
The new trend of early approval enrollment pattern: the integration and optimization of military school majors and compound talents have become the key words

author:Golden Sheep Net

Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Sun Wei intern Zhang Zixin Wang Kaicheng

The Guangdong Provincial College Entrance Examination Volunteer Filling Stage was launched on June 28, of which, before 16:00 on June 29, it is necessary to fill in the professional group volunteers of the military, armed police, public security, justice, fire protection, flight technology and other colleges and universities that need to be approved in advance for political examination, physical examination and interview, and the professional group volunteers of the specialized training sergeant colleges and universities in advance. As the "final battle" of the college entrance examination, voluntary filling plays a vital role in college admissions. What are the new trends and changes worth paying attention to in the early approval enrollment pattern? What should I pay attention to when filling in the volunteer form?

Military inspection colleges and universities integrate and optimize enrollment majors and recruitment directions

In terms of approving military inspection colleges and universities in advance, this reporter learned from the official website of the Ministry of National Defense that the relevant person in charge of the Military Education Bureau of the Training Management Department of the Central Military Commission introduced that this year's enrollment plan focuses on the integration and optimization of enrollment majors and recruitment directions, and personnel training puts more emphasis on laying a solid foundation for military and political quality, science and culture, and disciplines, and cultivating military career development potential. In addition, the number of students enrolled in military academies is basically the same as last year, and the number of enrollment academies and universities is still 27, including 1 directly under the Central Military Commission, 10 in the army, 5 in the navy, 4 in the air force, 1 in the rocket force, 1 in the military space force, 1 in the cyberspace force, and 4 in the armed police force.

In terms of "Air Force and Navy Recruitment" and "Military Inspection and Interview Colleges", in the physics category, the Air Force Aviation University has reduced the enrollment of 8 places, from 64 to 56 students. The newly added Army Border and Coastal Defense College is majoring in command information system engineering, with an enrollment of 2 students, while the Yunnan Police College and the Civil Aviation University of China are not within the scope of this year's enrollment. Some institutions have reduced their enrollment quotas, such as the China Criminal Police College, the Chinese People's Police University, the Guangdong Police College, the Nanjing Police College, and the Central Judicial Police College. This year, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics have increased the number of students, and the latter's enrollment professional group has all changed from "re-selection is not limited" to "re-selection of chemistry". The original aircraft control and information engineering (fire rescue) of China Fire and Rescue Academy has been changed from "unlimited re-selection" to "re-selection of chemistry". The Army Engineering University has increased its enrollment and adjusted its professional groups, and majors such as communication engineering have increased the requirements for elective chemistry. This can be seen that colleges and universities are gradually strengthening the requirements of basic disciplines such as physical chemistry, which is in line with the current national development strategy of the mainland and the demand for social talents.

For example, the enrollment quota of the Guangdong Police College has increased by about 100 students, and the enrollment of investigation, police command and tactics, and public security has been expanded to varying degrees, and the enrollment of the China Criminal Police College has expanded from 59 to 85.

Non-military inspection and interview colleges have approved projects in advance

In terms of the enrollment of "non-military inspection and interview colleges" approved in advance, the early approval projects of a number of colleges and universities have been "new". In the history category, Beijing Normal University will join the 2024 early enrollment and open three majors: Russian, Japanese, and special education (state-funded normal students), with a plan to enroll 6 students. Jilin University has also joined the early approval and opened early approval enrollment of Marxist theory (PPE philosophy, political science, economics) in Guangdong. Communication University of China has also adjusted the early approval of foreign languages, and this year has added an early batch of enrollment for Urdu and cancelled the enrollment for Japanese and Malay. In the physics category, Shanghai Maritime University has joined the early approval and plans to recruit 6 candidates in Guangdong, including marine engineering, navigation technology and other majors.

This year, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) plans to recruit 122 Guangdong physics candidates, an increase of 68 compared with last year. In terms of majors, in addition to the same science and technology innovation classes as last year, HKUST (GZ) also recruits artificial intelligence leading talent classes, which are taught in English, and students decide on their chosen major at the end of the second academic year.

In the process of this round of early enrollment, the reporter noticed that "compound talents" have become the key words of enrollment. When optimizing the enrollment structure, colleges and universities should give full consideration to the multi-level and wide-ranging cultivation of talents. The University of International Business and Economics has added a number of double bachelor's degree majors around the talent training characteristics of "foreign language + finance and economics" in the early approval and history category. For example, Japanese (including International Economics and Trade-Japanese double bachelor's degree program) and Spanish (including International Economics and Trade-Spanish double bachelor's degree program). Gu Xinyu, deputy director of the Undergraduate Admissions Office of the University of International Business and Economics, said that the training model of "foreign language + finance" meets the needs of the country for compound key talents. Sichuan University of Foreign Studies and Chinese Studies has added Spanish ("Spanish-E-commerce" double degree major) to the Physics category in advance.

Many colleges and universities have expanded their enrollment in primary education and science education

In the undergraduate early approval of teachers, many colleges and universities have increased the enrollment quota for primary education majors and special education majors. This year, there is a new figure of Guangdong Technical Normal University (Heyuan Campus) in the enrollment school, with 20 students each enrolled in physics and history, mainly majoring in primary education. At the same time, Hanshan Normal University, Guangzhou University, South China Normal University (Shanwei Campus) and many other colleges and universities have increased their primary education majors to varying degrees. This is a response to the current structural shortage of primary school teachers, and reflects Guangdong's efforts to continue to narrow the gap in education, achieve high-quality and balanced development of urban and rural education, and help achieve educational equity and quality improvement.

In addition, the number of students enrolled in physics at Lingnan Normal University has increased from 127 to 190, and the number of students enrolled in science education has also increased in addition to the enrollment of primary education and special education majors, and the number of students enrolled in science education majors in Huizhou University has increased to 40. This is in line with the Ministry of Education's "building a strong group of normal majors to train primary school science teachers, and strengthening the supply of high-quality professional primary school science teachers at the undergraduate level and above from the source through publicly-funded education for normal students and the 'excellent teacher plan'. Encourage high-level normal colleges to integrate high-quality resources inside and outside the school to open science education majors. continue to strengthen the construction of existing science education majors, and promote relevant colleges and universities to expand the enrollment scale of science education majors".

In the early approval of rural health projects, the enrollment of traditional Chinese medicine and clinical medicine majors has been significantly expanded in various targeted areas. Compared with last year, the total number of students enrolled at Guangdong Pharmaceutical University has increased by 42, and the number of students enrolled in physics at Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine has increased significantly, from 195 to 239, but the history class will no longer enroll students this year. This reflects that colleges and universities in Guangdong Province have further strengthened the construction of general medicine disciplines, strengthened the education of general medicine, preventive medicine and traditional Chinese medicine for general medicine students, and optimized the teaching of theories, knowledge and skills of general medicine, public health and traditional Chinese medicine.

According to the project plan, Guangdong has recruited and determined 2,406 medical college students in 2024, and there are 11 colleges and universities enrolled. Relevant departments will give priority to targeted medical graduates to primary medical and health institutions in areas with a large service population, large demand for general practice, and a relatively short supply of general practitioners.

This year is the fourth year of Guangdong's new college entrance examination, and colleges and universities are more mature in terms of professional settings and talent training plans. In this round of early enrollment, many colleges and universities have adjusted and optimized, and generally show the pursuit of compound and application-oriented talents. In the process of recruiting students, more colleges and universities adopt the method of "large-category training" to carry out cross-field comprehensive training to broaden students' horizons. While choosing their favorite schools and majors, candidates should fully understand the training programs of colleges and universities, and make careful choices under the condition of "knowing what to expect".

Editor: Wu Jiahong

Source: Golden Sheep Network