
Restore the details of Zhang Zhijie: the medical team entered the scene 30 seconds after fainting! The referee asked the national feather coach to leave

author:Sensitive cheese

Behind the glorious stage of sports competition, there is a silent battle against time - emergency medical rescue.

When the green field intertwined with sweat and dreams has become the front line of the life-and-death contest in an instant, the medical preparation for each event is not only the protection of the health of the athletes, but also the defense of the dignity of life.

However, the recent scene at the Asian Youth Badminton Championships in Indonesia was like a cold lightning bolt, piercing the warm veil of sportsmanship and making people shudder.

Restore the details of Zhang Zhijie: the medical team entered the scene 30 seconds after fainting! The referee asked the national feather coach to leave

In this grand event, which was supposed to show the strength and skills of youth, Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old rising star of the Chinese badminton team, encountered a sudden brake of life at the critical moment of the game.

His sudden fainting not only caught everyone present off guard, but also revealed the heart-wrenching rift in the event's emergency response system.

If the competition on the field is a clash of speed and skill, then the first aid operation off the field is a rigorous test of professionalism and efficiency.

Restore the details of Zhang Zhijie: the medical team entered the scene 30 seconds after fainting! The referee asked the national feather coach to leave

Unfortunately, we failed this question.

Compared with Eriksen's thrilling and textbook rescue in the European Cup, the Zhang Zhijie incident is like a mirror, reflecting two extremes: on the one hand, the calm response of the professional team pulls the players back from the brink of death; On the other hand, there is the painful lesson of chaos and missed opportunities.

This is not only a reflection on individual tragedies, but also a wake-up call to the emergency management mechanism of global sports events.

Restore the details of Zhang Zhijie: the medical team entered the scene 30 seconds after fainting! The referee asked the national feather coach to leave

In those crucial minutes, every hesitation and sluggishness can become irreparable regret.

Event organizers should be the backbone of athletes' safety, not the weakness of emergencies.

Imagine if each arena had a well-equipped, well-trained medical team on standby like a superhero, then perhaps Zhang's story would have a very different ending.

After all, while pursuing faster, higher and stronger, the sports world should keep in mind the iron law of "safety first" to ensure that every dreamer can get the most solid protection on their journey.

Restore the details of Zhang Zhijie: the medical team entered the scene 30 seconds after fainting! The referee asked the national feather coach to leave

At this moment, we can't help but ask, what caused this tragedy to happen? Is it the negligence of the system, or the numbness of the people's hearts? The answer may be complex, but the direction of action should be clear: improve emergency response capabilities, strengthen medical training, and ensure that every fall is quickly ushered in the reset button of life.

Because, on the stage of competition, every fall should not be the end, but the beginning of a new upright.

Let's take this as an opportunity, not only to commemorate the young lives who have fallen due to accidents, but also to promote the development of sports events in a safer and more humane direction.

Restore the details of Zhang Zhijie: the medical team entered the scene 30 seconds after fainting! The referee asked the national feather coach to leave

After all, while the game is important, the price of life is higher.

In the days to come, I hope that the excitement of every event can bloom brightly on the premise of ensuring the safety and security of every participant.

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