
Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin praised her as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

author:Passionate little fish cds

Recently, an ordinary Chinese woman impressed everyone because of an act of righteousness and bravery. In public, she disregarded her personal safety, bravely stepped forward, successfully subdued a gangster, and protected the surrounding people.

It's a pity that just when everyone thought she would be able to go home safely, she died of her injuries because of her injuries.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin praised her as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

As soon as such news came out, it not only made her family very sad, but also made everyone who knew about this matter feel very sad, and at the same time, it also aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens, who praised her and prayed for her, and many people expressed deep respect for her, thinking that she is the hero needed by this society.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin praised her as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

1. Thank you to Ms. Hu Youping for her righteous and courageous actions.

It is understood that the woman's name is Hu Youping, 55 years old this year, and she is from Suzhou, Jiangsu. At noon on June 20, Hu Youping was shopping at a supermarket in Suzhou High-tech Zone.

At this time, an accident happened, a 52-year-old man suddenly pulled out a fruit knife in front of the supermarket and stabbed the Japanese mother and son who were waiting for the car.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin praised her as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

Such a situation made passers-by at that time stunned, and everyone didn't know what to do.

After Hu Youping saw this scene, he did not choose to run away, but went up to fight with the gangsters, hoping to prevent him from continuing to hurt the Japanese mother and son.

It's a pity that Hu Youping's body is too thin, and in the face of the strong Zhou, she was quickly stabbed by the other party.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin praised her as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

Although the doctors tried their best to save the woman after being taken to the hospital, they were unable to save the woman's life.

Hu Youping left this world safely amid everyone's prayers.

Hearing such news, I believe that everyone's hearts are very sad, and they also feel admiration for the sacrifice made by such a woman.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin praised her as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

In fact, Hu Youping was able to do such a thing, not because she had any special status, but because she was just an ordinary citizen.

Her actions are actually the truest understanding of life, and also the inheritance and promotion of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin praised her as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

In this special period, she practiced the core values of socialism with practical actions, conveyed the great love of the world, and set a good example for the whole society.

Here, we would like to express our sincerest gratitude to this venerable lady and wish her eternal rest in heaven.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin praised her as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

2. Heroes see the same thing, and life knows no borders.

After Hu Youping's righteous and courageous act was exposed, I believe that everyone appreciates and recognizes her behavior very much.

However, it also sparked some discussions, and some people felt that Hu Youping's behavior was certainly worthy of recognition, but why did she save the Japanese, and was it appropriate to do so?

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin praised her as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

In fact, such an idea is very narrow, Hu Youping's righteousness and courage are not because she wants to protect foreigners, but because of her deep respect for life and yearning for justice.

In her eyes, life is equal, and both Chinese and foreigners have the right to be protected and given the opportunity to survive.

Moreover, when encountering such an accident, everyone actually does not have much choice, and the people who can stand up are all heroes needed by the society, no matter who they are, they should go to the rescue.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin praised her as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

Therefore, when we evaluate such righteous and courageous deeds, we should look at them more from the perspective of humanitarianism, rather than being biased because of the nationality of the other party.

In fact, from a deeper meaning, Hu Youping's death also provides us with good inspiration.

In this pluralistic society, people are becoming more and more connected, and exchanges between countries are becoming more frequent.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin praised her as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

No matter when, we should learn to respect and understand others, and to help those in need, because with such love and tolerance, our world will become a better place.

Whether it is China-Japan relations, or China's relations with other countries, in fact, they are inseparable from mutual understanding and friendship among ordinary people.

Only when everyone is willing to give love and promote positive energy, will our society become more and more harmonious, and the exchanges between countries will become more and more smooth.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin praised her as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

3. Peek into the heart of the stars and win the stubborn starry sky.

In this incident, in addition to Hu Youping, there is another person's performance that also left a deep impression on everyone, that is, the mastermind behind this hurtful incident.

Although everyone is very indignant at what he has done, they cannot deny that his action has taught all of us a vivid lesson in patriotic education.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin praised her as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

Hu Xijin, a well-known media person who reacted very keenly in the field of public opinion, expressed very high praise and respect for Hu Youping's actions on his social platform as soon as the incident was exposed.

He believes that Hu Youping's righteous and courageous behavior is a vivid embodiment of traditional Chinese virtues and a powerful practice of contemporary socialist core values.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin praised her as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

In his eyes, no matter who is in times of crisis, as long as they stand up and act bravely, they should be respected and affirmed by the society, such behavior knows no borders, and it is also something that anyone can learn and follow.

Through such an incident, he once again emphasized to everyone that we should look at the relationship between countries with a heart of tolerance and understanding.

Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and son, died, Hu Xijin praised her as a hero, and the details of the rescue were exposed

No matter what kind of situation we encounter, we should not be swayed by momentary anger and prejudice, but learn to look at the essence of things, have a mind that tolerates different voices, use sincerity and friendship to resolve contradictions, and build bridges of friendship between countries.

Here, we would also like to express our most sincere gratitude to Hu Xijin, thank him for bringing good thinking and inspiration to everyone at such a moment, and also let more people have the opportunity to come into contact with positive energy information and feel love and warmth.

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