
After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot

author:Montessori Media

Text: Montessori Media

Imagine that after a violent storm, the flood waters receded, leaving behind an incredible "gift" - a large fish weighing 40 pounds! Such a scene, as if only in fairy tales, but just recently, it really happened all around us.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot

The lucky "master" thought that she could feast on it, but unexpectedly, a sentence from the expert shattered her dream in an instant: "This fish can't be eaten." "Today, let's walk into this adventure after the rainstorm and see what kind of story is hidden behind this big fish.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot

Baptism of heavy rain, big fish appeared

This torrential rain in Chibi is menacing, as if it is about to drown the whole world in a flood. However, in the face of such natural disasters, some creatures have found their "life". When the flood receded, a huge fish lay quietly on the bank of the river, it weighed 40 catties, its body was fat, and its scales were shining, as if it was a generous gift from nature to mankind.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot

Unexpected joy, the woman picked it up

When the raging rainstorm subsided, a careful woman was strolling along the shore when her eyes were accidentally attracted by a huge figure, and when she got closer, it was actually an amazing 40-pound fish, which surprised her. She was pleasantly surprised by what she saw, and an indescribable joy welled up in her heart.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot

The big fish lying on the bank of the river, weighing 40 catties, seemed to her to be a huge treasure falling from the sky, which made her feel extremely lucky and satisfied.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot

She excitedly imagined making this big fish into a delicious chopped pepper fish head for the whole family to enjoy a hearty dinner. So, she carefully brought the big fish home.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot

There was a lot of heated discussions on the Internet, and Big Fish instantly became popular and became the focus of discussion.

The woman posted the photo of the big fish on the Internet, but she didn't expect it to cause a heated discussion among netizens. There is speculation about the species, origin and edibles of this big fish. For a time, this big fish became a hot topic on the Internet and attracted the attention of countless people.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot

Experts reveal the secret, and the truth is revealed

However, just when netizens were discussing hotly, an expert gave an astonishing answer: "This fish soaked in the rainstorm is not edible."

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot

It turns out that the heavy rain has caused a large number of pollutants to emerge in the river water, and these harmful pollutants will not only float on the surface of the water, but also attach to the scales and skin of the fish, and even penetrate deep into the body, posing a serious threat to the health of the fish. Therefore, fish after heavy rains are not suitable for consumption.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot

If you accidentally eat fish that are contaminated after a rainstorm, the pollutants and harmful substances that may accumulate in their bodies will enter the human body, thus posing a potential threat and harm to human health, so we must be cautious and avoid such risks. This news shocked netizens and made the woman feel very disappointed.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot

Reflect on lessons and pass on positive energy

Despite not being able to eat the big fish, the woman was not discouraged. Instead, she took the opportunity to teach her son to be kind and to help others. She told her son, "Although this fish cannot be eaten, it was also a life. We should respect every life and cherish the gifts of nature. At the same time, she also encouraged her son to have the courage to face difficulties and challenges, and maintain a kind heart to help those in need.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot

Takeaways from Rainstorm Fish: Wisdom and Courage in Life

Although this fish soaked in the rainstorm cannot be eaten, it has brought us a profound enlightenment. It tells us that when facing difficulties and challenges, we must have the courage to face and overcome them. At the same time, we must also maintain a kind heart to help those in need. So that we can leave our mark and contribution in this world.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot

Inviting netizens to actively participate in this discussion on the safety of fish consumption after the rainstorm can not only exchange views and share experiences, but also resonate, pay attention to food safety issues, and make our lives healthier and safer.

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot

Dear readers, have you ever had a similar adventure? What do you think of this fish that has been soaked in the rainstorm? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section to share your views and stories. Let's explore how wisdom and courage in life can help us become better people!

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot

Although this fish soaked in the rainstorm cannot be eaten, it has become a good memory in our hearts. It makes us realize that every little detail in life can contain profound truth and wisdom. Let's cherish the gifts of nature and keep a kind heart to help those in need. At the same time, it also allows us to maintain courage and wisdom in the face of difficulties and challenges, and become a better version of ourselves!

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot

In order to make our account more lively and interesting, we have set up a special interactive session. Leave a message in the comment area to share your views on this storm fish or your own adventure story, and you will have a chance to win a small gift prepared by us! Come and get involved! Let's share the beauty and emotion of life together!

After the rainstorm, the woman picked up 40 catties of heavy fish, expert: I can't eat it, netizens fried the pot