
"LPL Royal Three Families Come to Nirvana Command Map" is on fire, the strength of the summer has changed, and the old strong team has fallen

"LPL Royal Three Families Come to Nirvana Command Map" is on fire, the strength of the summer has changed, and the old strong team has fallen

Lovely game world

2024-06-29 10:34Creators in the field of games

Foreword: The S14 season has officially begun, and I believe that the vast majority of players have paid attention to the confrontation in the recent period, and the summer competition in the LPL division is more intense. With the gradual end of the group stage, the overall state of the teams in the LPL division has gradually come to the fore, and what makes fans more heartbroken is that the once old strong teams have fallen rapidly in this competition, and they have even fallen into the confrontation of the Nirvana group. All three teams were once at the top of their game, but now they are at the bottom of the league. What is it that makes the current LPL division look like this?

The command map of the LPL Royal Three Families came to Nirvana in person and became popular

"LPL Royal Three Families Come to Nirvana Command Map" is on fire, the strength of the summer has changed, and the old strong team has fallen

I believe that the vast majority of players are still familiar with the LPL region, as recognized as the world's top region, the overall development of LPL in the past few years has been relatively rapid, and the results have also improved by leaps and bounds. With the gradual progress of the game, the LPL group competition has come to an end, many teams have successfully entered the summit group, the gap in the group is also very obvious, the winning rate of the first group is very high, basically all wins or only lose one game, and the competition for the second team in the group is very fierce, the gap between the third team and the second team is not particularly large, mainly depends on the state of the first team in the group, can you give a chance?

"LPL Royal Three Families Come to Nirvana Command Map" is on fire, the strength of the summer has changed, and the old strong team has fallen

If you are an old fan of the LPL division, then you are very familiar with the Royal Three teams. In the past S7 season, the LPL division held the World Finals for the first time, and the RNG team, EDG team and WE team became the three teams that participated in the World Championship that time. The version of the year is the lower road version that the lpl division is very good at, and the whole game is also very intense, the rng team and the we team have rushed to the top four, if the opponents of the two sides were swapped at that time, maybe the S7 season lpl will meet in the finals, and the championship trophy will be determined in advance, but the Samsung team and the skt team at that time met the right opponent, making the S7 Bird's Nest final silent.

"LPL Royal Three Families Come to Nirvana Command Map" is on fire, the strength of the summer has changed, and the old strong team has fallen

Since then, the title of the three families has been continued, and the EDG team, the RNG team, and the WE team have also become very popular teams. This time in the summer group competition, the results of these three teams really surprised many players, especially the rng team and the we team, their group is group b, with blg team and LGD team, as a result, the rng team and the we team actually entered the nirvana group early, but the LGD team successfully defeated the blg team and stabilized their place in the summit group.

"LPL Royal Three Families Come to Nirvana Command Map" is on fire, the strength of the summer has changed, and the old strong team has fallen

After the JD G team defeated the EDG team, it also successfully sent the EDG team to the Nirvana group, so far, the three royal teams in the LPL division met in the Nirvana group, and many people also ridiculed that this is the supervision group of Group A to inspect Group B. Who would have thought that these three teams would gather in the Nirvana group, you know, once these three teams were all capable of winning the world-class championship by the EDG team and the RNG team, and even the EDG team had a professional player who had a Grand Slam. It can only be said that the current LPL has really changed.

"LPL Royal Three Families Come to Nirvana Command Map" is on fire, the strength of the summer has changed, and the old strong team has fallen

Goodbye thinks

This time the Nirvana group confrontation is still very exciting, many teams that everyone thinks are relatively good have lost in this group confrontation, but the team that everyone is not optimistic about, by chance, successfully entered the summit group. I don't understand, why has the ML division been brushed in the barrage of watching the game now, does it really mean that the current LPL really has such a deep problem?

What do you think about this?

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  • "LPL Royal Three Families Come to Nirvana Command Map" is on fire, the strength of the summer has changed, and the old strong team has fallen
  • "LPL Royal Three Families Come to Nirvana Command Map" is on fire, the strength of the summer has changed, and the old strong team has fallen
  • "LPL Royal Three Families Come to Nirvana Command Map" is on fire, the strength of the summer has changed, and the old strong team has fallen
  • "LPL Royal Three Families Come to Nirvana Command Map" is on fire, the strength of the summer has changed, and the old strong team has fallen
  • "LPL Royal Three Families Come to Nirvana Command Map" is on fire, the strength of the summer has changed, and the old strong team has fallen

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