
Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

author:Entertain the fish
Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

"In the Name of the People" must have been seen by everyone,

thinks that the ratings of this show have always been in the front row from the beginning to the end,

But who is the character in it that impresses you the most?

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

If you want the editor to say, it's not Zhang Fengyi, Xu Yajun and other outstanding actors,

It's not an old drama bone like Wu Gang who is "not popular",

is a small supporting role, Zheng Xipo's son Kan Benben.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

Although he is a supporting role, he is "a rat poop spoils a pot of porridge".

Don't talk about his acting skills, but he is really annoying in the play!

is incompatible with the plot in the play, and as soon as his plot arrives, he was complained by the majority of netizens.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

It stands to reason that if a person's role can be remembered by the audience, it will be considered successful whether it is good or bad.

But Kan Benben is different from others.

After he became popular, not only did he not think about his acting skills, but he was very rampant.

frequently challenged the authority of the law to the death, and was finally arrested!

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

What happened to him? Let's dig into the story behind him.

Death and imprisonment

It is said that drama is like life, and Kan Benben's experience is the same as his Zheng Qian.

The character in the play is not very good, everything depends on his father,

Messing around with his girlfriend, and being particularly stingy and loving money.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

The same is true outside the play, pretending to be drunk to challenge the authority of the law and create chaos,

ran to the highway to make trouble, and was finally sent to the police station to get drunk and didn't know what was going on.

I didn't expect him to be disgusted in the play, and he was also speechless outside the play.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

I thought he was too deep in the play, but after watching the investigation, I realized that he was exposing his true nature!

This is still a drunk driving incident, which happened during his filming of this drama.

The drama was broadcast in March, and the person was sentenced by the court in December.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

One night, after he was partying with his friends, because he had drunk a lot, his friends helped him call a taxi to take him back to the hotel.

Who would have thought that such a simple thing could go through so many twists and turns.

not only refused to pay the fare, but also beat and scolded the driver.

In the end, it was even drunk driving on the highway to obstruct traffic.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

Kan Benben blames everything on being drunk, but his consequences are not to be "drunk" to escape.

On December 13, the dangerous driving case of actor Kan Benben was openly tried in Binhu Court of Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, and Kan Benben was sentenced to 4 months of detention and fined 4,000 yuan.

Absurd punching cards

On May 9, Kan Benben, who had just gotten off the plane, invited his friends to party all night at the bar.

After Kan Benben got drunk, his friend called a car to take him back to the hotel.

Unexpectedly, in a short distance, Kan Benben had a conflict with the driver.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

After arriving at the hotel, Kan Benben quarreled with the driver over the fare.

also threatened the driver with his identity as an actor, and wanted to beat the driver.

The driver didn't want to communicate with the drunk, so he hurriedly got out of the car and called the police.

Kan Benben saw the driver leaving, he sat directly in the driver's seat and drove away!

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

He drove straight onto the highway!

When passing by the toll booth, I directly regarded the railing as air and rushed away!

Probably sanity came back and he stopped the car.

But it happened to block the highway intersection, which directly affected the traffic behind.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

He wanted to get off the highway again and go straight back the way he came.

But because of the retrograde, he was not allowed to pass through the toll gate.

Seeing that he couldn't hit it, he drove towards another toll booth again.

Because of the problem of charging, he had a conflict with the employees of the toll booth.

Eventually, he knocked the railing out of the way.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

Later, he walked to another intersection, threw the car casually on the side of the road, stopped a car and left.

In the car, he yelled with the driver again, making trouble and not paying the fare.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

He always makes some dangerous moves when he is noisy, such as trying to beat people.

Eventually, the driver endured torture and pulled him to the police station.

This is not to say that it is reality, and I thought that I had strayed into the filming scene of a film and television drama, which is also outrageous.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

The most exciting part came, Kan Benben went in and said directly that he didn't know,

Got so drunk that I had absolutely no idea what was going on.

Who will believe this? If you want to say that you are "unconscious", you can still recognize the way and rush directly to the highway!

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

You can also argue with the toll booth staff for half a day!

And he was very arrogant throughout the whole incident, which is not a simple sentence of "drunk" that can explain the past.

What's more, there is also a driver who pulled him to testify, Kan Benben said that nothing would help.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

However, his character itself is not very good, and he has been detained for some things before.

can only say that the director's vision is really vicious, and he actually chose such an actor who is very suitable for the characters in the play.

Character background

In the play, Zheng Qian is a person who likes money very much, and he can do anything for money.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

For money he even deceived his father,

He also doesn't have any morals, he builds everything on money.

At the beginning, some people questioned the role of Zheng Qian,

Netizens think that this character can be completely removed, and his plot has no impact on the whole whether there is it or not.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

And he has a lot of scenes, dyed with yellow hair and acting very greasy, so that the audience just wants to skip when they see him.

The audience thought that he must have a deep background and was stuffed in by an investor.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

In fact, everyone guessed wrong, Kan Benben does have a deep background,

But it wasn't someone else stuffed into it, he himself was one of the directors of the show.

And the screenwriter also responded to the reaction of netizens,

The character of Zheng Qian was specially designed by him to add a little vitality to the serious subject.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

Although the screenwriter conceived it well, it is a pity that the audience did not buy it.

Later, someone picked up Kan Benben's background, it turned out that he was hiding so deeply!

own background

Kan Benben has been associated with movies since he was a child, and his family all work in film studios.

Affected by the environment, Kan Benben is very interested in acting.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

After graduating from art school, he was admitted to Beiying.

However, he has little talent in acting.

Although he has participated in many roles, his name has never been remembered.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

In 2009, he got acquainted with the famous director Li Lu and brought him a lot of film and television resources.

The two have also created a lot of excellent works together.

With the help of Li Lu, Kan Benben gradually changed from a "little transparent" to a supporting role with many scenes.

Although the audience couldn't recognize the name, his face was remembered.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

In 2017, he directed "In the Name of the People" with Li Lu.

also played a supporting role in it, although there was a lot of scolding, but Kan Benben was very happy.

Although there are a lot of complaints, it is better to have attention than not to pay attention.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

Just when he was about to turn over with this drama and have the opportunity to play the leading role, a "drunk driving" storm directly pulled his career to the bottom.

After the incident, he regrouped and directed a movie "Dragon Prison Coffin" about tomb exploration, and the response from the audience seemed to be good.

Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future


Looking back on Kan Benben's career, he ended up like this with a good hand.

Public figures should still pay more attention to their words and deeds, so as not to plummet their careers.

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Kan Benben: became famous with "In the Name of the People", but after becoming popular, he destroyed his future

Material Source:

became famous with "In the Name of the People", and after becoming popular, he floated, and finally floated himself into prison! Sohu Entertainment

In the name of the people, Zheng Shengli played the drunk driving and was sentenced to 4 months of detention China Youth Network

The biggest failure of "In the Name of the People" is him! Watch the scolded characters in film and television dramas People's Daily Online