
Mother's love is silent, weaving the red flowers in life

author:Red evergreen


In the long river of life, there are always some stories, like the warm sun in winter, illuminating the heart.

Today, Sister Hong wants to tell a miracle of maternal love, a distressing and touching story, which is guaranteed to warm your heart after reading it.

Mother's love is silent, weaving the red flowers in life

1. A letter that has not been sent

The protagonist of the story is a young man who was sentenced to six years for impulsiveness and mistakes when he was young.

In that cold winter, he received a special gift - a sweater knitted by his mother herself, embroidered with a bright red flower on the hem, and attached a note: "Child, you should reform well, your mother is counting on you to support the elderly." ”

Mother's love is silent, weaving the red flowers in life

is just a few words, but it makes the iron man tender, and tears wet his clothes.

But who would have thought that this was the last "letter" between mother and son.

Second, the years are silent, and mother's love is like a mountain

After five years, the young man was released early and went home with great expectations, only to find that the door was closed and overgrown with weeds.

Neighbors told him that his mother had passed away, and in order to compensate him for the medical expenses of the injured, his mother was heavily indebted and went to work in another country.

Mother's love is silent, weaving the red flowers in life

Last year, a sudden explosion claimed her life.

The young man was so grief-stricken that he thought he had killed his mother, so he sold his old house and left for the country, vowing to live as a human being.

3. When I met my "dumb" mother-in-law, my affection was even stronger

A few years later, the young man opened a small restaurant in the city, and business was booming.

One day, a hunchbacked, lame old lady pushed a tricycle and came to sell vegetables.

Although she could not speak and her face was covered with dust, the young man felt inexplicably kind, and ordered her dish.

Every morning, the old lady arrives on time, rain or shine.

Mother's love is silent, weaving the red flowers in life

The young man occasionally invited her to eat a bowl of noodles, and the old lady always smiled like a child, which made people feel pity.

Fourth, uncover the mystery, mother's love is as deep as the sea

The good times didn't last long, and the old lady suddenly disappeared.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, the young man went to her with dumplings and found her sick in bed.

When the old lady opened her mouth and shouted "son", all the mysteries were solved, and this "dumb" mother-in-law was actually his mother!

It turned out that the mother survived the explosion, but because of her disfigurement and disability, she chose to "die", hoping that her son would start over without worry. She made a living by scavenging waste, silently guarding her son's side until her body could no longer hold on.

Mother's love is silent, weaving the red flowers in life

Fifth, the safflower is still the same, and the mother's love is eternal

Before her mother died, her son learned that she had suffered from bone cancer for many years, but she survived just to witness her son's growth and happiness. The bag with the baby, his wife, and his own sweater, every stitch was a mother's love and expectation. The mother used her last strength to teach her son the tenacity and selflessness of life.

Mother's love is silent, weaving the red flowers in life

6. Selected reviews from netizens

  • "Tears, the greatness of mother's love is indescribable in any language."
  • "Thinking of my mother, she also paid for me silently like this, the heart of parents all over the world!"
  • "This story reminds me of an old saying, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and the child wants to raise but does not wait."

【Conclusion】The lie of love, the most beautiful blessing

In this impetuous world, mother's love is like a clear stream, moisturizing things silently.

The young man's mother used the most simple way to interpret the highest state of maternal love - not asking for anything in return, just wishing you well.

Although her life ended, that love bloomed forever like a red flower, reminding us to cherish the people in front of us and be grateful for the unrequited giving.

Mother's love is silent, weaving the red flowers in life

Remember, no matter how high we fly, the thread of mother's love will always continue, warming our way home.

That's all for today's sharing, thanks for listening.

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