
Sister Lang 5 Sa Dingding made sensational Liu Yan even scolded, but it did not hinder the relationship between the two, they are really good sisters

author:Plain and simple

Text: Wu Qingqian

The variety show "Riding the Wind 2024" has a pair of magical sisters, that is, Liu Yan and Sa Dingding, the former is sensational and the latter is even scared, but it does not hinder the relationship between the two, they are definitely true friendship and good sisters.

Sister Lang 5 Sa Dingding made sensational Liu Yan even scolded, but it did not hinder the relationship between the two, they are really good sisters

When Wugong finished indoor team building, the sisters played a wish concert, and at this concert, Sa Dingding and Liu Yan collaborated together on Mao Buyi's song "Unstained". Sa Dingding, who was reluctant to part but had to part after singing "Unstained", affectionately shared a little story between her and Liu Yan, saying that when the four of them sang "ECG 808" at the beginning of the rehearsal, she had a small wing on her shoulder. At that time, Liu Yan said to her, "Dingding, this little wing, it's not good-looking, can't you not have this wing?" After the rehearsal, the director also told Sa Dingding that the wings were not good-looking, and suggested that he would not have the wings otherwise, and said that the wings were a little inexpensive.

Sister Lang 5 Sa Dingding made sensational Liu Yan even scolded, but it did not hinder the relationship between the two, they are really good sisters

At that time, Liu Yan on the side said to the director, "Can you let her bring it!" "At that time, Sa Dingding was quite surprised, didn't the director's thoughts be the same as Liu Yan's, why did you stand on her side again? Liu Yan said that the wings are your confidence, and faith cannot be lost, so in the end, Sa Dingding embroidered the small wings on the waist and made a waist seal.

Sister Lang 5 Sa Dingding made sensational Liu Yan even scolded, but it did not hinder the relationship between the two, they are really good sisters

After Sa Dingding finished sharing, I thought that Liu Yan would get up and say a few words that were moved by Sa Dingding, but I didn't expect Liu Yan to say that Sa Dingding was spreading rumors, and she wanted to clarify here, they didn't say anything like that pair of little wings were not expensive. Then Liu Yan continued to "mend the knife" Sa Dingding, saying that she wanted to participate in this show to see how far she could do as a non-professional singing and dancing crossover sister? It's hard for a sister like her to have a second stage in a performance, so she once joked with Sa Dingding, "When can we work together?" "Sa Dingding said you were going to sing with me in five years.

Sister Lang 5 Sa Dingding made sensational Liu Yan even scolded, but it did not hinder the relationship between the two, they are really good sisters

Sa Dingding could only hide his face and embarrassment when he heard this. Because the difference in singing skills between the two was too great, in the end, Sa Dingding said that she sang and asked Liu Yan to dance with her. So there was Sa Dingding and Liu Yan wearing ancient costumes together to cooperate in "Unstained", the former sang and the latter danced.

Sister Lang 5 Sa Dingding made sensational Liu Yan even scolded, but it did not hinder the relationship between the two, they are really good sisters

Although Liu Yan mended Sa Dingding twice in a row at the wish concert, the relationship between the two was still so good, and they sat together when they went to the field for team building the next day, and Liu Yan still continued to mend the knife. For example, when Sa Dingding went up to auction seven pairs of red socks, because he auctioned 20 commemorative coins, Liu Yan complained that Sa Dingding said that her seven pairs of red socks were too expensive.

Sister Lang 5 Sa Dingding made sensational Liu Yan even scolded, but it did not hinder the relationship between the two, they are really good sisters

Soon after, when it was Liu Yan's turn to auction the commemorative gift packages for Chen Lijun, Chen Haoyu, and Sa Dingding, Liu Yan began to stick a knife into Sa Dingding's body again. She took a few pairs of red socks and said, her red socks are meaningful to the seven pairs on the top of the Sa, because they are exclusive red socks for the Year of the Dragon.

Sister Lang 5 Sa Dingding made sensational Liu Yan even scolded, but it did not hinder the relationship between the two, they are really good sisters

Liu Yan also broke the news that Sa Dingding wore red socks when he was a man, and he never went in again without wearing them. When the third public was in the wind again, it was because of the light of Joyce Jonathan and Han Xue, so red socks can really bring good luck. This one is so planed that the top of the sa is convinced.

Sister Lang 5 Sa Dingding made sensational Liu Yan even scolded, but it did not hinder the relationship between the two, they are really good sisters

Although Liu Yan did not scold Sa Dingding, when Sa Dingding broke the news about the interesting things they got along, it also made people see that she also embarrassed each other. But this is just like Shang Wenjie said, their friendship is to face each other, but they will maintain each other in front of outsiders, so no matter how the two face each other, because they have you and me, when one party is questioned by a third party, the other party will come out to defend it, and they feel each other's love, so the relationship is always so good. Their friendship is a bit of a love and killing, that is, two people kill each other when they kill each other, and they fall in love when a third party intervenes.

Sister Lang 5 Sa Dingding made sensational Liu Yan even scolded, but it did not hinder the relationship between the two, they are really good sisters

This article is original by Qing Qianzhi, and it is forbidden to reprint without the author's authorization! Welcome everyone to pay attention and explore the connotative entertainment life together!

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