
If the People's Liberation Army changes from exercise to war, will Lai Qingde defend Taipei? Only the "escape plan"

author:Straits Herald

On the occasion of the first month of Lai Ching-te's inauguration, the Taiwan Air Force's quarterly "overall air defense operational plan exercise" to control the enemy on the whole island also kicked off. Many people were woken up early in the morning by the roar of warplanes. According to reports, in addition to the IDF, Mirage 2000, and F16V main fighters, the participating troops also include C130 transport planes, Apache helicopters, and other equipment. The Taiwan military has taken out all the "family funds" that can be used by the Taiwan army.

If the People's Liberation Army changes from exercise to war, will Lai Qingde defend Taipei? Only the "escape plan"

F16V (Source: Network)

When the Taiwan military staged a "show of disturbing the people," PLA fighters and warships around Taiwan Island also "arrived as scheduled." In order to "save face," Taiwan's defense department did not announce the details until the next day after the exercise.

The Taiwan Air Force drill began at 5 a.m. and ended at 7 a.m., lasting only two hours. From 6:40 a.m. on the same day to 6 a.m. the next day, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) dispatched 36 sorties of military planes and seven warships to patrol around the island. Li Zhengjie, a retired major general from Taiwan, predicted that the number of PLA military planes is increasing, becoming denser and denser, and the distance is getting closer and closer.

If the People's Liberation Army changes from exercise to war, will Lai Qingde defend Taipei? Only the "escape plan"

J-20 (Source: Internet)

In response to this warning, the Taiwan military has rarely made a positive response. While boasting about the "Han Kuang-40" live military exercise, they claimed that the military exercise was the closest to actual combat in the past years, and that the PLA's ability to "switch from exercise to combat" had been considered. As for the specific methods, the Taiwan military said that it would simulate the situation in which PLA fighters and helicopters would launch attacks at the same time in the air during the exercise, and conduct air defense and anti-aircraft landing drills in several counties and cities.

With regard to the Taiwan military's drill operation, some analysts on the island believe that this is just to embolden themselves and is a show of coping with the motions. Although the Taiwan military has announced that it will conduct an island-wide exercise, the main assumption is that the PLA will launch an air attack on Taipei, where Lai Qingde is located, and the exercise will mainly test the combat response capability of the army, navy, and air forces at various bases around Taipei.

In addition, some Taiwan media have recently noticed that the "Sea Dragon Frog Soldiers" who were originally stationed in Kinmen, Matsu and other places will also be stationed in Taipei, guarding the Tamsui River and the Taipei Bridge. It has been learned that this deployment will be verified in the "Han Kuang No. 40" computer military drill in April this year and in the actual military exercise to be held in July. It has been reported that the relevant barracks of the Taiwan Army have been renovated in preparation for the stationing of "sea dragon frog soldiers."

The Taiwan Air Force is an elite unit of the Taiwan military, and the "Sea Dragon Frog Soldiers" are special forces of the Taiwan military, one in the air and the other in the sea, and the two units almost simultaneously returned to defend Taipei. However, compared with the solid and forceful actions of the PLA, the "countermeasures" and "stubborn defense" boasted by the Taiwan military do not show people a solution to the problem.

If the People's Liberation Army changes from exercise to war, will Lai Qingde defend Taipei? Only the "escape plan"

Sea Dragon Frog Soldier (Source: Internet)

Zhang Yanting, former deputy commander of the Taiwan Air Force, pointed out that it would take less than three minutes for PLA fighters to reach the skies over Taiwan, while the emergency take-off time for Taiwan military planes would take five minutes for IDF and six minutes for Mirage 2000 and F16.

As for the defense of the Tamsui estuary, which the Taiwan military has repeatedly emphasized, it has also been unveiled as a "fig leaf" by the recent social news that "a mainland man went into Tamsui alone in a single boat." Public opinion has seen thoroughly that the DPP authorities, who claimed to be heavily guarded and impregnable military points, are actually in a state of "no defense."

From the above two pieces of information alone, it can be seen that no matter how much the Lai authorities clamore for "stubbornly defending Taipei" and no matter how much the Taiwan military boasts that the military exercises are close to actual combat, facts have proven that the final result of stubbornly defending Taipei is only a dead end.

In fact, Lai Qingde and his ilk also have a clear understanding of this, and the so-called "stubborn defense" is just a cover for deception. What Lai Qingde is really preparing is only an "escape plan".

Interestingly, this year's "Han Kuang No. 40" exercise will on the one hand practice on how to use the "Clouded Leopard" armored vehicle, "Black Hawk" helicopter, and other equipment to help Lai Qingde evacuate, and on the other hand, it will also practice how to deal with the problem of desertion in wartime. The former is to let the "commander-in-chief of the three armed services" of the Taiwan army flee quickly, and the latter is to ask the front-line soldiers not to flee. The behavior of "Taiwan independence" politicians in "making friends who die but not being poor" fully shows that in their eyes, the soldiers of the Taiwan army are just "meat shields" and "cannon fodder."

In response to the DPP authorities' recent hype about military exercises, Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian pointed out that the DPP authorities stage the so-called "Han Kuang exercise" every year, but the performances are all dramas, and they cannot change the outcome of "Taiwan independence is bound to perish."

If the People's Liberation Army changes from exercise to war, will Lai Qingde defend Taipei? Only the "escape plan"

Wu Qian stressed: Once the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces provoke us, our countermeasures will be pushed one step further, and this is a progressive and prelude to the final settlement of the Taiwan issue. In smashing the "Taiwan independence" forces, the PLA has always been a turtle in an urn and a man of arms.

Source: Voice of the Straits