
The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?

author:Clever white
The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?

In today's fast-changing society, people have an endless yearning for beautiful experiences that touch the depths of their souls. For example, the unpretentious but warm home-style chicken curry is a symbol of the taste of home. Now, let's delve into the secrets behind this dish and realize the deep affection it contains.

The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?
Heat the oil and cook to begin
The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?

Every time a meal is prepared, it is important to first heat the cooking utensils, which not only involves the transformation of the material level, but also the process of preparing the emotional reserve. As the oil temperature gradually increases, people's positive emotions will also increase accordingly. When the oil temperature reaches 60%, it is carefully stir-foiled in the pot and stir-fried over medium heat until it is golden brown, thus demonstrating its ability to challenge the taste limit.

The aroma of onions, the memory of home

The next step is for us to hand back control to the onion. First, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pan and patiently stir-fry each onion until it becomes soft and transparent. The unique onion aroma grows richer and more intriguing. The smell is filled with deep family memories, my mother's culinary skills, and those carefree afternoons. The sweetness and aroma of onions give this dish a warm and rich flavor.

The magic of curry paste, the fusion of flavors

The curry blends perfectly with the vegetables, as if by magic, giving each leaf a uniform dark brown color. By simmering on low heat and stirring gently, the unique aroma spreads and penetrates the texture of various ingredients, making this dish exude endless temptation.

The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?
Chicken and curry, a blend of emotions

Place the pre-treated chicken pieces in a pot and simmer in boiling water for about 5 minutes. Here, the chicken absorbs the rich curry flavor, showing a symbiotic relationship between the people.

Flavoring, the art of personalization

During the cooking process, salt and pepper are added in accordance with the taste characteristics to ensure a balanced and individual taste. This uniqueness is like a personal rhythm and color, which makes this chicken curry exude an incomparable taste.

The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?
The contrast between diced chicken and chili peppercorns, hot and mellow

In a separate pan, stir-fry the chicken quickly until browned (60% heat). This cooking technique balances cooking efficiency with taste quality. Subsequently, Sichuan pepper and dried chili peppers are added and simmered slowly, giving the dish its characteristic rich and hot taste, which greatly increases people's appetite.

The embellishment of peanuts is the perfect finish
The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?

The ground peanuts are then quickly blended in to allow the color and aroma to blend in fully. Like a golden glow on a canvas, it becomes a delicate decoration on the table, and it is tempting to look forward to tasting this delicious food.

A symphony of hazelnut mushrooms and chicken, a gift of nature
The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?

The stewed hazelnut mushrooms blend well with the chicken, and the soup stock makes the meat richer and more delicious. This dish is a gift of nature, with the fresh taste of hazelnut mushrooms and the rich aroma of chicken forming a wonderful contrast, creating a double feast for the eyes and taste buds.

The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?
Seasoning and juicing, sublimation of taste

Finally, salt and sugar are added according to personal taste to enhance the flavor, and then burned over a fierce fire until thick, so that it has a more layered texture and fully releases the original unique taste of the food. Once the chicken and mushrooms are fully integrated into the soup, the dish will be transformed from monotonous to exquisite.

The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?
Soak dried hazelnut mushrooms in water, the secret of umami

When soaking hazelnut mushrooms, use the supernatant whenever possible to enhance the taste of the food. This is a testament to the relentless exploration of ingredients and flavours.

Beef and side dishes, speed and flavor combined
The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?

When cooked at high temperatures, the live corned beef cubes are quickly stirred, so that all kinds of vegetables can fully absorb the unique aroma of the seasoning. This dish is the perfect blend of precise speed and great taste, allowing for the best taste experience in a fast-paced life, while maintaining a balanced nutritional balance.

Beef fillet with ginger and garlic, traditional warmth
The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?

Thinly marinated beef slices are stir-fried in a pan of high-temperature oil, complemented by finely chopped ginger and garlic, and cooked over a simmer to exude a charming aroma. This traditional dish combines ginger and garlic with the flavours of beef, reminiscent of the good old days.

Garlic sauce with oysters, a gift from the sea
The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?
The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?

Delicious oysters are served with garlic sauce and sparkling vermicelli, and when cooked, they offer a unique blend of sea and land. Enjoy the time of steamed oysters with garlic vermicelli, taste the warm yearning of life, and have a new taste satisfaction every time.

The pigeon is cleaned and purified with water

In order to remove the pigeon blood and odor, it is blanched briefly in hot water to ensure the cleaning effect. Ginger and wolfberry are served to give the pigeon meat a rich herbal aroma.

Rock sugar with sugar color, the magic of color

The rock sugar is simmered and given its unique color, and the magician-like technique adds an alluring charm to the dish. This delicacy not only caters to the human pursuit of beauty, but also stimulates the endless desire and reverie of the taste buds.

The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?
Ginger garlic with vegetable oil, the starting point of the aroma
The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?

Sliced ginger and minced garlic stir-fried in a pan of hot oil create a dish with its unique aroma that respects the essence of the ingredients and pays direct respect. In this critical step, culinary skills play a crucial role.

Light soy sauce and yellow eel, the art of color
The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?

When cooking yellow eel, it is suitable to add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and dark soy sauce for stir-frying, and through repeated operations, it will make it beautiful and even, so as to create a unique visual beauty. This process not only enhances the fineness of the food processing, but also significantly improves the appearance and taste of the dish.

Onions, ginger, minced garlic with sauce, depth of taste
The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?

When making eel dishes, the chef first deep-frying seasonings such as chives and ginger and garlic in a hot pan and cold oil, and then quickly pouring in the prepared sauce to allow the eel to fully absorb the rich flavor, which not only reflects the in-depth exploration of deliciousness, but also interprets the chef's persistent pursuit of culinary art.

Sauce with rice, the final fusion

The prepared sauce is poured evenly over the rice and garnished with chopped green onions. Remove from the heat and continue to cook for a few minutes to soak up the sauce and the delicious aroma of the eel. It is the essence of cooking and the ultimate expression of the art of gastronomy.

The list of the most important meats for men: chicken is 1st from the bottom, beef is 4th, are you eating right?

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