
The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

author:The most Chinese


The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting
The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

Only after a long drought can you know that wind and rain are expensive.

With a summer rain in June, a group of netizens were once again fans of Henan Shaolin warrior monks.

In the video, three warrior monks dressed in gray monk's robes play a set of Shaolin boxing in the drizzle.

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

● The picture is taken from the video account @Shaolin Autumn Wind

The internal force is condensed, the fist is windy, one move and one style are flowing water, and the fists and feet are staggered and rigid and soft.

The water droplets and fist shadows are intertwined, and the lush trees behind the three of them, and the green and blue distant mountains, constitute a picture scroll with far-reaching meaning.

Seeing this scene, the comment area exploded instantly:

"Masculine to beautiful."

"Suddenly I understood the king of the daughter country, such a monk, who is not confused?"

"Henan Cultural Tourism on Daita!"

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

This is not the first time that the Shaolin monks have been out of the circle this year, as early as April, they went to Cambodia to realize the dream linkage between Shaolin Temple and Angkor Wat.

provoked netizens to call frantically: Dare to ask if your temple is still recruiting?

Although this is a joke from netizens, it fully shows the public's curiosity and scrutiny of Shaolin warrior monks.

In the long years, the Shaolin warrior monks have created legends while also being covered with a veil of mystery.

At that time, when the light flowed to the 21st century, what kind of sparks would the world-famous Shaolin warrior monks collide with modern civilization?

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

Shaolin Warrior Monks

Among the three warrior monks, the one who is firmly in the C position is the "most handsome Shaolin warrior monk" - Qiu Feng.

In a number of promotional videos launched by Henan Cultural Tourism, the autumn breeze has appeared.

Whether it is the tranquility of reciting the Buddha's name between the red plums and white snow, or the fierceness and strength of the stick technique in the heavy rain, many people remember this handsome and three-dimensional face.

Many people sighed: This wave of "beautiful men's plan" of Henan Cultural Tourism is really amazing.

There are also many female netizens who quietly inquired: Can a warrior monk get married?

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

● Image source: Henan Daily client

Especially in the tomb of Tallinn in the rain, the performances of the autumn wind and the brothers and sisters attracted countless eyes.

Kong Wu is powerful, relaxed and relaxed, jumping up, turning into a whirlwind, falling like a steel nail, and making progress as fast as the wind.

Every movement of the warrior monks is full of masculine beauty and a sense of strength, and on the Internet, where the feminine wind is dominant, it can be regarded as a good wash for the people's eyes.

Qiu Feng is the thirty-fourth generation of Shaolin Temple monks, his legal name is Yan Heng, he is 22 years old this year, and he is a native of Jiyuan, Henan.

At the age of 13, Qiu Feng came to Shaolin Temple with his love for martial arts and yearning for Shaolin culture, became a member of the warrior monks of Shaolin Temple in Songshan, China, and began the arduous road of martial arts.

The evening drum and morning bell, the sound of the Buddha's horn.

Morning classes and evening meditations have become an indispensable part of his life.

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

● Autumn breeze

With years of unremitting efforts, Qiu Feng, who is only 22 years old, has not only practiced a superb martial arts, but also formed a unique personal temperament and martial arts style under the influence of Shaolin Temple.

In 2019, when short videos became popular, Qiu Feng began to post short videos on social platforms to record his daily life in Shaolin Temple.

Due to his busy schedule, the account was not updated frequently at first.

Later, as cultural tourism from all over the world came out of the circle, Qiufeng's account was also discovered by netizens, and the traffic increased sharply.

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

● The picture is taken from Douyin @秋风

Qiu Feng also quickly became popular on social media with his profound martial arts skills and unique personal charm.

Because of his handsome and three-dimensional facial features, he looks like Peng Yuyan, and the autumn breeze is nicknamed "Peng Yuyan Henan Fenyan" by netizens.

For his popularity, the young autumn wind is very sober, he said:

"I'm just an ordinary warrior monk in the Shaolin Temple Warrior Monk Troupe, and the reason why I have attracted attention is because of the unique charm of Shaolin Kung Fu."

Shaolin Kung Fu is famous all over the world.

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

● In the Tianwang Hall of Shaolin Temple, the plaque of "the first ancestral court in the world" inscribed by Qianlong imperial pen. Image source:

The predecessor of the Shaolin Temple Warrior Monks was the Shaolin Temple monks, which originated from the early Tang Dynasty when the thirteen stick monks saved the Tang King, and the Tang King issued an edict to allow the Shaolin Temple to stand with monks.

After the development of the Song and Yuan dynasties, the Shaolin monks reached their peak in the Ming Dynasty, and the standing monks and soldiers of the monastery reached more than 1,000 people, and there were more than 500 meritorious service members who should resist the Japanese in the edict alone.

However, with the changes of the times, Shaolin monks and soldiers gradually declined during the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, and only a few people remained who practiced Shaolin martial arts.

In 1979, in order to inherit and carry forward the traditional Shaolin martial arts, the great monk Suxi, a senior monk of Shaolin Temple, took the lead in establishing the Shaolin martial arts team.

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

● Image source: Shaolin Temple official website

10 years later, the Songshan Shaolin Martial Arts Team was officially renamed the Shaolin Temple Warrior Monks.

In fact, Shaolin martial arts is not just about fists and kicks.

Kung Fu is practice, meditation. The real purpose of practicing Kung Fu is to completely change one's moral qualities.

The practice of Shaolin monks is a kind of practice.

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

The world's martial arts are out of Shaolin

The world's kung fu is out of Shaolin, and Shaolin kung fu is the best in the world.

Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu, as an iconic symbol of Chinese martial arts, was officially included in the list of national intangible cultural heritage in 2006, and "broke the circle" to go to sea, and swept the "world martial arts".

And today's Shaolin Temple warrior monks also conform to the development of the times and appear in front of the public with a new attitude.

Although the management system is modeled after the monks and soldiers in history, the function of the warrior monks has evolved to promote the traditional martial arts culture of the motherland and promote the righteousness of Shaolin Zen Buddhism through the performance of Shaolin martial arts.

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

● Image source: Shaolin Temple official website

Since the establishment of the Shaolin Temple Warrior Monks, the warrior monks have been invited to perform in many countries and regions, and have been sought after and loved by "martial arts fans" all over the world.

There are also some warrior monks who have entered the showbiz with their profound martial arts skills and achieved good results. For example, Shi Xiaolong, Wang Baoqiang and others.

I believe that many people still remember the cute and well-behaved little monk with strong martial arts in the movie "Whirlwind Kid".

He is the Shaolin warrior monk Shi Xiaolong.

Shi Xiaolong's original name was "Chen Xiaolong", and when he just learned to walk, his father sent him to Shaolin Temple to worship Buddha and learn martial arts.

At a young age, Shi Xiaolong quickly mastered many traditional martial arts techniques such as Shaolin Tongjiquan, Shaolin Stick, and Five Elements Boxing.

When he was less than 6 years old, he cooperated with popular film and television stars such as Lin Zhiying and Wu Mengda to shoot many film and television dramas, and became a well-known child star who was popular all over the Taiwan Strait in the 90s of the last century.

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

● Stills from the movie "Whirlwind Kid".

It's just that Shi Xiaolong, who has grown up, has not launched a new masterpiece, and has gradually been marginalized in the entertainment industry.

Now his popularity can no longer be compared with another Shaolin disciple, Wang Baoqiang.

Wang Baoqiang is an authentic rural child, self-taught martial arts at the age of 6, and began to study at the Shaolin Temple at the age of 8.

In Shaolin Temple, Wang Baoqiang not only needs to practice the basic skills of a word leg every day, eagle claw skills, drunken boxing, etc., but also has to carry out flexibility training, practicing hard for 8 hours a day, and also needs to take cultural classes during the day.

6 years later, 14-year-old Wang Baoqiang left Shaolin and became a "North Drifter actor", and gradually became popular all over the country under the director's excavation.

And being born in Shaolin has also become an important label in his acting career.

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

● Wang Baoqiang who practiced one-word legs

The warrior monks on the stage are alive and well, with swords and swords; In front of the camera, they are even more flying on the wall, and the dragon is not seeing the end.

So, what about the Shaolin warrior monks in real life?

The Shaolin monks in martial arts movies get up early every day, not only to practice, sweep, and do homework, but also to carry water, chop firewood, and even go to the fields to plow.

However, with the change of times, the lives of Shaolin warrior monks have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

In an interview with reporters, Shaolin Temple monk Shi Hengtao said honestly: "Shaolin monks are not as mysterious as they say outside, in fact, we are similar to you, in addition to practicing martial arts, we also surf the Internet and go shopping." ”

Most of the Shaolin monks come from ordinary families, and they travel from all over the country to this holy place of martial arts out of their love for martial arts.

The Shaolin warrior monk Qiu Feng, who continues to explode on social platforms, is one of them.

In Qiu Feng's view, Shaolin Kung Fu pursues a kind of spiritual self-extrication and self-transcendence.

"The master told me that it is our good fortune to be able to enter the Shaolin Temple to practice. Everyone here needs to spend their whole life digesting this platform. ”

Autumn Wind said.

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

Chinese culture goes global

"The sunrise is in Songshan Pass, and the morning bell frightens the birds......"

In the 80s of the last century, the movie "Shaolin Temple" was born, which made thousands of people empty and won hundreds of millions of box office, and the starring Jet Li became an instant hit and became a leader in martial arts movies.

However, Jet Li said in an interview: My kung fu is a show, a sport rather than a real battle. I regret making those movies that misled many teenagers into running away from home to practice martial arts at the Shaolin Temple.

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

● Stills from the movie "Shaolin Temple".

As soon as this remark came out, it caused an uproar, and many people questioned: Is Shaolin martial arts really a showcase?

In fact, Jet Li graduated from Beijing Shichahai Sports School. He only played the role of a Shaolin warrior monk in the movie, and the martial arts he learned were not Shaolin Kung Fu.

In martial arts, it usually refers to those techniques that have beautiful movements but lack practical value.

The real Shaolin Kung Fu is one of the largest schools in the Chinese martial arts system, with more than 700 martial arts routines.

These routines are developed based on the needs of actual combat, emphasizing both offense and defense, focusing on attack, and giving full play to their role in self-defense, temple protection, fitness, and Zen participation.

In a Korean variety show, Shi Xinghong, a warrior monk from Shaolin Temple, once competed with the Korean taekwondo champion.

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

● Shi Xinghong (left) once faced off against the Korean taekwondo champion

Before the competition, a taekwondo professor at a university in South Korea said: Taekwondo is the strongest fighting skill in the world.

The implication is that he is not optimistic about Shi Xinghong from Shaolin.

However, Shi Xinghong took over the opponent's fierce attack with a defense with Chinese characteristics.

As we all know, taekwondo is known for its leg method, and Shi Xinghong also used the leg method to attack throughout the whole process, and the point was so far, which fully demonstrated the Shaolin style of both virtue and martial arts.

As a rare martial artist in China, Shi Xinghong not only often leads the Shaolin monks to perform and exchange around the world, but also has been hired as a special police instructor in Hungary to teach foreign special police fighting skills, showing the profundity of Shaolin Kung Fu to the people of the world.

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

● Shi Xinghong (right) is instructing "foreign apprentices"

At the beginning of 2022, the "Shaolin Kung Fu Online Skill Examination Competition" launched by Shaolin Temple in Songshan, China, attracted more than 5,000 Shaolin Kung Fu practitioners from nearly 100 countries and regions on five continents to participate in the competition, once again demonstrating the influence of Shaolin Kung Fu and Shaolin culture in the world.

Nowadays, more and more foreigners are falling in love with Shaolin Kung Fu. In the ancient Shaolin Temple, more and more "foreign faces" began to appear.

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

● 101 Russians practicing at the Shaolin Temple, image source: Shaolin Temple official website

These "crooked nuts" have benefited immensely from practicing Shaolin Kung Fu to strengthen their bodies and cultivate their self-cultivation.

Shaolin, Wudang, and Emei are the three major schools of Chinese martial arts.

Influenced by Jin Yong's martial arts novels, these martial arts schools make the public feel mysterious and at the same time, they also arouse infinite reverie.

The times are changing, and these sects, which have been inherited for thousands of years, are also actively embracing the new era, thus radiating new vitality.

For example, the women's kung fu troupe of the Emei faction, which has only been on the hot search for a few months after its formation, has not only been praised by the central media, but also given to people all over the world by Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin.

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

● Emei School Women's Kung Fu Troupe. The picture is taken from the video "Wu Yun Emei"

As the last stop of the "Hubei Trip with Hui", Dong Yuhui is invited to visit Wudang at night and sit and discuss, so that more people can understand and feel the charm of Taiji Wudang.

Some netizens commented: Seeing that the martial arts masters are so good at playing, I am finally relieved!

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

Regarding the popularity of the warrior monk Qiufeng, there was a huge controversy on the Internet.

Some people think that monks should be pure in the six roots, practice with peace of mind, engage in short videos, and be an Internet celebrity?

Some people even accuse Qiu Feng: betraying the hue, what kind of system?

The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting
The most handsome warrior monk on the whole network, he is really capable of fighting

But more people expressed their support and appreciation for this.

The existence of any kind of thing must change in accordance with the changes of the times, otherwise it will lose the fertile soil for lasting development.

Shaolin Kung Fu, which has been inherited for thousands of years, is famous all over the world, and the Shaolin Warrior Monks are full of talents, who are inheriting and spreading Chinese martial arts culture in a unique way.

Let Shaolin martial arts go to the world, to the future, and to everyone who loves martial arts.

Therefore, "Internet celebrities" like Master Qiufeng can have a few more. Text/Tianshan Yue