
Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all hit, and the severe pain was like burning...... Doctor reminds

author:Elegant Genie P1

Herpes zoster: the secret of those years when celebrities were too painful to speak!

Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all hit, and the severe pain was like burning...... Doctor reminds

Foreword: In the entertainment industry, behind the bright stars, how many unknown pains are hidden? Those radiant stars on the stage are also suffering from shingles! Yes, you heard it right, it's shingles – the "invisible killer" that hurts people!

Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all hit, and the severe pain was like burning...... Doctor reminds

1. Herpes zoster, the "unspeakable pain" of celebrities

That sister - a legend in the music industry, her voice is like a heavenly sound, but did you know that she was also a victim of shingles? When she covers her face on stage and sings affectionately, we may think it's to add to the mystery, but it's actually to hide the unspeakable pain.

Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all hit, and the severe pain was like burning...... Doctor reminds

Cai Guoqing - national singer, his songs have accompanied us through one unforgettable moment after another. But have you ever thought that he also suffered from shingles? On Weibo, he candidly shared his experience and made us feel the pain of being burned by the flames.

Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all hit, and the severe pain was like burning...... Doctor reminds

Zhang Guimei, the great woman who dedicated her life to the cause of education, her name represents tenacity and perseverance. But you know what? She also suffered from shingles. The pain revealed in her words gives us a deeper respect for this great woman.

Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all hit, and the severe pain was like burning...... Doctor reminds
Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all hit, and the severe pain was like burning...... Doctor reminds

2. Why does shingles prefer middle-aged and elderly people?

Do you know? Herpes zoster is actually a "snob", and it especially likes to find trouble with middle-aged and elderly people! This is not because middle-aged and elderly people are easy to bully, but because their immunity is gradually declining and they cannot effectively resist the invasion of the virus. Coupled with some chronic diseases and immune diseases, middle-aged and elderly people are more likely to become the "prey" of shingles.

Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all hit, and the severe pain was like burning...... Doctor reminds

3. Misconceptions revealed: the truth of shingles

Many people have the misconception that if you get shingles once, you won't get it again, or if you get chickenpox, you won't get shingles. But these are all false notions! Although chickenpox and shingles are both caused by the same virus, they are two different diseases. And even if you've had shingles in the past, there's no guarantee that you won't get it again. So, let's be vigilant and learn the truth about shingles!

Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all hit, and the severe pain was like burning...... Doctor reminds

4. How to prevent shingles?

Want to protect yourself from shingles? First of all, we need to be vigilant and understand the relevant knowledge; Secondly, vaccination is one of the most effective means of preventing shingles! In addition to vaccines, we should also maintain a healthy lifestyle, such as moderate exercise, regular work and rest, and adequate nutrition, etc., which can strengthen our resistance and prevent shingles!


Na Ying, Cai Guoqing, and Zhang Guimei were all hit, and the severe pain was like burning...... Doctor reminds

Herpes zoster is not an "invisible" disease, it is like a "cold", as long as we are vigilant and take effective preventive measures, we can easily deal with it! Let's protect the health of ourselves and our families!

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