
Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's 51st birthday, and major shopping malls projected screens to show their love in a high-profile manner, and Lin Youhui married the right one

author:Witness to history

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Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's 51st birthday, and major shopping malls projected screens to show their love in a high-profile manner, and Lin Youhui married the right one

Xiao Jingteng and his wife Lin Youhui's sweet things.

Xiao Jingteng posted on social platforms to celebrate his wife Lin Youhui's 51st birthday, which is called "A Pig Melon", hey, as soon as this nickname comes out, it is so sweet that it is heartwarming, full of little sweetness between husband and wife!

Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's 51st birthday, and major shopping malls projected screens to show their love in a high-profile manner, and Lin Youhui married the right one

Let's first talk about Xiao Jingteng's birthday greetings, the love revealed between the lines is really impossible to hide.

It feels like every word is like a sweet candy, which makes people unconsciously smile when they read it.

Moreover, the pictures are also carefully selected, and each one seems to tell a warm and romantic love story between them.

Look at the photos at the birthday celebration scene, wow, that scene is really warm and sweet.

Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's 51st birthday, and major shopping malls projected screens to show their love in a high-profile manner, and Lin Youhui married the right one

The sweet interaction between the couple makes people can't help but sigh at the beauty of love.

Lin Youhui was dressed in a black sundress, and her whole person exuded a charming vitality.

The cut of the skirt was just right to outline her figure, and the design of the suspenders added a little sexy.

Her smile was like the warm spring sun, warm and bright, and her eyes were full of happiness and satisfaction.

Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's 51st birthday, and major shopping malls projected screens to show their love in a high-profile manner, and Lin Youhui married the right one

Xiao Jingteng is dressed in casual clothes, handsome and stylish.

A simple T-shirt with jeans, but he wore it with a sense of fashion.

His eyes when he looked at Lin Youhui were full of love and doting, as if she was the most precious treasure in the world.

This couple stands together, and the more they look at it, the more they look at it, the more they look like husband and wife.

Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's 51st birthday, and major shopping malls projected screens to show their love in a high-profile manner, and Lin Youhui married the right one

Lin Youhui's true state is simply amazing, and the years don't seem to have left too many traces on her.

Her skin was still firm and smooth, her eyes were clear and bright, and her demeanor exuded a sense of grace and confidence.

Xiao Jingteng is also becoming more and more mature and stable by her side, and the two complement each other and complement each other.

The decoration of the birthday party is full of girlish hearts.

Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's 51st birthday, and major shopping malls projected screens to show their love in a high-profile manner, and Lin Youhui married the right one

The whole venue is filled with pink balloons and cakes, as if you have been transported into a dreamy fairy tale world.

Pink balloons float in the air, like sweet clouds.

The candles on the cake shimmered with a warm glow, illuminating the happy faces of the couple.

Xiao Jingteng hugged Lin Youhui's shoulders tightly, and the smiles of the two of them were as bright as the brightest stars in the night sky.

Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's 51st birthday, and major shopping malls projected screens to show their love in a high-profile manner, and Lin Youhui married the right one

In this loving atmosphere, they blew out the candles together and made good hopes for the future.

Speaking of surprises, Xiao Jingteng has put a lot of effort into it this time.

He showed his love on the big screen in the mall, and the love was almost overflowing.

Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's 51st birthday, and major shopping malls projected screens to show their love in a high-profile manner, and Lin Youhui married the right one

When Lin Youhui saw the nickname of "A Pig Melon" on the big screen, he bent his waist with laughter.

This special move not only moved Lin Youhui, but also made the people around him feel the deep affection between them.

This high-profile and romantic way of confession is really envious, jealous and hateful!

Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's 51st birthday, and major shopping malls projected screens to show their love in a high-profile manner, and Lin Youhui married the right one

Let's pull the timeline back a little, the scene of Xiao Jingteng's successful marriage proposal last year is still vivid.

This year, they officially became husband and wife, and along the way, the sweetness was really envious of others.

Xiao Jingteng has never been stingy in showing his love for Lin Youhui, whether in public or in daily life, his eyes always follow her, as if she is his whole world.

Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's 51st birthday, and major shopping malls projected screens to show their love in a high-profile manner, and Lin Youhui married the right one

They also took a combined cover blockbuster together, Xiao Jingteng in the photo, the "eyes of his wife" is too obvious, a proper "love brain".

In his eyes when he looked at Lin Youhui, there was appreciation, love, and dependence, so that people could feel his deep love when they saw it.

In order to express his love, Xiao Jingteng tattooed Lin Youhui's English name on his ring finger.

This act is not only a commitment, but also an eternal symbol.

Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's 51st birthday, and major shopping malls projected screens to show their love in a high-profile manner, and Lin Youhui married the right one

In the complicated world of the entertainment industry, the love between Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui is like a clear stream, which makes people feel warm and reassured.

They supported each other, accompanied each other, and went through ups and downs together.

In this environment full of temptations and uncertainties, they still stick to each other, and this true affection is really commendable.

Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's 51st birthday, and major shopping malls projected screens to show their love in a high-profile manner, and Lin Youhui married the right one

Some people may say that a lot of love in the entertainment industry is superficial.

But from Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui, what we see is truth and purity.

Their love is not for show, not to cater to the eyes of the public, but to attract and care for each other from the heart.

They have experienced the joys and sorrows of life together, and shared the joys of success and the frustrations of failure together.

Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's 51st birthday, and major shopping malls projected screens to show their love in a high-profile manner, and Lin Youhui married the right one

By each other's side, they become stronger and more courageous in facing life's challenges.

Today, their happy marriage has become a topic of conversation among everyone.

People bless them and look forward to them being able to continue to be so sweet and walk through more springs, summers, autumns and winters hand in hand.

I believe that in the future, they will bring us more warm moments, so that we can continue to believe in the beauty of love.

Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's 51st birthday, and major shopping malls projected screens to show their love in a high-profile manner, and Lin Youhui married the right one

I really hope that everyone can be like Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youhui, and find the person who can make their hearts move and accompany them for a lifetime.

May their love story always be so sweet, and may their future be filled with endless happiness and laughter.

I also hope that they can continue to shine in their careers and bring us more excellent works.

Xiao Jingteng celebrated his wife's 51st birthday, and major shopping malls projected screens to show their love in a high-profile manner, and Lin Youhui married the right one

At the same time, I also hope that they can use their love power to infect more people and make the world full of love and warmth.

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