
Why do human dolls have to be matched with men and women? It's troublesome, isn't it more convenient to reproduce asexually?

author:Brilliant 0707


"Why do humans have to match a girl with a boy when they give birth to dolls, if you look at it from the perspective of animal reproduction, then how convenient it is to reproduce asexually!"

Many people are very interested in this question, so there are also some people who begin to question whether this reproductive state of human beings is wrong.

Why do human dolls have to be matched with men and women? It's troublesome, isn't it more convenient to reproduce asexually?

However, this kind of question is like looking up at the sky every day and asking nothing.

What are the reasons behind this that cannot be changed?

So is asexual reproduction really better than the way we do it now?

If this method does exist, what kind of harm does it have?

The orphan generation, one generation is not as good as the next.

In the animal world, wild animals reproduce in two ways: sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction.

Asexual reproduction refers to the process of reproduction without the help of the opposite sex, through a certain way, which is equivalent to only "one person" can be born.

Why do human dolls have to be matched with men and women? It's troublesome, isn't it more convenient to reproduce asexually?

The biggest advantage of this is that it is very convenient, and there is no need to do some things that are not carried out, but there are many problems in the process of realizing this "convenient and fast" landing without carrying.

Let's use a short story to explain the dangers in more depth.

Once upon a time there was a snake that was very lonely, but the snake could not reproduce asexually and could only rely on the opposite sex to bring in the next generation.

This made the snake no longer a human being, and a year later, it gave birth to a baby snake.

Why do human dolls have to be matched with men and women? It's troublesome, isn't it more convenient to reproduce asexually?

The snake was very happy, and did not take the father of the little snake seriously, and raised the little snake alone.

As time flies, the baby snake grows older, and it also wants to find its own partner to give birth to the next generation.

But after searching for a while, why can't it find a snake that looks like itself?

The advantage of animals is the waste of resources.

This kind of laughable little story is one of the biggest problems in asexual reproduction: without the opposite sex, then the reproduction becomes isolated.

In the process of isolated reproduction, the most likely scenario is that when the life of one generation ends, the next generation will be wiped out.

Why do human dolls have to be matched with men and women? It's troublesome, isn't it more convenient to reproduce asexually?

This also means that in the absence of the opposite sex, this generation will be the end of life, and will eventually gradually move towards the end of the disappearance of creatures such as us in the world.

Then this method is very wasteful, and under the current coverage of human reproductive status, this phenomenon is even more exposed.

Why do human dolls have to be matched with men and women? It's troublesome, isn't it more convenient to reproduce asexually?

Animals have strong instincts, just like humans want to eat, if the living environment of animals is within their tolerance, then nature will not carry out "autonomous reduction" survival.

Asexual reproduction leads to excessive resource consumption.

But with the advancement of science and technology, human beings can be said to be able to use all resources by them, but relatively speaking, this also means that there are huge risks.

If there were such asexual reproduction devices, the human population would swell rapidly without restraint.

Why do human dolls have to be matched with men and women? It's troublesome, isn't it more convenient to reproduce asexually?

In this way, the balance between human beings and nature will be greatly affected.

Under the continuous exploitation of resources by human beings, a considerable part of the resources have reached the limit, and if the number of human beings increases year by year, then the corresponding resources will be exhausted.

This is a serious problem for us humans, because it means that we have to find a new resource as a substitute, but for a long time, we have no way to obtain it, which will lead to a vicious cycle of resource shortage.

The dangers of asexual reproduction to other aspects of the human race.

And although science and technology are good, although the research and development of some advanced equipment can replace part of the human labor to exploit resources, there will inevitably be some problems in the change of the way of obtaining resources.

Why do human dolls have to be matched with men and women? It's troublesome, isn't it more convenient to reproduce asexually?

The utilization rate of resources is greatly reduced, and it will also gradually decay the human mind.

In the past, the living environment of human beings was very difficult, and as a result, they would become mutual and loving, but with the emergence of this asexual reproduction, the power of the human individual will gradually manifest, and then the social interaction will become more and more inferior.

Why do human dolls have to be matched with men and women? It's troublesome, isn't it more convenient to reproduce asexually?

Human society will also undergo qualitative changes, resulting in harm and even using the lives of others to satisfy their own desires, which is a taboo for human beings.

A match between a man and a woman.

So from these reasons, the reproductive state of human beings is definitely very scientific.

But many people will wonder: "If human beings must be divided into men and women, why can't we have the function of asexual reproduction to inherit?"

Why do human dolls have to be matched with men and women? It's troublesome, isn't it more convenient to reproduce asexually?

This is because if it can be inherited, then it will create a whole new race, and at the same time, it will not require humans to reproduce for several generations, which will attract the existence of "lazy".

Behind this, there is actually a problem in the cognition of human beings themselves, and it is precisely because of the existence of diversity that "different" human beings are created.

Why do human dolls have to be matched with men and women? It's troublesome, isn't it more convenient to reproduce asexually?

It is precisely because of the cooperation of the opposite sex that better offspring can be produced, and if humans really have the ability to reproduce asexually, then this will completely wipe out the diversity and cooperation of human beings, thus making human life boring.


Therefore, it is precisely because human beings have different opposite-sex existences that thousands of human beings can be produced, thus promoting the development of human society.

This is a very scientific way of human beings, and it is also an indelible existence.

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