
China's sixth-generation aircraft has officially landed? Shen Fei's medal appeared on the new plane, which was very sci-fi in appearance


A few days ago, Shenyang Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. published on the official account entitled "Seventy-three Years of Positive Beauty丨Shen Fei, We Have Gone Through the ...... Together", which depicts the glorious history of Shen Fei Company in the past 73 years. On June 29, 1951, the first fighter aircraft manufacturing plant in New China (it is the predecessor of today's Shenfei Company) was successfully born in Shenyang, the heavy industry base in the northeast of the motherland, which opened the difficult entrepreneurial process of Shenfei Company. In the past 73 years, Shenfei Company has gone through the difficult road from scratch, from imitation to comprehensive independence, which is behind the achievements of generations of builders, wearing stars and moons, and working hard.

China's sixth-generation aircraft has officially landed? Shen Fei's medal appeared on the new plane, which was very sci-fi in appearance

The day before the release of this content, in the content announced by the Shenfei Fusion Media Interactive Platform, a quiz activity was also launched, and a variety of cultural and creative products such as falcon eagle aircraft models and aircraft badge sets appeared. One of the commemorative medals is particularly noteworthy, this medal appears in the development of Shen Fei's previous generations of combat aircraft, including J-5, J-6, J-7, J-8, J-11, J-15, J-16, J-31 "Eagle" and other combat aircraft, at the top of which there is also a never-before-seen aircraft outline drawing, from the outline of the design of this aircraft is more special, military fans netizens believe that this is likely to be China's sixth-generation fighter style map.

China's sixth-generation aircraft has officially landed? Shen Fei's medal appeared on the new plane, which was very sci-fi in appearance

For this reason, more military fan netizens believe that this marks that China's sixth-generation fighter has landed in Shenfei Company? In fact, regarding the development of China's sixth-generation aircraft, as early as October 2017, China Central Television revealed that China's sixth-generation fighter research and development has begun. At the same time, Yang Wei, the chief designer of the fifth-generation stealth fighter of the J-20 "Weilong", said that the "design of China's sixth-generation fighter" will be the biggest imagination of science fiction movies. And according to foreign media reports, China's sixth-generation fighter agency has been established in Shenyang, and for the research work of this project, the necessary material base has been established for the group and equipped with a special automated design system.

China's sixth-generation aircraft has officially landed? Shen Fei's medal appeared on the new plane, which was very sci-fi in appearance

Therefore, judging from the information available on the Internet, China's sixth-generation fighter R&D institution has indeed been established in Shenyang, which means that the sixth-generation aircraft project is likely to be jointly developed by Shenfei or other airlines. At present, the development of the sixth-generation aircraft has no clear goal in the world, and it is still in the research and demonstration stage, and has not entered the actual research and development or prototype construction stage. As early as November 3, 2010, the U.S. Air Force Equipment Command issued an information consultation notice to the industry, requiring the industry to provide a draft of the new fighter project that can form the initial combat capability around 2030, and the new fighter mentioned here is the sixth-generation fighter, because at this time the F22 "Raptor" stealth fighter has been in service for many years, and the F35A/B/C "Lightning" stealth fighter has also entered the final stage of test flight.

China's sixth-generation aircraft has officially landed? Shen Fei's medal appeared on the new plane, which was very sci-fi in appearance

European sixth-generation aircraft model

Therefore, the United States was the first country to propose the development of sixth-generation aircraft. In December 2014, at the United States Navy Association exhibition, Boeing publicly showed a sixth-generation concept without a vertical tail, with a total of two versions, not an unmanned version and a manned version. In addition, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain and Japan are developing sixth-generation aircraft, and most of these countries are developing them in the form of joint development. For example, the United Kingdom, Italy and Japan have set up joint research and development departments for sixth-generation aircraft, and France, Germany and Spain have also jointly established joint research and development departments for sixth-generation aircraft to jointly develop sixth-generation fighters.

China's sixth-generation aircraft has officially landed? Shen Fei's medal appeared on the new plane, which was very sci-fi in appearance

British sixth-generation aircraft model

You must know that these countries directly chose to give up on the development of fifth-generation aircraft (purchasing the F35 series stealth fighters from the United States) and turned their goals to the development of sixth-generation aircraft, and it is still unknown whether it can be realized. However, it is conceivable that compared with the fifth-generation aircraft, the sixth-generation aircraft is expected to be more difficult to develop, and the sixth-generation aircraft will surely become an epoch-making model in the true sense, and the potential of the traditional jet aircraft to the fifth generation has basically been exhausted, including flight speed, flight altitude, strike capability, electronic systems and radar systems, etc., which are unlikely to have much upgrade.

China's sixth-generation aircraft has officially landed? Shen Fei's medal appeared on the new plane, which was very sci-fi in appearance

American sixth-generation aircraft model

In the development of sixth-generation aircraft, although there is no specific standard in the world at present, there is no 4S standard (supersonic cruise, super-maneuverable, super-situational awareness and super-stealth) like the fifth-generation aircraft. However, it is certain that the sixth-generation aircraft will achieve a revolutionary upgrade in technology, first of all, in terms of stealth capabilities, the sixth-generation fighter will also achieve full-band stealth, and the radar bands of various bands cannot be detected, and the body can be deformed, such as the attitude can be adjusted in different flight modes. In addition, the sixth-generation aircraft is likely to carry laser weapons, abandoning traditional combat weapons such as air-to-air missiles. Even with the ability to fly and fight in outer space, the endurance and combat radius will be greatly improved.

China's sixth-generation aircraft has officially landed? Shen Fei's medal appeared on the new plane, which was very sci-fi in appearance

In terms of the development of the mainland's sixth-generation aircraft, American expert Rick Qiao said that China's sixth-generation aircraft has been developed and is expected to make its first flight in 2028 and officially ensure the formation of complete combat effectiveness in 2035. All in all, the mainland is basically on the same timeline as the United States in the development of sixth-generation aircraft, and it is expected that the first flight and service time will not be later than that of the United States, and the sixth-generation aircraft will become an important symbol for the Chinese Air Force to catch up with or even surpass the United States in the development of fighters, and China will be at the forefront of the world in the development of fighters. To that end, let's look forward to it together!

Note: The above content only represents personal views, data source network, for reference only!

(Written by the periscope on July 1, 2024, please do not reprint without authorization, plagiarism must be investigated!) )

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