
Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

author:Entertain the fish
Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce
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"Fate picks on the hard-working"

This sentence couldn't be more appropriate for Zhang Liangying.

Although she was radiant in front of people, fans and fans looked up at her back.

But who would have thought that she was once a little girl with a tragic background.

Even after becoming famous, she still has to be deceived by a "scumbag" who is 19 years older than her.

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

For the so-called love, he even did not hesitate to bear the infamy of "little three".

In the end, both people and money are empty.

So what has Zhang Liangying experienced?

Why is she so humble?

[Be a "little three" for love? 】

Zhang Liangying was still smiling one second during a live broadcast, and her face changed directly the next second.

She said directly to the camera, "The one who said the junior got out of here."

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

Why did the unknown netizen say that about her?

This has to start with her and Feng Ke's bad relationship.

At that time, she often sang part-time at Qing bars and hot pot restaurants.

Suddenly, a man came up to her and said come with me and make sure you are on fire.

This person is Feng Ke.

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

At that time, she didn't have much choice, so why didn't she seize this opportunity to sing wherever she was anyway?

So she followed Feng Ke away.

After that, Feng Ke did fulfill his previous promise.

He gave Zhang Liangying a good treatment and made her a professional singer.

The local Feng Ke is 19 years older than her, and he is an old fritter who has worked hard in society for many years.

And what about Zhang Liangying? It's just a little girl who is not deeply involved in the world.

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

If there is someone who helps you in your career and takes care of you in life.

Will you be tempted?

Zhang Liangying told us the answer with her practical actions.

After getting along for a while, she was deeply attracted to this man who cared about him.

Just when Zhang Liangying fell in love with this man, she learned a shocking news.

Feng Ke and his wife did not divorce.

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

The old fritters are worthy of being old fritters, and they don't panic in the face of this situation.

He just told Zhang Liangying that he didn't divorce for the sake of his children.

The innocent Zhang Liangying believed his lie, so they were together again.

This is why she is called "Little Three".

Maybe it will be a long time before she can see the true face of her "beloved".

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

In 2005, he and his wife finally divorced.

Zhang Liangying was full of joy and thought that she was going to marry her beloved, but she didn't expect that it would be another ten years.

[A decade-long love run? Zhang Liangying was forced to marry on the spot at the concert? 】

What is love? Money is the most important thing.

Maybe Feng Ke had such an idea, so he didn't respond to Zhang Liangying's love.

With Feng Ke's series of operations, Zhang Liangying soon became famous.

But then comes a never-ending squeezing.

As we all know, in addition to the release of albums, a big source of income for singers is to hold tours.

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

And Feng Ke took a fancy to this, after all, this is a good way to make money.

But what he didn't expect was to lift a stone and shoot himself in the foot.

It was at a concert in Changsha that Zhang Liangying directly defeated him.

After singing, Zhang Liangying did not step down, but made an affectionate confession.

She said she was going to do something she wanted to do for a long time.

It's not wanting to live alone.

If he is willing to marry himself, he will go to the stage.

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

This is tantamount to putting Feng Ke on the fire to roast.

After a long silence, he could only go up to the stage.

But we can see that the expressions of the two are completely different.

At this time, Zhang Liangying was so excited that she cried when she saw her beloved coming up to the stage and hugging her.

There was a hint of a smile on his lips.

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

And what about Feng Ke? Still expressionless.

Just said a few words on stage.

According to his later explanation, because his head was blank when he went on stage.

Originally, this should have been done by himself.

But the eyes of the crowd were bright, and anyone could see the stunned and helpless expression on his face.

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

Can it be said that I am not prepared?

It's obviously forced to be helpless, okay.

But three months later, things took a turn for the worse.

At the Chengdu concert, he actually proposed.

I don't know if he proposed marriage because he was afraid of losing Zhang Liangying's cash cow.

But no matter what, Zhang Liangying at this time is happy.

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

For this proposal, Feng Ke also specially produced a song as a proposal song.

Seeing her beloved kneeling in front of her, she couldn't help but stretch out her left hand.

At this time, an uninvited guest appeared.

She is Zhang Liangying's mother.

In fact, before that, her mother did not approve of the two of them being together.

According to her mother, even Zhang Liangying would be scolded if she bought herself a gift of a few thousand yuan.

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

And the reason why she wants equity is for her daughter.

But Zhang Liangying did not appreciate her mother's good intentions.

In November of the following year, the two were married in an ancient castle in Rome, Italy.

And her mother's absence was to be expected.

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

But unexpectedly, they divorced just two years later.

[The clues of "scumbag", the bleak ending]

In fact, Feng Ke's horse's feet were exposed very early.

In addition to those mentioned by Zhang Liangying's mother, there are some things that are well-known to the public.

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

For example, under intense work, her right ear began to be intermittently inaudible.

Even fell straight off the stage during the concert.

A herniated cervical disc was found during an examination.

But Feng Ke didn't care about this.

Perhaps this is what broke her heart.

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

After the divorce, the company they founded together also belonged to Feng Ke.

The well-known Zhang Biting and Yang Mi have all signed contracts under this company's name before.

After the divorce, the two became strangers and lived their own lives.

[Best man becomes boyfriend? Six years]

During these six years, she put her all into her career.

Although during this time she also seems to have found a boyfriend.

And this boyfriend used to be her best man.

There were also photos of them walking hand in hand on the street.

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

But a few years later, she still doesn't seem to have any plans to get married.

Maybe she hasn't come out of the shadow of divorce yet.

At 24 years old, she is still doing her job as a player.

Releasing records, attending events, everything is so uneventful.


Now she is almost 40 years old, but fortunately she still has someone by her side.

This might ease her loneliness.

After all, the bad relationship with Feng Ke has exhausted her energy.

Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce

I hope that she can completely get rid of the influence of the past and live a new self.

After all, people always have to look forward.

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Zhang Liangying: I have been in love with my agent for many years, but I found out that I was deceived after marriage, and I reinvented myself after divorce
Source: Sina, October 10, 2016 Why Zhang Liangying's love for Feng Ke seems desperate

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