
Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

author:Lychee chatter

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Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

Edit: Lychee chatter

Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's birthday in the early morning, and his high-profile confession was sweet

In the early morning of June 28, Xiao Jingteng posted a moving message on Weibo to celebrate his wife Lin Youhui's 51st birthday. He affectionately called his wife "A Pig Melon" and carefully prepared a birthday party for her. The party scene was very romantic, with pink balloons and a background board that said "Summer Happy Birthday", full of love.

Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

Sweet couple clothes attract attention

In the photo with Lin Youhui posted by Xiao Jingteng, the two are wearing matching couple clothes, with uniform colors and simple and generous designs. Xiao Jingteng put one hand on his wife's shoulder, looking intimate. Such details not only show the tacit understanding between them, but also reflect their love for each other. The couple looks more and more husband and wife, and people can't help but sigh at the harmony and beauty that time has given them.

Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

Lin Youhui's frozen age

Lin Youhui's status in the photo has attracted widespread attention. Her skin is firm, her smile is bright, and she can't tell that she has a 14-year age difference with Xiao Jingteng at all. She smiled with crooked eyes, with the shyness and cuteness of a girl, as if time had stood still in her. Such a state is not only the maintenance of the appearance, but also the inner satisfaction and pleasure brought by a happy marriage. At first glance, it looks like a very happy married life.

Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

A heartwarming moment of interaction between the two

In the group photo, Xiao Jingteng turned sideways slightly, with a happy smile on his face, obviously very satisfied with this birthday party. Lin Youhui snuggled up to him gently, looking very natural and relaxed. This tacit interaction is not only expressed in the photos, but also the embodiment of the deep relationship that the two have cultivated over a long period of time.

Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

A true portrayal of a happy marriage

This group photo not only shows the happiness of the two, but also allows people to see the true portrayal of their marriage. Marriage in the entertainment industry often attracts attention and doubts, but Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui proved their relationship with practical actions. In the midst of many doubts and public opinion, they have always stood firmly together and defended each other's happiness with love and action.

Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

The cultivation of husband and wife and tacit understanding

Husbands and wives will become more and more husband and wife after being together for a long time, and this sentence has been perfectly verified by Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui. Not only are they becoming more and more similar in appearance, but even their temperament and demeanor are becoming more and more harmonious. This kind of "husband and wife" is not only the result of getting along for a long time, but also the embodiment of the deep feelings and tacit understanding between the two. With their common experience and time, they gradually merged into each other's best companions.

Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

A girl's heart in marriage

Lin Youhui is 51 years old, but under Xiao Jingteng's favor, she still maintains a girlish heart. Her smile and her shyness make people feel young and happy in her heart. This state is not only a manifestation of her appearance, but also a true reflection of her inner world. Xiao Jingteng's love and care made her find true happiness and satisfaction in her marriage.

Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

Romantic surprises, big screen support

I thought that such copywriting and group photos were romantic enough, but I didn't expect Xiao Jingteng to have a bigger surprise. He prepared a number of high-profile support for Lin Youhui on the big screen to celebrate her birthday. This is simply the treatment of a big star, and the sense of ceremony is full! Xiao Jingteng also wrote a sweet copy on Weibo: "June is summer, summer is Summer, Summer is Lin Youhui, Lin Youhui is a pig melon, A pig melon is a birthday today, you will always be my A pig melon, we will always be together, happy birthday, your eternal love treasure." ”

Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

Enthusiastic response from netizens

Xiao Jingteng's operation made netizens sigh: "Xiao Jingteng, you love it so much", "Xiao Jingteng is really a good man", "It's so obvious that a man doesn't care", "It's a little too romantic", "You kid understands romance". Even the robot in the Weibo comment area swallowed it, and couldn't help but send blessings. Xiao Jingteng also recorded Lin Youhui's reaction when she saw the surprise she prepared, the couple sat in the car and passed by the big screen all the way, Lin Youhui sometimes laughed and sometimes covered her face shyly, the two talked and laughed, and they got along easily and sweetly.

Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

Happiness in married life

Lin Youhui said with a smile: "Xiao Jingteng, can you let me keep a little privacy", but it can be seen that her happiness is about to overflow the screen. In a relationship, age is really not a problem, and when you meet the right person, you must be brave enough to pursue your own happiness. On this day last year, Xiao Jingteng proposed to Lin Youhui on her birthday, publicly confirming the relationship between the two for the first time.

Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

Affectionate confession, touching the audience

Xiao Jingteng affectionately confessed to Lin Youhui when he proposed: "In the past 16 years, we have secretly loved each other, even the best friends around us, the closest family members, have not heard a word of confirmation from us, from now on, I want to let the world know that you have never been alone, I want to share your hard work for you, I hope this day did not make you wait too long." Xiao Jingteng choked up and said to Lin Youhui: "In the past, everyone couldn't see my love for you, but from today on, I want to work hard and love you with my life." Now it seems that Xiao Jingteng has done what he said!

Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

A romantic proposal witnessed by friends in the circle

On this day last year, Xiao Jingteng proposed to Lin Youhui on her birthday, and Xiao Jingteng also invited a number of friends inside and outside the circle, including Jay Chou Kunling, Jia Jingwen Xiu Jiekai, etc., to witness, and less than half a year after the proposal, the marriage was officially announced in October of the same year. This Lin Youhui's birthday is the first time Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday after marriage, which shows that he is very attentive. The big screen shows his love in a high-profile manner, letting everyone know his love for her.

Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

High-profile announcement of the good news of marriage

Less than half a year after the proposal, Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui announced the good news of their marriage in October of the same year. The two posted a set of sweet wedding photos on Weibo, officially announcing their marriage to the public. This news once again aroused widespread attention and blessings, and netizens sent their blessings one after another, wishing them happiness. Xiao Jingteng wrote on Weibo: "From now on, we will face the ups and downs of life together and share every beautiful moment in life together." This passage not only expresses his expectations for marriage, but also shows his deep affection for Lin Youhui.

Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

The daily sweetness of the couple

After getting married, Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui still maintain a strong sweetness. They often attend various events together, and from time to time they post sweet photos on social media. Whether at home or on the go, they are always inseparable and care for each other. Although Lin Youhui said with a smile: "Xiao Jingteng, can you let me keep a little privacy", it can be seen from her expression that her happiness is about to overflow the screen. This sense of happiness is not only because of Xiao Jingteng's intentions and romance, but also because of the deep feelings and tacit understanding between the two.

Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

The love miracle of the age difference

Lin Youhui is 14 years older than Xiao Jingteng, but age has never been an obstacle to their relationship. This age difference makes their feelings deeper and more mature. Lin Youhui's gentleness and thoughtfulness and Xiao Jingteng's youthful vitality form a perfect complement. When the two are together, they are always full of laughter and happiness, and this happiness makes people see the miracle of love. No matter what the outside world says, they always stand firmly together and prove the power of true love with practical actions.

Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday and prepares a surprise high-profile show of affection, it is really obvious whether a man loves you or not

The power and happiness of love

There is a 14-year age gap between the two, but they have proved that age is not an issue. As long as two people love each other, any difficulties can be overcome.

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