
51-year-old sweet confession? Xiao Jingteng shows love in the whole city! Lin Youhui: I married the right one

author:Constant Entertainment

Everyone, are you ready for your dog food bag?

The taste of love is the aroma of 51 years old

Yesterday, the entertainment industry staged another drama of "husband spoiling wife's daily life". Protagonist? Of course, it's our "Xiao-style love story textbook" Xiao Jingteng and his "A Pig Melon" Lin Youhui!

51-year-old sweet confession? Xiao Jingteng shows love in the whole city! Lin Youhui: I married the right one

The 51st birthday may be just an ordinary day for many people, but in Xiao Jingteng's dictionary, this is a big day for the whole world to live together! You think I'm kidding? No, no, no, Xiao Tianwang really brushed the word "love you" on the big screen in the city!

The shopping mall has been transformed into a "Xiao-style love storybook"

Imagine you're walking down the street and suddenly you look up and wow! In front of me are full of words like "Happy Birthday Ah Zhugua" and "I love you Lin Youhui". This scene simply materialized the phrase "show affection and love dies quickly"! But then again, if someone gives me such a play, I'm afraid I'm going to be so happy that it explodes on the spot!

51-year-old sweet confession? Xiao Jingteng shows love in the whole city! Lin Youhui: I married the right one

Age difference? What's that? Can you eat it?

Speaking of this couple, we have to mention the 16-year-old age difference that makes people envious, jealous and hateful. But! Look at Lin Youhui's frozen face, and then look at Xiao Jingteng's eyes full of love, I just want to say: The age difference is a fart! In the face of true love, the years have to give way!

"Xiao-style favorite wife" in daily life

51-year-old sweet confession? Xiao Jingteng shows love in the whole city! Lin Youhui: I married the right one

It is said that Xiao Jingteng is a very good family man at home. Laundry, cooking, massage, back-beating, proficient in everything. Lin Youhui can be a queen even if she is lying down! And you know what? Xiao Jingteng also tattooed Lin Youhui's English name on his ring finger. This operation, I can only say: dog food is enough to eat, and it has to be stuffed!

The wails of netizens

Seeing this, the comment area of netizens is about to explode:

51-year-old sweet confession? Xiao Jingteng shows love in the whole city! Lin Youhui: I married the right one

"Xiao Jingteng, can you not be so good! Leave a way for us single dogs! "

"Lin Youhui: I didn't mean it, my husband has to spoil me! "

"I don't think it's for nothing that I'll be single until I'm 80...... "

51-year-old sweet confession? Xiao Jingteng shows love in the whole city! Lin Youhui: I married the right one

The truth of love

In fact, through the story of Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui, we can see that true love is not vigorous, but a long stream. It doesn't look at age, it doesn't look at appearance, it only looks at whether two hearts really beat together.

Xiao Jingteng told us with actions: If you love someone, you must let the moon and stars know. And Lin Youhui told us with her smile: The feeling of being loved is sweeter than eating honey.

51-year-old sweet confession? Xiao Jingteng shows love in the whole city! Lin Youhui: I married the right one

A guide to self-rescue for single dogs

Seeing this, single friends, don't be in a hurry to cry! Let's learn Xiao Jingteng's "Wife Flirting Cheats":

There is life in the eyes: remember everything the other person likes, even if it is a small fetish.

51-year-old sweet confession? Xiao Jingteng shows love in the whole city! Lin Youhui: I married the right one

Have flowers in your heart: don't be stingy with your expression, even if it's silly love words.

There is work in your hands: firewood, rice, oil and salt in life are also the best proof of love.

The brain has the material: age is not a problem, interesting souls are king.

51-year-old sweet confession? Xiao Jingteng shows love in the whole city! Lin Youhui: I married the right one

Ladies and gentlemen, have you learned? Stop saying "I may not love anymore" and go for it!


Finally, let us once again wish Lin Youhui a happy 51st birthday, and also wish this fairy couple eternal sweetness like their first love. At the same time, I also hope that everyone can find their own happiness, like Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui, and live ordinary days into fairy tales.

51-year-old sweet confession? Xiao Jingteng shows love in the whole city! Lin Youhui: I married the right one

Okay, that's all for today's dog food, remember to like and collect! I'm your gossip expert, we'll see you next time! Remember, love is like a pimple, when it doesn't look for you, you're everywhere; When I look for you, you can't find anything! Come on, believe in love!

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