
Xiqing District held a commendation meeting for "two excellent and one first" and awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

author:Internet Information Xiqing

  Jinyun News: On June 28, Xiqing District held a celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation conference to commend the advanced models who have made outstanding contributions in the district, and encourage party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in the district to think together, strive to be advanced, continue to struggle, and make unremitting efforts to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Xiqing.

Xiqing District held a commendation meeting for "two excellent and one first" and awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

  In the lecture hall of Xiqing Hotel, the atmosphere is solemn and warm. Representatives of veteran party members who won the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" and representatives of "two excellent and one first" wore big red flowers and ribbons on their chests and sat in the front row.

  The conference opened with the solemn national anthem. "50 Years of Glory in the Party" veteran party member representatives took the stage to accept the commemorative medal in turn. The commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party" are like shining medals, shining with the glorious history of selfless dedication and loyalty of old party members.

Xiqing District held a commendation meeting for "two excellent and one first" and awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

  The oath-taking ceremony of the representatives of the new party members was held on the spot. The leaders attending the meeting presented awards to the commended outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and representatives of advanced grassroots party organizations.

  As the award-winning outstanding individuals and representatives of advanced collectives, Li Weichao, manager of the system research office of Tianjin Jingwei Hengrun Technology Co., Ltd., Chen Ying, secretary of the general party branch and director of the neighborhood committee of Sijihuacheng Community, Zhangjiawo Town, and Hao Qingshui, secretary of the party committee and director of the village committee of the sixth port village of Xinkou Town, spoke successively, telling their touching deeds of firm faith, dedication to duty, forge ahead and determined struggle.

Xiqing District held a commendation meeting for "two excellent and one first" and awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

  "In the past few years, we have vigorously developed the three characteristic industries of education and training, cultural tourism and agriculture according to local conditions, built the party organization on the village collective enterprise, and embarked on a road of 'red + green + agriculture' characteristic industry development." Hao Qingshui, representative of the advanced grassroots party organization in Xiqing District, secretary of the party committee and director of the village committee of the sixth port village of Xinkou Town, said excitedly. The fiery development momentum of the sixth port village is inseparable from the "spark" ignited by every party member and every person in the sixth port. In terms of organizational setting and rural governance, the sixth port village vigorously implements the "red pilot" and "six port civil security" projects, and establishes a "triple and three belts" work system in which the members of the Federation of Secretaries lead the branch, the members of the Federation of members lead the group, and the party members contact the households and the masses, focusing on "serving in peacetime, responding to the battle in times of emergency, and tackling tough problems in times of difficulty", forming a vivid situation in which party members are around and organizations are in front of them.

  Chen Ying, representative of outstanding party workers in Xiqing District and secretary of the general party branch of Sijihuacheng community in Zhangjiawo Town, has been rooted in grassroots party affairs for 11 years, from the initial party affairs to the current secretary of the general party branch of the "more than 10,000 people" community, what has changed is the identity from ordinary party cadres to community leaders, and what has not changed is the original intention of "being a confidant of the masses, caring people, and warm-hearted people" and the loyal belief of fighting for the party's cause. Chen Ying was greatly encouraged and excited by the honor of outstanding party worker: "I will continue to deepen the grassroots party work, actively explore good methods and new ideas for party building to lead grassroots governance, continue to extend the tentacles of community service, and be a good 'family' of community party organizations, so that the community will be warmer and the people will be more at ease!" ”

  (Jinyun News reporter Ma Lijie photography Dai Tao)

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