
Counting down to the day, are you ready for the last chance for domestic gamers to "gather wool"?

author:Anchor, you really know

For gamers, there's nothing more comfortable than picking up official wool. After all, everyone is a consumer who spends money on playing games, and they can "squeeze oil and water" from game manufacturers, and there may only be opportunities on good days such as the Spring Festival or anniversary celebrations in a year.

Counting down to the day, are you ready for the last chance for domestic gamers to "gather wool"?

Manufacturers are also very clear about this careful thinking of players, so whenever they can give benefits to players, most of them will engage in some activities with simple welfare surprises for players to participate in, so as to enhance the favorability of game brands in the hearts of players. For example, the well-known domestic "not bad money" game "Against the Cold" is well versed in this.

Counting down to the day, are you ready for the last chance for domestic gamers to "gather wool"?

However, although the benefits of "Against the Cold" are commonplace on weekdays, and even to the point of "desensitization", I still have to advise everyone to log in to "Against the Cold" immediately and immediately, because it is less than 24 hours before you can get the biggest chance of wool in the history of the game.

Counting down to the day, are you ready for the last chance for domestic gamers to "gather wool"?

As we all know, since the launch of the pure point card season server and the implementation of "no krypton, no liver, no volume", "Against the Cold" has attracted a large number of players with its own hard power and super-first-class service standards, and has become the most popular and influential IP in the MMO industry today, and with the cooperation of terminal and mobile games, it has successfully achieved a historic breakthrough of 100 million users in early 2024.

Counting down to the day, are you ready for the last chance for domestic gamers to "gather wool"?

This also makes the game's upcoming "sixth anniversary" extraordinarily grand.

As early as nearly a month ago, the official of "Against the Cold" began to expose the benefits of the sixth anniversary with players, such as a set of ultra-high-quality anniversary skins for everyone, more than 30 fashion appearances for free, face pinching and body shape for free, more than 24 rare appearance vouchers for free, and the original price of 288 high-end fashion looks directly 1 discount and 28 yuan to take home, etc., which can be described as unprecedented.

Counting down to the day, are you ready for the last chance for domestic gamers to "gather wool"?

That's not all, the official "Against the Cold" also held a celebration party with the highest specifications in the game since the opening of the service six years at 21 o'clock on June 29th, not only will there be a large number of accessories, half-price coupons for fashion appearances, but also rare auspicious wings, 25 Tianni Dye, 66 rare appearance vouchers and other ultimate prizes will be randomly dropped.

Counting down to the day, are you ready for the last chance for domestic gamers to "gather wool"?

On the evening of the 29th, as long as players go to the venue of the sixth anniversary celebration party, they can first feel a "memory kill" - walking slowly along the corridor, the bits and pieces of what players have experienced in the rivers and lakes in the past six years will emerge, the first time they stepped down the mountain into the rivers and lakes, the first friends they made, and how many bosses they defeated...... As long as you touch the "Broken Memory Star" in the Memory Corridor, you can get your own 6th anniversary report, allowing you to reminisce about your green years in minutes.

Counting down to the day, are you ready for the last chance for domestic gamers to "gather wool"?

After reminiscing about the past, players will officially arrive at the scene before the sixth anniversary. There's a huge 6th anniversary cake waiting for you, and you can light fireworks to get a cake reward by participating in the venue's exclusive fun gameplay, and you may get a super prize by taking a bite.

Counting down to the day, are you ready for the last chance for domestic gamers to "gather wool"?

In addition to the new scenes full of birthday celebration atmosphere and exclusive fun gameplay, there will be two rounds of red envelope rain on the anniversary night at 2:18 and 21:28, and everyone will grab red envelopes together to choose the strongest luck king in the rain of red envelopes.

Counting down to the day, are you ready for the last chance for domestic gamers to "gather wool"?

The rich rewards and wonderful party can be said to be unprecedented in the entire game industry, and such a happy experience is only on the evening of the 29th. Therefore, this is also an opportunity for domestic travel and the last "wool", and if you miss it, you may have to wait another whole year.

Counting down to the day, are you ready for the last chance for domestic gamers to "gather wool"?

So, are you ready for this surprise?

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