
Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

author:Xu Bo's laboratory


See you soon! Nowadays, there are still people who insist on eating raw meat every day, and are willing to lend their wives to others for "use"!

Human civilization has been in primitive society for tens of thousands of years, and we may only know about the "Cave People on the Peak", "Yuanmou People", and "Hemudu People", but these primitive society people have been evolving, so that they have reached ancient times with relatively perfect rules.

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

With the progress of human society getting faster and faster, our current society has already entered an era of perfect rules and healthy life, and most of them have no concept of the barbaric eating of raw meat in the primitive life a long time ago, and even think that the primitive life is also "extinct".

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

But you know what? There are still some tribes in the far Arctic that still retain the living habits of primitive humans, they not only eat raw meat every day, but also lend their wives to people of the same tribe for "use", why can they behave such a puzzling behavior?

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?


Speaking of Eskimos, you may not know that there is such a race, but when you talk about Inuit, you must have the impression that in fact, Eskimos and Inuit are the same race, but they are mistaken by us modern people as two races.

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

Then why do they prefer to be called "Inuit", because this term comes from their rival tribes, in the language of the Indian Algonqin tribe, the Eskimos translate as "people who eat raw meat", and Inuit translates as "real people".

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

As early as thousands of years ago, they set out from Asia, went through many hardships to detour through the Bering Strait, and finally migrated to the heart of the Americas, because they were defeated by the Indians in the Americas, the Eskimos could only hide while walking, and finally had no choice but to retreat and camp in the Arctic Circle.

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

The naïve Indians thought that in this extremely cold weather, the Eskimos would freeze to death soon, because the weather in the Arctic Circle at that time was extremely bad, and they could die if they walked directionlessly, so they stopped chasing the Eskimos.

But the Indians would never have thought that the strong Eskimos not only survived, but their population was growing step by step, although there were only a few thousand people, but because of the subsequent distribution of resources, some of them chose to settle in Siberia, and some chose to live in the same place.

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

Some netizens found that "their faces and facial features still look very similar to our Chinese".

This is because Eskimos, like us, are from Asia, and the common characteristic of Asians is that they are born yellow, so Eskimos are no exception, but they have been living in the Arctic for a long time, and their eating habits are very different from ours, so the gap with the yellow race has become a bit big.

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

Most of their people are short and stout, with a typical hooked nose and thick fat, but their faces still retain the characteristics of the yellow race.

Although most of their bodies have changed, they have evolved gradually as Eskimos adapt to their environment.

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

As the saying goes, "if you want to stand firm, you must be stable", their short stature stepped on the thick layer of snow, which can effectively prevent them from being blown away by the blizzard, and the thick fat can resist the icy and biting cold like a bear.

But where does the thick fat of the Eskimos come from? Why do they eat raw meat when they make fires?

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

Why Eskimos only eat raw meat

Eskimos survive in the cold Arctic Circle because of their thick body fat, which comes directly from the high-protein meat they eat every day.

There are almost no plants living in the Arctic Circle, so the Eskimos rely on marine mammals, the main food being seals, walruses, polar bears, and whales, which directly bring rich fat and protein to their bodies.

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

However, after they catch food, they do not directly burn the fire and roast the meat to eat, but they have a quirk of eating food.

As the times changed, the Eskimos also learned the art of making fires, but instead of roasting the meat and eating it, they threw their prey into ice cellars for a period of time and waited for the food to spoil slightly before eating.

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

Why is that, do they really have any quirks? In fact, this is the Eskimos, who were forced to do so in order to replenish the richer elements.

Because the liver of raw animals is rich in protein and vitamins, they cannot eat vegetables, and can only rely on eating raw meat to maintain the vitamins they need, and people who hunt on the coast anytime and anywhere cannot carry a fire source with them.

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

Not only that, but the area is covered with snow, and there is very little wood for them to start a fire, and the source of fuel for their fire is seal fat, which is difficult to catch.

Despite its fat appearance, the seal is slow to move, but it is actually very fast, and with its smooth skin, it only takes a few seconds to return to the sea on slippery ice.

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

Therefore, it is not easy for Eskimos to catch a seal, and after catching the seal, they will give priority to the fat to the children to eat, and the rest of the food will be collected by the women, so the fat storage has always been very small.

And their thinking is very simple, as long as there is food to fill their stomachs, they will not take into account any taste and taste, because in the cold Arctic, in fact, everything you eat is a taste.

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

Loss of ethical hospitality

In other words, if one day, you hear your friend say to you, "Lend me your daughter-in-law", will you jump up and beat that friend up, or think he is joking with you?

But the "generous" Eskimos do not think so, in their perception, this behavior is not only normal, but everyone must abide by such a custom, and today we will talk about what it is.

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

In today's civilized society, it is monogamy, in fact, Eskimos are usually monogamous now, but polygamy only implements such a policy when food is particularly scarce.

In addition to the fact that the Eskimos had only a small number of people in the original tribe, in the case of reproduction, there were often brothers and sisters who married and had children.

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

Eskimos who originally feed on raw meat may have some diseases on their bodies, and due to the reason for the close blood relationship, some of the offspring born are "semi-disabled", so the probability of survival is very low.

As a result, the Eskimos had fewer and fewer tribesmen, and they began to "experiment" with the behavior of borrowing wives to entertain guests, which was also beneficial because it could effectively avoid the problem of low infant survival rate when reproducing offspring.

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

Although some Eskimo women give birth to offspring that are not their husband's children, her two husbands will raise their children as if they were their own, and there is no barrier between the three, and the food they hunt will be shared.

This is the strange Eskimos, although they don't want to do this, but they can only live in the extremely cold Arctic, we need to respect the habits and customs of any race, and not look at it with colored glasses.

Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?

What do you think about this?

Source: This article was originally published on October 13, 2003 by the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, on the mysterious Eskimos and their lives.
Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?
Originally published on NetEase News on November 29, 2022, what is the tradition of "polyandry" among Eskimos? Articles for survival and continuity.
Eating raw meat, "treating guests with a wife", why is the custom of the Eskimos so peculiar?
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