
Eating too much chicken, bad for the elderly? Doctor: Not only meat, but also this vegetable should be avoided

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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"The money is saved, Liu Yao, this body must also be well maintained!"

Uncle Li, an old doctor at the community hospital, persuaded Liu Yao while writing a medicine list.

The story begins on a hot summer day.

That day, Liu Yao, a retired old man, went to the bank to withdraw money, and the scorching sun was scorching, and he felt dizzy when he walked on the road.

Liu Yao is a retired middle school teacher who usually likes to walk and exercise, but this time he clearly overestimated his physical strength. As soon as he stepped into the bank, his eyes went black and he fainted. Seeing this, the bank staff rushed him to a nearby community hospital.

The old doctor, Uncle Li, examined him and found that it was not only as simple as heat stroke, but also a deeper problem. Uncle Li asked, "Liu Yao, have you eaten a lot of chicken recently?" ”

Liu Yao nodded suspiciously: "Yes, the weather is hot, I think the chicken is nutritious, and eating it can also replenish physical strength." ”

Eating too much chicken, bad for the elderly? Doctor: Not only meat, but also this vegetable should be avoided

Uncle Li sighed:

Eating too much chicken, bad for the elderly? Doctor: Not only meat, but also this vegetable should be avoided

When Liu Yao heard this, he was taken aback: "Can chicken still be harmful?" I always thought it was a healthy food. ”

Uncle Li shook his head and explained: "Chicken is indeed rich in protein and good for the body, but for the elderly, excessive consumption will increase uric acid, leading to gout.

Especially those who are already prone to gout should eat less. In addition, saturated fatty acids in chicken may also lead to an increase in blood lipids and increase the burden on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels. ”

In order to let Liu Yao know better, Uncle Li took out some research data:

"According to the latest research, there is a significant correlation between excessive intake of chicken and hyperuricemia. Especially in the elderly, metabolism slows down and uric acid accumulates easily. If left unchecked, gout attacks can be very painful. ”

Eating too much chicken, bad for the elderly? Doctor: Not only meat, but also this vegetable should be avoided

Liu Yao was terrified when he heard this, he didn't expect that his eating habits all along would hide such a big health hazard.

Uncle Li continued: "Not only chicken, but also other meats should be consumed in moderation, and a balanced diet is the key. Especially in hot weather, it is easy to sweat and dehydrate, so it is necessary to pay more attention to the regulation of diet. ”

Liu Yao nodded, indicating that he would definitely pay attention in the future. But Uncle Li didn't stop there, he took out another piece of information and continued: "Do you know that not only meat, but also this kind of vegetable must be avoided by the elderly. ”

"Problems with vegetables too?" Liu Yao asked in surprise.

"Yes, especially spinach." Uncle Li explained, "Spinach contains a lot of oxalic acid, which can affect calcium absorption and increase the risk of kidney stones. For the elderly, the kidney function is gradually weakened, and long-term consumption of spinach in large quantities will be detrimental to the body. ”

Uncle Li came up with a case: "Some time ago, an old man had to undergo surgery because he ate spinach for a long time, which led to serious kidney stones. In fact, many people don't know that if you eat too much food with high oxalic acid content, it will combine with calcium in the body to form calcium oxalate, which will affect your health. ”

Eating too much chicken, bad for the elderly? Doctor: Not only meat, but also this vegetable should be avoided

When Liu Yao heard this, he felt scared for a while, thinking that he usually ate a lot of spinach for his health, but he didn't expect it to be harmful to his body. He thanked Uncle Li gratefully and said that he would definitely get rid of these bad eating habits.

Seeing that he attached so much importance to it, the old doctor Uncle Li continued to explain some knowledge of healthy eating:

"The elderly should eat a balanced and moderate diet. Only by taking in a moderate amount of nutrients and avoiding a single diet can you ensure your health. In addition to controlling your intake of chicken and spinach, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure adequate vitamin and mineral intake. ”

Liu Yao listened carefully and nodded from time to time, indicating that he remembered these suggestions. Uncle Li added: "In addition, in addition to diet, the elderly also need to maintain good living habits. Exercising regularly and staying in a good mood are all important factors in staying healthy. ”

After listening to Uncle Li's words, Liu Yao felt that he benefited a lot, and when he returned home, he immediately sorted out the chicken and spinach in the refrigerator and replaced them with more kinds of vegetables and fruits. He also began to develop a healthy diet plan and strictly follow Uncle Li's advice for dietary conditioning.

Liu Yao's life has changed a lot as a result. He began to pay more attention to the variety and balance of his diet, insisted on exercising every day, and felt that his physical condition was getting better and better. He also shared this health knowledge with his relatives and friends, hoping that everyone could benefit from it.

Eating too much chicken, bad for the elderly? Doctor: Not only meat, but also this vegetable should be avoided

However, the story doesn't end there. In the process of implementing a healthy diet plan, Liu Yao discovered a new problem:

Why do some people eat chicken and spinach and don't have any problems? This question sparked his curiosity, and he decided to delve into the relationship between diet and health in the elderly.

After a period of investigation and research, Liu Yao found that individual differences are the key factors that cause different people to react differently to food. Everyone's physique, metabolic ability, and genetic factors are different, which leads to different effects of diet on different people.

Liu Yao consulted a number of nutrition experts, and combined with his own research, put forward a point of view: the elderly need to develop a personalized diet plan according to their physical condition and health needs. In this way, everyone's health can be better protected.

As soon as this idea was put forward, it immediately attracted widespread attention. Liu Yao began to promote the concept of personalized diet on more occasions to help more elderly people find a healthy way of eating that suits them.

In conclusion, healthy eating is not just a simple issue, but involves all aspects of personal health.

Eating too much chicken, bad for the elderly? Doctor: Not only meat, but also this vegetable should be avoided

Through Liu Yao's story, everyone not only learned the knowledge of healthy eating, but also realized the importance of personalized diet. I hope that everyone can pay attention to their own health like Liu Yao, start with diet, and develop a scientific lifestyle.

However, new problems arise:

When developing a personalized diet, how should you balance the intake of various nutrients to meet your body's needs and avoid excessive intake of certain harmful ingredients? This issue is worthy of in-depth study and discussion, and it is also the direction of Liu Yao's efforts in the future.

After in-depth research, Liu Yao found that the key to balancing the intake of various nutrients is to have a comprehensive understanding of the nutrient composition of various foods and make a reasonable combination according to the individual's health status.

He consulted with a number of nutrition experts to develop a detailed guide to nutritional intake, including recommendations for the right amount of various foods.

Eating too much chicken, bad for the elderly? Doctor: Not only meat, but also this vegetable should be avoided

This method has not only significantly improved Liu Yao's health, but also provided a reference for more elderly people.

Eating too much chicken, bad for the elderly? Doctor: Not only meat, but also this vegetable should be avoided

Everyone followed Liu Yao's method and formulated their own diet plans, which achieved good results.

In a word:

Eating too much chicken, bad for the elderly? Doctor: Not only meat, but also this vegetable should be avoided

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Ancient Oasis

Eating too much chicken, bad for the elderly? Doctor: Not only meat, but also this vegetable should be avoided


[1] Chen Xihao, Liu Ke, Li Haizhong, et al. Detection and analysis of residues of sulfachloropyrazine and doxycycline in chicken tissue[J].Modern Animal Science and Technology,2024,(06):28-30.DOI:10.19369/j.cnki.2095-9737.2024.06.008.

Eating too much chicken, bad for the elderly? Doctor: Not only meat, but also this vegetable should be avoided

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