
Qilin District: Technology empowerment and process reengineering to create a new model of smart urban management

author:Palm Qujing

How to improve the quality of the city and reflect the governance level of the whole city has become a difficult problem in urban management. In order to solve the problem of urban management and improve the level of scientific, refined and intelligent governance of the city, Qilin District of Qujing City has successfully built a "smart urban management" platform after many technological upgrades since 2019, and has been successfully merged into the Qilin District Party Building Leading Grassroots Governance Dispatching and Command Center. By building a strong smart brain, breaking down data barriers, and achieving "one screen to know the whole area, one network to manage the whole city", the physical operation has achieved remarkable results, and the events in urban management and other fields can be "seen, adjusted, and dealt with quickly".

Qilin District: Technology empowerment and process reengineering to create a new model of smart urban management

The command center discovers cases (incidents) through multiple channels

Through the integration of more than 20,000 video resources in the whole district, a smart urban management digital management and control system has been built, and 59 violations of laws and regulations such as non-standard management of construction sites, random parking of motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles, operation of supermarkets and stores, and mobile peddling of street vendors have been automatically identified 24 hours a day through the AI recognition function; Call the 12345 government service hotline and 110 non-police question push; The WeChat public account of "Happy Kirin" mass appeals was opened, where citizens could express their demands, reflect problems, and supervise progress, as well as the "Happy Kirin" Golden Bean Plan activities to encourage participation; Establish an inspection grid, enrich ten types of grid personnel, and find and deal with problems in real time. The big data page displays the total number of cases (matters), the number of cases received, etc., and can also generate heat maps.

Qilin District: Technology empowerment and process reengineering to create a new model of smart urban management

The district party committee has set up a dispatching command center to exercise command and dispatch functions

14 towns (streets) and 76 district-level departments responded to the instructions and realized joint management. Establish a joint scheduling model, such as inviting bike-sharing operators to participate in scheduling and disposal. Through the "whistle-blowing" module, multiple departments can collaborate to solve cross-departmental cases. For example, the command center received a report from the street grid staff, saying that the access passage of the fourth kindergarten and the North Shore Primary School in Qilin District under its jurisdiction was not demolished due to illegal buildings, resulting in narrow and congested roads, affecting the access of teachers and students, and requesting the dispatch of relevant departments to deal with it collaboratively. After receiving the report, the command center launched the working mechanism of "whistle-blowing and reporting", instructed the street to take the lead, and all functional departments cooperated. Street docking and coordination of ownership departments, do a good job in the ideological guidance of the masses; The Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau formulates the demolition plan and organizes the implementation of the demolition work; After the demolition is completed, the Education and Sports Bureau organizes the school to normalize and standardize the traffic order on this road section. So far, the problem of traffic jams that have plagued the surrounding citizens, teachers, students, and parents to and from school for a long time has been properly solved through the "whistle-blowing report" working mechanism.

Qilin District: Technology empowerment and process reengineering to create a new model of smart urban management

Outdoor mobile law enforcement case handling to improve the quality of case handling

Give full play to the central role of the dispatching and command center, formulate a command manual, clarify the responsibility and time limit for disposal, and ensure that small and micro problems are handled immediately, general problems are dealt with on the same day, and major and difficult problems are solved within 10 working days. The urban management law enforcement cases realize point-to-point flat scheduling, and the law enforcement terminal realizes outdoor mobile law enforcement and case handling, standardizes the process, and improves the quality of case handling. For example, the AI instruction of the smart urban management platform: there is a road occupation operation at the entrance of the three-step two-way bridge market in Nanning Street, causing sidewalk congestion. After receiving the order, the staff of the dispatching command center immediately persuaded through the remote shouting function, and at the same time dispatched the nearest law enforcement team members to the scene to persuade them to leave, and the on-site law enforcement team members understood, several old people who occupied the road to sell vegetables were left-behind elderly people in the suburbs and rural areas, and they planted some vegetables to subsidize their families, and there was no fixed stall in the market, so they had to be placed at the entrance of the larger flow of people.

When handling summary procedure cases, law enforcement personnel can quickly and accurately locate laws and regulations by entering keywords on the spot, match the discretionary benchmark according to the specific circumstances of the violation of laws and regulations, generate, print and serve legal documents on the spot, scan the code of the confiscated money on the spot and pay it into the state treasury, and the bills are electronically delivered to the counterpart.

Technology empowerment and process reengineering will improve the intelligence and refinement of urban management, promote cross-departmental cooperation, and form a new governance model. In the future, we will continue to optimize the intelligent construction and contribute to the modernization of urban grassroots governance.

Qujing financial media reporter Chen Hongjie correspondent Xiao Guojun

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