing, it gives people a visual enjoyment. In addition, whenever the camera captures Zhang Yuxi, the natural self-confidence makes everyone admire. Therefore, in this season of the show, she is undoubtedly one of the brightest rising stars.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

As for which sister can finally form a group, every fan has different expectations. Some are keen on Liu Xin's cool and handsome, some are attracted by Chen Lijun's strong leadership, and some are overwhelmed by Han Xue's warm healing power. No matter who can stand at the top in the end, this process has allowed us to witness the hard work and struggle behind every player, and I believe that no matter what the result is, every soul who pays hard is worthy of respect and love. This is the charm of "Riding the Wind 2024", and it is also one of the important reasons for its popularity.

"Sister Lang 5" finals rehearsal Reuters, Chen Lijun's style is too thunderous, and Liu Yan's puffy skirt is cute

With the finals of "Riding the Wind 2024" approaching, every contestant is nervous and excited to prepare for the final sprint. The success of this season's show would not have been possible without the dedication of all the contestants and the people who supported their dreams. A wonderful and exciting show is about to be unveiled, let us look forward to this peak moment together, and witness the power of women riding the wind and waves shine again!

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