
"Lin Youhui's happiness is coming! Xiao Jingteng celebrates his birthday in a high-profile manner, and the shopping mall projection screen shows his love! "

author:Book from the sky

Xiao Jingteng shows off romance! On the day of his wife's 51st birthday, Xiao Jingteng showed his affectionate confession to his wife on the screens of major shopping malls. This scene touched countless people, and people couldn't help but praise Lin Youhui for marrying the right person.

Xiao Jingteng celebrates his wife's birthday, and there are many surprises

That morning, he personally prepared an exquisite breakfast for Lin Youhui and attached a warm birthday wish. And that's just the beginning, more exciting things are yet to come!

"Lin Youhui's happiness is coming! Xiao Jingteng celebrates his birthday in a high-profile manner, and the shopping mall projection screen shows his love! "

Major shopping malls project screens to show love, and romance is not endless

In the afternoon, the billboards of major shopping malls suddenly lit up, and photos of Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui were projected on the screen, accompanied by beautiful music, and the big characters scrolled "Happy birthday, my love!" "It's like a romantic meteor shower in the starry sky, lighting up the whole city. Passers-by all stopped to watch and sent blessings to this loving couple.

Lin Youhui married right, and the sweetness continued

It is reported that Lin Youhui and Xiao Jingteng have been married for many years, and the two have always shown affection. Although Lin Youhui is over 50 years old, she is still radiant and is called a "goddess" by netizens. At the same time, she is also an excellent entrepreneur with a successful career and a happy family. Xiao Jingteng posted on Twitter: "Marrying Lin Youhui, I really married the right one!" People can't help but praise them for these words.

"Lin Youhui's happiness is coming! Xiao Jingteng celebrates his birthday in a high-profile manner, and the shopping mall projection screen shows his love! "

This romantic move quickly caused heated discussions on the Internet, and countless netizens sent their blessings to them. Some netizens left a message: "This is simply the plot of the movie!" I really envy Lin Youhui for marrying such a romantic husband. Some netizens said: "Bless this loving couple, may their love last forever!" The true love story of Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui has become an example that people yearn for.

"Lin Youhui's happiness is coming! Xiao Jingteng celebrates his birthday in a high-profile manner, and the shopping mall projection screen shows his love! "

Xiao Jingteng's feat of celebrating his wife's birthday this time is not only a gorgeous performance, but also a sincere interpretation of love. He proved his endless love and affection for his wife with his actions. The happy story of Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui makes us believe that love can transcend the limits of time and true love can exist forever.

No matter who you are, no matter where you are, this heartwarming scene will touch the softest place inside you. Let us send our most sincere blessings to Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui, and may their love last forever and happiness will last!

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