
Rob's Weekly Spiritual Direction 6.27-7.3

author:Star Translation Agency

Rob Benzny is a famous American astrologer, writer, poet, musician, and social activist. The main style is spiritual guidance.

Please note Star Translation Agency and the translator for reprinting.

Foreword – Translator: Illusion

Devotional mindfulness therapy

Experiment and practice to become a master of graceful exploration, rippling and unbridled, surprisingly friendly, and blissful in empathy

1. There is a common thing that gets in the way of the vitality of intimacy, which I call the "perspective hypothesis." You imagine, perhaps unconsciously, that your lover or friend has some kind of magical spirit with you, so magical that the other person should always instinctively know what you need, even if you don't say it. This fantasy may seem romantic, but it can ruin even the best of relationships.

To eliminate any of your tendencies to indulge in "perspective assumptions," practice speaking out loud your desires.

2. "In order to keep the relationship alive", James Hillman writes, "Love itself is not enough, there is no imagination, love gradually decays into feelings, responsibilities, boredom, and the relationship is over, not because we no longer love, but because we stopped imagining it first".

Let this be a premise, and the next time you feel like you're going to repeat the past with a close partner, interrupt yourself and go to a fairytale world.

3. Robin Norwood's self-help book, Women Who Love Too Much, touches on a common theme: If you sacrifice your needs and give too much to a person who doesn't appreciate it, you'll make yourself sick.

Another point comes from the philosopher Blaise Pascal, who said, "A man who does not love too much, does not love enough". His point of view is primarily directed at mental health altruists, but it's also a good idea to remember for mindfulness fans.

Decide whether you need to go the Norwood route or Pascal's route, make a plan to complete that decision, and then go for action.

4. Play the game "Tell Me the Story of Your Wounds". It's best to find someone who is good at empathy, who is curious about the puzzle of your fate and who is also good at helping you find redemption from your wounds.

"How did the scar on your knee come about?" The other person may start with this question, and then you go to talk about that time when you were a child and fell on the road.

Then the person might say, "Why do you always look sad when you hear that song?" "You'll tell stories from the past, and when old love hurt you, you put that song on.

Questions and answers continue until you tell you about your history of hurt, both physical and spiritual. Enjoy this game as soon as possible.

5. Some heterosexual men think that they won't be happy in love unless they find a supermodel-like woman. This desire was stamped by the narrow definition of feminine beauty in our culture when they were young. They avoid a lot of good women who don't fit these kinds of ideals.

But it's not limited to men who are addicted to certain appearances, such as some straight women, who don't want to date a short, bald man, no matter how interesting the other person is.

Regardless of gender, any sexual orientation, there is a misconception that the physical attractiveness of a potential partner is the most important factor for matching, and this misconception is a common cause of bad relationships.

The good news is that anyone can get rid of the instinctive craving for a particular shape, so there's a better chance of bonding with someone who didn't seem like a good fit but is actually a better fit.

How is your relationship with this screening? Describe how you can make it grow a little bit, and speculate on how you can make it into a new phase of more maturity.

6. One night in September many years ago, I was on the side of the road outside a nightclub in San Francisco and saw the cover of a book in the sewer.

Written by Marilena Silbey and Paul Ramana Das, the book is titled "How to Be Passionately Intimate and Rich with Your Dream Partner on the Road to Enlightenment."

It's a pity that the words behind me can't be read clearly. Then, in a thirst for this wisdom, I tried to find the book, and it didn't.

I hope that maybe you'll consider writing your own version of this topic, and if you do, feel free to send it to me.

7. I swear that the strange woman standing next to me at the Getty Center Museum in Los Angeles had an almost erotic experience as she gazed at Van Gogh's "Iris."

She didn't touch herself, and no one else touched her. But judging by her rapid breathing, trembling muscles, quivering eyelids, and sweaty forehead, it was clear that she was experiencing a bout of pleasure.

Fifteen minutes later, I saw her again in front of Jean-Honoré Fragonard's Fountain of Love, and she was a little calmer.

I kindly said, "These paintings really move you, don't you?" ”

"Oh yes," she replied, "not only did I learn how to have sex with real flowers, clouds, and fountains, I could even have sex with their paintings." ”

Are you interested in mastering this masterful crazy approach? Where do you start?

8. Historian Thomas Raquel, in his book Making Gender: The Body and Gender from Greece to the Time of Freud, mentions that male anatomists did not discover the clitoris until 1559 and knew nothing about it before.

That year, Renaldus Columbus, a professor at the University of Pardua in Italy, announced that he had discovered "the joy of women" and declared that he had the right to name it "the honey of Venus".

Is there an ultimate joy that you haven't discovered yet? Where is it? How do you find it?

9. Once upon a time, you asked someone to bless you, and instead, they gave you a curse, and that debilitating curse hit you directly where you were going to receive the blessing, what a tragedy!

Do you understand that the seed of blessing that you needed (and still need) is hidden in the curse? If you can figure out what that blessing is, you can heal yourself.

(Also: the French word for "wound" is "blessure," implying that blessings can come from trauma.) )

10. Meditate on those sublime archetypes, which may be hidden in your less proud desires. Dreaming of those noble missions may be hidden behind the bitter cry of your heart.

11. Writer Margaret Atwood wrote: "Snow is important to the Eskimos, so they gave it fifty-two names." Love should also have so many names. ”

Lindsay Swop's review of Richard Idmund's astrology book In the Mirror lists some words coined by the ancient Greeks:

Epithemia is the basic need to touch and be touched, and now the closest word is "desire", but epithemia is not exactly sexuality, but more of sensory perception.

Philia is camaraderie, which includes the need to respect and appreciate friends, like in high school, you want to play with cool kids because it means you're cool too.

Eros is not the sexual desire we usually think of, but more of an emotional satisfaction that comes from soul fusion.

Agape is a mature, completely free love, non-possessive, meaning wanting the best for others, even if you don't get the good yourself.

Your task is to create three new words of love, meaning you must discover or create three new states of love that were previously unnamed.

To do this, it is essential to discard the habitual expectations and standard definitions of love in order to explore the various nuances of love, including all kinds of love that you never imagined existed.

Aries – Translator: Liu Kitten

It may sound a little strange, but I think there's never been a better time to address a new problem. Not the boring old question, of course. Instead, I want you to think carefully about what kind of puzzles are most educational for you – which riddle might be challenging to help you grow. This is another reason why you should be proactive in finding interesting puzzles: doing so will ensure that you don't run into banal, meaningless problems.

Taurus – Translator: Liu Kitten

Now is an excellent time to start learning a new language or improving your native language. Or both. This is also an advantageous stage to enrich your communication skills and access resources. Do you want to improve your ability to nurture friendships and influence others? Are you interested in becoming more persuasive, articulate, and expressive? If that's the case, Taurus, focus gracefully on these tasks of self-improvement. If you do, life will arrange everything for you. (P.S. I'm not saying you're weak in these areas, just that now is a good time to improve your abilities).

Gemini – Translator: Liu Kitten

Barbara Sher and Barbara Smith are the authors of the book "As Long as I Know What That Is, I Can Do Anything": How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It. I invite you to think deeply and feel about this topic in the coming months. In my experience with Geminis, you tend to be versatile and versatile, so it can be challenging to focus on just one or two different missions. This can confuse your abilities and leave you unaware of what you want most. But here's the good news: you may soon enjoy a grace period during which you'll feel more fulfilled by focusing on one goal than anything else.

Cancer – Translator: Illusion

You are entering the wisdom stage of questioning stereotyped patterns and getting rid of old habits. The more excited you are to revisit everything you know and believe, the more likely new possibilities are to open up to you. If you are committed to solving long-standing puzzles and researching new approaches, you will open an epic chapter of your life story, wow~ It sounds dramatic but it is completely true. Here's the point: you're in the sweet spot right now to see the specific successes you can achieve between now and your birthday in 2025.

Leo – Translator: Illusion

How many ways can you think of to enrich your spiritual wisdom? I suggest you choose both and pursue them with joy in the coming weeks. You are ready to touch the divine revelations that can change your life for the better. All conditions are in your favor, and you will encounter teachings that sublimate the soul and hone your highest ideals. Do not underestimate your ability to receive the necessary revelation.

Virgo – Translator: Illusion

Border Collies are dogs that are instinctive to shepherd sheep, they have a very strong desire to drive, guide and manage, and will not only herd sheep and cats, but also pigs, chickens and even ostriches, and even try to herd cats. In my opinion, Virgo, the border herding is your soul animal during this time. You have a special inclination and talent to be a good shepherd, so use your talent to help people and animals with more guidance, and they will benefit from your pampering guidance. Remember to channel your impulses in the same way!

Libra – Translator: Illusion

We have come to the middle of 2024 and it is time to check. Can you recall the promise you made to yourself in January of this year? Are you halfway to the field you've vowed to explore? What incentives can you take to re-energize your two most important goals? How do you define your main obstacle to success, and how do you eliminate it? If you want to look back on my predictions about your fate, go and see my year.

Scorpio – Translator: Illusion

Scorpio Gary Haag studied mechanic and food science, but worked mainly as an amateur astronomer for many years. Using a seven-foot telescope built in his backyard, he discovered a comet and three hundred asteroids, two of which could be in danger of passing by the Earth at close range. To praise his pleasure as an amateur, he said he enjoyed "a sense of freedom that professionals don't have." In the coming weeks, Scorpio, I encourage you to explore and experiment with tasks that are aimed at fun rather than responsibility. Find jobs and games that make you feel free and enjoy them.

Sagittarius – Translator: Illusion

Your land of power will be in places that no one has been or seen for a while, as you wander around where you think you shouldn't be, you'll discover sexy secrets and missing information, and the light at the end of the tunnel will appear sooner than you think. Your lucky number is 8, your lucky color is black, and your lucky mood is the surprise of your discovery. I suggest: summon your memories to work for you in magical ways, use it as a superpower.

Capricorn – Translator: Liu Kitten

Happy Half Birthday, Capricorn! In the middle between your last birthday and the next, it's time to celebrate the holiday. I want you to give yourself a fun gift every day for at least the next seven days. Fourteen days would be better. See if you can coax your friends and allies into sending you interesting wishes. Tell them that your astrologer says it's a very good idea. Now, I send you a birthday wish: I promise that from now until January 2025, you will create healing changes in your relationship with your work and with your career in general.

Aquarius – Translator: Liu Kitten

My Aquarius friend Janelle dreamed that she was living in a cabin in the forest with her family while she was sleeping. When dusk fell, a strange animal pressed its face against the large window. Is it a bear? Or a mountain lion? Her family was so frightened that they hid in the back bedroom. But Janelle stayed behind to investigate seriously. Upon closer inspection, she saw that it was a deer. She opened the window and said to the deer, "What can I do for you?" The talking deer said, "I want to give you and your family a gift." See the necklace I'm wearing? It has a magical ruby that can cure the health problems of everyone who touches it. Janelle managed to remove the necklace, and the fawn walked away, waking up from her dream. In the weeks that followed, her sober life changed in a welcome way. She and her three families are free from the physical ailments that have been plaguing them. I think this dream is your real fairy tale for the next few weeks, Aquarius.

Pisces – Translator: Liu Kitten

A psychologist friend told me that if we have a strong craving for sugar, it could be a sign that deeper emotional needs are not being met. I think her theory makes sense. But there's a caveat here. What if we can't meet a deeper emotional need right now? What if there were at least some temporary obstacles to achieving this lovely goal? Is it right to partially satisfy our heart's cravings by communicating with fudge brownies, peach pies, and crème brûlée? I don't think that's wrong. Contrary. This can be an effective way to get through a difficult situation until you get a deeper level of satisfaction. But now there's good news, Pisces: I guess deeper satisfaction will come sooner than you think.

Rob's Weekly Spiritual Direction 6.27-7.3