
100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

This issue is a guide

(1) 5 styles of nail art planting! (2) Save the picture to do it~(3) Have a little summer ritual sense~"

Sisters, good evening duck~

Have you all watched "The Story of Rose"?

To tell you the truth, my blood pressure soared as soon as I saw Fang Xiewen, especially when 😡 I didn't give roses nails

Why can't you do nail art, nail art can still change tricks to make roses happy, you!

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

If you want me to say, only girls really know the pleasure of being a perfect armor~

Today, nail master Bud will give the sisters a new batch of nail Amway, we just want to make the one-third of an acre of land in our hands wonderful and beautiful. (Halo Nail Brother)

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!


L-、iam_147、Pretty Savage-nail

If you like it, you can save the picture directly to do it.,Don't be polite to 😘 me.

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

I declare: no summer is complete without a cat's eye manicure!

Especially the pink and tender cat's eye manicure, clear and watery, whoever does it is a gentle little fairy~

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

CR: An addiction, I can, I can

And like this simple style, even if the five fingers have their own special "color", they will not look abrupt, like a colored jelly bean~

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!


大小姐的魔法、咕呜. GuWunail

Add a little diamond, it is a delicate lady who does not touch the sun with ten fingers, and the sense of luxury is full.

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

CR: Yuli wears armor, milimi rice, cheese fruit

There are also butterfly elements that are particularly popular this year, embellished on the cat's eye, like butterflies dancing at the fingertips~

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

CR: Little Lion's beautiful shop, Kerry's ciball, Little Peach Rabbit

dudu丨nail and eyelash art, moon ornament Ruyi

Sisters who love to wear sandals, you can consider adding some color to Jio's nails, beauty +10086!

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

CR: Nail diary of porridge

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!
100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

🍑 :BOGEEL手工定制美甲

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!
100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

🍑 : Mr. Totoro NB handmade armor

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

Short-nails sisters, please try childlike manicures, this is not your comfort zone, it is your ruling zone!

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

cr:蜡笔小薇、喜画DM.Nail、松song、MoreNail 莫利美甲

This cute and loving style, and the round and short nail type are a pair made in heaven~

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

cr:松song(请看置顶)、阿栗噗噗、海伦儿FACEU ART STUDIO、冰奶盖_E

Although it is a good match for the short nail sisters, this style does not require a type of armor.

As long as you dare to do it, you will definitely be able to play your own style.

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!


And the "play road" of childlike nail art is very wide, not to mention on the road, it is difficult to find the same nail art in the little sweet potato where everyone is drying nails, which shows that its pattern is not much more ordinary.

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

cr:mini8 nail、榴莲牛奶一粒饭是eevan、serain Ge

The highly saturated tones not only match the sunny summer day, but also mobilize your emotions and invisibly add to the good mood~

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!


However, this style is more challenging to nail technicians, and if it is not done well, it is easy to overturn.

Therefore, I recommend that the sisters start wearing nails, what they see is what they get, and they can wear it again for 👇 a week

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

cr:Juaner卷儿 🌴

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!
100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

🍑 : Taoxi handmade custom wearing armor

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!
100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

🍑 :P UPPY Home Nail salon / Sweetheart Bubble handmade nail dressing

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

This year, this kind of mechanical "battle armor" with a sense of science and technology has quietly become popular again, and it has advanced on the basis of dark nail art, adding metal elements, which is more futuristic.

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!


Not to mention that after doing it, there will really be a feeling of incarnating a future female warrior, and the next second will go to the end of the world.

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!


Add some tender shades such as pink and baby blue to your nail art, and the sweetness will increase and @甜酷女孩码住去做!

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

cr:TsukiNail 好好、Jewelry store. Nail、FNGB工作室、77K STUDIO、Slow Ride 兜风、榴莲牛奶

If you want to create an extravagant atmosphere, add a little gold, and the gold-encrusted mechanical female armor is mainly a price.

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!


A mechanical nail art like this one that incorporates a polarized texture is 100% eye-catching.

Visually, it gives people a psychedelic feeling, and the sisters who see it can't help but say: It's too cyberpunk!

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!


100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!
100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!


100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!
100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!


100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

As soon as the national style nail art appears, you are all concubines!

Don't come soon to welcome Concubine Xi back to the palace

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!


I have to say that this year's national-style nail art track is indeed a bit crowded.

Sometimes I really wonder if you nail art circles are also going to graduate school, and one or two are fighting for this "guaranteed research place", right?

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!


Just looking at the pictures, there is an illusion of "I am noble, you are not worthy", and I feel that wearing it on my hand is a tyrannical object, and it is only worthy of being collected in a museum

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

cr:大胆 Nail、Yeeling隐灵Studio、青山手作人、花椰兔

In my daily life, I will be more fond of the new Chinese nail art that creates the artistic conception of beauty, and I see it from a distance.

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!


But up close, you'll be fascinated by the elaborate patterns on it.

It's hard to imagine how a nail technician could depict such a delicate image in an ink painting on his fingernails.

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

cr:嘟嘟爱吃辣、Beta Studio、dudul美甲美睫

Recently, I also planted this Dunhuang nail art, taken from the color of the Dunhuang murals, bright and public, Hualiu is the top stream, and it is really not virtual.

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!


100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!
100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

🍑:XTER NAIL/遇见美甲|原创设计

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!
100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

🍑 :Shio Xiaoyu|Handmade Nail Art / KAS Nail Art Studio

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

It has to be said that nail technicians are really good at catering to trends and creating heart-warming manicures.

Elements such as bows and polka dots are integrated into nail art, and a MIU MIU nailic is born.

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

cr:独-Unique Nail、Lii梨里StartNail美甲、书婧baby穿戴甲

And black is the main color, embellished with MIU elements, which is a popular match for this nail art.

It's a very arrogant lady.,It's that kind of well-behaved appearance.,There's a rebellious and uninhibited style.。

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

CR: Akino Nail Studio, Qiyue plus milk cap, Shi Xiaoxi

Changing the color of the nail art to red is more lively and straightforward, like an innocent, romantic, pampered rich daughter.

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!


If you add check elements to your nail art, it will be a British preppy tone, with a touch of bookishness.

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

cr:羊羊在线、小荔枝Moon Nail、f姑娘1111

Sisters whose hands are white and are not afraid of black, please look at the white miu-style manicure, milky milk, and pure desire overflowing the screen.

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

CR:00 is invincible, Zize Xi'an Nail Art, X1UEN

Sisters who are entangled in color matching, do not hesitate to do AB or mixed color MIU nail art directly.

After all, children make choices, and adults are all! All! Want!

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!


100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!
100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

🍑 : No Man's Land Rose handmade custom manicure

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!
100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

🍑 : Mr. Lin's handmade nail salon / Smile home light luxury custom nail art

-Today's Interaction-

Today I recommended 5 different styles of nail art for Nimeng, which one do you like? Come and talk about it in the comment area!

100 summer whitening nail art, crying with foreign energy, take the picture to do it!

↑ White + White = Light Wear, Advanced and Simple!!

↑ Meat leg to repay the favor of God pants, come in and copy homework!