
Pay attention to these 3 little things during the summer vacation, and the children will have excellent grades at the beginning of school. During the holidays, in addition to regular review and preview, these three little things - reading, writing, and arithmetic - are extremely important routine homework and are required

author:Parenting growth method

Take care of these 3 little things during the summer vacation, and the children will have excellent grades at the beginning of school.

During the holidays, in addition to regular review and preview, these three small things - reading, writing, and arithmetic - are extremely important routine assignments that require children to persevere every day.

1. Read

By reading for 10-20 minutes in the morning every day, your child will be able to memorize the texts and ancient poems that need to be memorized in the next semester. In this way, you can save a lot of worry and be one step ahead after the start of school. You can also recite English words, composition materials, and so on according to your actual situation.

Stick to at least 30 minutes of late reading every day. Read the required reading list in the "Happy Reading Bar" in advance, and then dabble in a wide range of books according to your child's interests and hobbies, so as to improve reading comprehension and writing skills.

2. Copying

Writing refers to writing. The font of primary school students has not yet been completely finalized, so it is important to insist on practicing calligraphy. If you don't practice for a day or two, it may not change much, but if you don't practice for a few days or even the entire holiday, your previous efforts may be wasted.

The quality of the font not only affects the score of the paper, but also the face of the child. Moreover, while practicing calligraphy, it can also exercise children's concentration, patience and perseverance.

3. Arithmetic

Calculation is calculation, which is the basis of mathematics. The quality of a child's math scores, as well as the science scores in middle and high school, are closely related to numeracy ability.

Therefore, in primary school, the basic skill of computing must be consolidated. The basic skills of calculation are not solid, and in the upper grades, the number of mathematical calculation steps increases, and a mistake in one step may lead to a wrong step.

When you look at your child's test papers, you will find that some of the questions are not not incompetent, but "miscalculated", resulting in the whole question being wrong and unable to score, which is really a pity; There are also children who do not have enough time for the exam due to their slow calculation speed.

A 3-piece set of summer vacation, reading, oral arithmetic, and word practice stickers are special summer vacation special training, which my children use every year, not only to review the knowledge of the previous semester, but also to preview the new knowledge, to help the child smoothly transition to the new grade.

For example, "Summer Vacation Oral Arithmetic" covers oral arithmetic, written arithmetic, applied arithmetic, and listening arithmetic, comprehensively improving computing ability;

"Summer Vacation Reading" adopts "three-stage" answer analysis, and video answers are explained to enhance the ability to read and do questions.

"Summer Vacation Character Practice Sticker" consolidates key words, familiarizes yourself with new words, video calligraphy guidance, and forms good habits every day for 42 days.

In terms of arrangement, it is a combination of review and preview, which makes the connection of knowledge more efficient. Parents in grades 1 – 6 can make choices for their children.

In short, there should be a clear plan and a clear goal for the summer vacation. Only in this way will the child's daily learning not be blind, the learning efficiency will be high, and the grades will be far ahead after the school starts.

Reading oral arithmetic practice word copy synchronization

Pay attention to these 3 little things during the summer vacation, and the children will have excellent grades at the beginning of school. During the holidays, in addition to regular review and preview, these three little things - reading, writing, and arithmetic - are extremely important routine homework and are required
Pay attention to these 3 little things during the summer vacation, and the children will have excellent grades at the beginning of school. During the holidays, in addition to regular review and preview, these three little things - reading, writing, and arithmetic - are extremely important routine homework and are required
Pay attention to these 3 little things during the summer vacation, and the children will have excellent grades at the beginning of school. During the holidays, in addition to regular review and preview, these three little things - reading, writing, and arithmetic - are extremely important routine homework and are required
Pay attention to these 3 little things during the summer vacation, and the children will have excellent grades at the beginning of school. During the holidays, in addition to regular review and preview, these three little things - reading, writing, and arithmetic - are extremely important routine homework and are required

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