
The party who reported the fat Donglai dough rolling incident spoke out: The job is gone, but I don't regret it, and the comment area smashes the pot

author:Optimistic headwinds fly

Food safety has always been a headache for our country, and many bad companies will break out at the 315 party every year. In order to warn those who illegally deal in food, so as to protect the food safety of mainland consumers. #胖东来擀面皮事件赔偿现场#

The party who reported the fat Donglai dough rolling incident spoke out: The job is gone, but I don't regret it, and the comment area smashes the pot

On June 27, Fat Donglai Supermarket in Xinxiang, Henan Province was reported to have poor sanitary conditions in the processing place of the joint dough rolling shop. Immediately, Fat Donglai joined relevant investigators to investigate the processing site of the store. In order to make up for the loss of diners, Fat Donglai refunded and compensated 1,000 yuan to the customers who bought the food in those days, and rewarded the party who reported it with 100,000 yuan! A total of 8.833 million yuan was paid!

The party who reported the fat Donglai dough rolling incident spoke out: The job is gone, but I don't regret it, and the comment area smashes the pot

On the afternoon of the 28th, Fat Donglai was responsible for contacting the whistleblower and fulfilling his promise to pay a total of 80,000 yuan in cash after deducting taxes. The whistleblower said that his own job was lost because of the incident, but he did not regret doing it!

In the past two years, with the rapid development of society, there will always be some unqualified problems in all walks of life. But in terms of food, the state is the most strictly regulated, and this incident is worthy of praise for this whistleblower! I also praise Fat Donglai for being decisive! It's hard to imagine what the consequences will be if you don't find it out in time.

As a result, the comments of netizens are also mixed, with affirmation of the company and incomprehension of the whistleblower's behavior

Being recognized by the locals is enough to see how good the quality of the company is

The party who reported the fat Donglai dough rolling incident spoke out: The job is gone, but I don't regret it, and the comment area smashes the pot

Acting decisively and daring to commit is also the foundation of the company

The party who reported the fat Donglai dough rolling incident spoke out: The job is gone, but I don't regret it, and the comment area smashes the pot

There are good and bad, and some feel that the imitation of a large number of people caused by this beginning not only causes a certain loss to Fat Donglai, but also is not conducive to the development of the brand

Just like netizens said, if there is a problem, it can be solved privately, and there is no need for the Internet to ferment and cause unnecessary public opinion

The party who reported the fat Donglai dough rolling incident spoke out: The job is gone, but I don't regret it, and the comment area smashes the pot

Now the Internet is developing rapidly, like some excellent brands for many years to gain everyone's recognition, but because of some problems of supervision is not in place, it affects the reputation. This is something that cannot be taken into account in normal times.

However, for food problems, it is necessary to be clean and hygienic, so that diners can rest assured, and the problems that arise must be dealt with in a timely manner, and they must be punished and corrected in time.

Finally, I hope that consumers will pay more attention to food safety issues while consuming to prevent accidents. Merchants also pay attention to food hygiene and leave a good side for customers, so that they can not only be mutually beneficial but also leave a good image!

The content of the above article does not have any bad guidance, do not over-interpret!

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