
Required for graduate school | Recommended books for information science exam preparation!

author:Zhiyuan Juku, Japan

The scope of the Japanese examination is different from that of the domestic postgraduate examination, and the focus of the preparation will be different, so some Japanese exam preparation books are indispensable, and almost all information science candidates have one!

Today, Xiaoyuan will recommend some exam preparation books according to the scope and question type of the information science exam~ Hurry up and code up!

Required for graduate school | Recommended books for information science exam preparation!

First of all, let's give students a big summary of book recommendations! Add it to your cart with one click~

Recommended Books:

1 "Calculus" Kazumasa Ikeda

2 "Linear Algebra" Kazumasa Ikeda

3 "Data Structure" Yan Weimin

4《Computer Architecture》Shuichi Sakai

5《Introduction to Logic Circuits》Shuichi Sakai

6 "Information Theory" Hideki Imai

7《IT Text Information and Communication Network》Shiro Sakata

8《Seminar: Graduate School Entrance Examination Questions》[Mathematics] I.II.


➤ Calculus "Differential Points"

The questions cover a wide range of topics, such as differential equations (ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations), synthesis with complex functions, generalized integrals, indefinite integrals, extrema of multivariate functions, double integrals, plane equations, McLaughlin expansions, curves, integral derivatives and limits of curves, function images, derivatives and second derivatives, limits, finding partial derivatives, etc.

However, most of the schools are more basic, have more basic knowledge, are familiar with several integral methods, find partial derivatives, and sometimes combine them with solid geometry and so on, pay great attention to calculations, and be careful. Some curve-related, although the frequency of questions is very low, but still need to be reviewed.

Teaching materials: 《Seminar: Graduate School Entrance Examination Questions I》

Required for graduate school | Recommended books for information science exam preparation!
Required for graduate school | Recommended books for information science exam preparation!

➤ Polygebra "Linear Algebra"

My favorite test point is to find eigenvalues (intrinsic 値) and eigenvectors (inherent ベクトル), and then find diagonalization, and you will also encounter very simple matrix definition problems (inverse matrix, upper triangle, lower triangle, etc.). The values of determinants, linear mappings, matrix transformations, inverse matrices, and matrices to the nth power are all the key points that have been examined.

Recommended textbooks: "Evolution of Line Algebra" Terada Fumiyuki; MIT Open Course on Linear Algebra

Required for graduate school | Recommended books for information science exam preparation!
Required for graduate school | Recommended books for information science exam preparation!

➤ Approximate rate "Probability and Statistics"

Probability theory is related, mainly in the probability part, rarely involving the statistical part of the exam questions, often Bernoulli distribution (ベルヌーイ distribution), binomial distribution, geometric distribution, Poisson distribution (ポアソン distribution), exponential distribution, central limit theorem and so on.

Recommended textbook: Overcoming Weaknesses: Probability and Statistics

Required for graduate school | Recommended books for information science exam preparation!

Specialized courses

➤ Numeric power "logic circuit"

The test topics are probably decimal conversion and arithmetic, Boolean algebra, formula simplification and Carnot diagrams, combinatorial circuits, timing circuits, and counter design.

The focus is on basic logic operations, the design of combinatorial logic circuits, and the design of sequential logic circuits, such as designing a certain type of counter (カウンタ), adder, multiplier or some special circuits according to the requirements of the topic, giving functions to draw state transition diagrams, state transition tables, etc.

Recommended textbook: "Entering the Door of the Theoretical Circuit" Shuichi Sakai

Required for graduate school | Recommended books for information science exam preparation!

➤Data Structure and Algorithm 「アルゴリズムとデータ構造」

This subject has a high probability of fill-in-the-blank questions. The test points are about temporal and spatial complexity, recursion, basic sorting algorithms, stacks, queues, heaps, linked lists, hash tables, binary trees, greed, dynamic programming, graphs, and string comparisons.

The high-frequency test points in most schools include time complexity, sorting algorithms, search algorithms and binary tree correlation, and the questions will not be difficult.

Recommended textbook: Yan Weimin of "Data Structure".

Required for graduate school | Recommended books for information science exam preparation!
Required for graduate school | Recommended books for information science exam preparation!

➤ Principles of Computer Composition and Operating System 「コンピュータアーキテクチャ」

The test points are probably base system calculation, implementation of arithmetic units, registers, instructions, pipeline, cache (キャッシュ), virtual memory, memory hierarchy, scheduling algorithms, number of cycles, etc. For example, the capacity of the cache, hit ratio, miss, etc., will also be examined for parallel processing hazard and assembly code completion. The range is relatively wide and requires memorization.

Teaching materials: "Computer Architecture" Shuichi Sakai

Required for graduate school | Recommended books for information science exam preparation!

➤ Circuit Analysis "Electronic Circuit Theory"

Mainly to investigate the operational amplifier オペアンプ, the test points that need to be mastered are circuit basics, DC circuits, first-order circuits, second-order circuits, sinusoidal circuits, phasor transformation, Laplace transform, two-terminal network.

Recommended textbook: "Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design" Donald A

Required for graduate school | Recommended books for information science exam preparation!

➤计算机网络 「Network」

The test center is relatively regular, and there is a lot to memorize. The main test points are OSI seven-layer model, TCP/IP reference model, physical layer, data link layer and Ethernet protocol, network layer and IP-related protocols, transport layer, application layer, etc.

Recommended textbook: "Computer Network" Xie Xiren

Required for graduate school | Recommended books for information science exam preparation!

➤形式语言与自动机 「Automata Language Theory」

The main test points are formal grammar and formal language, poor automata, regular expressions, context-independent grammar and push-down automata, and Turing machines. The main thing is to practice more, and the test is not difficult.

Teaching Materials: "Automata Language Theory"

Required for graduate school | Recommended books for information science exam preparation!

➤Information Theory

The channel coding part is mainly investigated.

Teaching materials: "Information Theory" Hideki Imai

Required for graduate school | Recommended books for information science exam preparation!

The above information can be used as a reference for students when preparing for the exam, combined with the review of domestic and Japanese textbooks, as well as the exercises sorted out by the teachers in class, follow the review plan customized by the class teacher, and brush up on the past questions, which is basically not too difficult, and students do not have to have too much psychological burden.

I wish you all the best in the Graduate School Information Science Entrance Examination!


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