
Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children

author:Anhui Hui girl
Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children
Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children
Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children
Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children

Wanmei family

Caring mother

Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children
Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children

Pair Care Action

Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children
Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children
Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children

In order to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on women, children and the work of the All-China Women's Federation, especially the spirit of the important speech made during the collective conversation with the members of the new leadership group of the All-China Women's Federation, and to implement the important decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on children's work and the work requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, in accordance with the unified deployment of the All-China Women's Federation and other nine departments, Anhui Province has continuously deepened the three-year action of "Wanmei Family • Caring Mother" to care for left-behind children and children in difficulty, strengthen the coordination of all parties, and gather the power of care. Guide the province's caring mothers to be the guides for children's growth, the guardians of children's rights and interests, and the builders of children's future dreams, and make every effort to escort the healthy growth of left-behind children in difficulty.

The WeChat public account of Anhui Hui Girl launched the column "Anhui Mei Family Caring Mother" to publicize and promote the good experience and good practices of promoting pairing and caring actions in various places, and vividly tell the touching stories of caring mothers in pairs. Today, let's walk into Ma'anshan and listen to the touching story of Li Hong, a "caring mother".

Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children

Let the seeds of love "sprout" in the hearts of left-behind children

——Li Hong, Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ma'anshan Intermodal Transport Group, Anhui Province, and "Caring Mother".

Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children
Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children

Li Hong is the secretary of the Party Committee and vice chairman of the Ma'anshan Intermodal Transport Group in Anhui Province, and has won the honorary titles of "National 38 Red Flag Bearer", "National May Day Women's Model" and "National Model Worker", but what she is most proud of is the title of "Caring Mother". She said: "I have been engaged in public welfare for many years, and it is the most meaningful thing for me to know Nian Nian (pseudonym) and become her 'caring mother'. ”

Li Hong and Nian Nian met on an Arbor Day. In March 2022, in the Arbor Day theme activity organized by the Municipal Women's Federation, she and her daughter met Niannian. During the conversation, she learned that Niannian was the orphan of the martyrs of the flood fight in He County, after her father died, her mother remarried, her grandfather worked outside all the year round, and the young Niannian has been living with her grandmother. Niannian's situation made Li Hong feel a sour feeling in her heart, and as soon as the activity ended, she decided to go to the child's house to have a look. When Li Hong drove to Hexian County and knocked on the low-rent housing provided by the government for Niannian's family, there was not a single decent piece of furniture in the house, there was only one bed in each room, and Niannian's room only had an extra desk. Looking at the simple living environment, Li Hong had the idea of helping her.

After getting the consent of Niannian's grandmother, Li Hong began a journey of love that lasted for many years. Every winter and summer vacation, she takes Niannian to her home, buys clothes and school supplies for her, and helps her expand her horizons; Talk to her, pay attention to her physical and mental health, and help her open her heart. More than two years have passed, and what makes Li Hong happy is that Niannian has grown into a lively, cheerful and sunny little girl. In sixth grade, she excelled in her grades and was in good physical condition, winning first place in her school's running competition.

What Li Hong can't forget the most is that in an interview with the county TV station, the reporter asked Niannian who sent the money to buy daily necessities, and Niannian said loudly, "It was sent by my mother." At that moment, Li Hong knew that the child finally accepted her and regarded her as his mother! In the subsequent exchange, Nian Nian told reporters, "Mom is very partial to her, often chatting with her, teaching her how to behave and how to overcome difficulties in learning, sometimes she thinks, I am really grateful to Mother Li, so that she has two ......."

On "Mother's Day", Li Hong received a blessing text message, which also strengthened her determination to spread the kindness of "loving mothers" in pairs. Over the years, she has been concerned about the healthy growth of the next generation, actively participated in the public welfare activities of caring for left-behind children and children from difficult families carried out by women's federations at all levels, went deep into community streets and welfare homes, cared for children and orphans from poor families due to illness, and took the lead in donating money to support children from poor rural families.

Li Hong's actions have also infected the people around her, and under her drive, her daughter took out her New Year's money to support children in need, and the company's party branch often carries out condolences to families in difficulty. During the conversation, Li Hong could feel the joy and happiness they had gained from it.

I hope that more people will respond to the call of the Women's Federation and join the team of "caring mothers" to warm the hearts of children from difficult families with true feelings. I hope that with the care and help of the whole society, more "seeds" of love can take root and sprout in the hearts of children!

Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children

Contributed by the Provincial Women's Federation Family and Children's Department

Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children
Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children

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Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children
Let the seeds of love "germinate" in the hearts of left-behind children

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