
People are not short of ambitions, and in the village primary school of four people, she was the first in the county, and the inspirational study path of a 10-year-old girl

author:An An said positive energy

Recently, Zhang Ziwei, a 10-year-old girl from rural Taiyuan in Shanxi Province, won the first place in the county's unified examination in the village primary school where only four people studied. Now she has been selected by local public welfare organizations to help, sent to Taiyuan to study, and is about to start her life.

Zhang Ziwei, from a small mountain village in Taiyuan, has three sisters in her family, her father and grandfather are both farmers for a living, and her mother chooses to take care of their children's food and school at home.

People are not short of ambitions, and in the village primary school of four people, she was the first in the county, and the inspirational study path of a 10-year-old girl

She said that due to the poor economic conditions of the family, the three sisters took turns to take a bath at night, and the clothes sent by relatives were also worn by the three sisters in turn.

The school where she studied was a mountain village elementary school, with only 4 students in the whole school, and there were only him and her sister in her class.

People are not short of ambitions, and in the village primary school of four people, she was the first in the county, and the inspirational study path of a 10-year-old girl

However, it was on such a humble and arduous road to study that she recently achieved perfect marks in all three subjects and the first place in the school in a unified examination organized by the county recently.

People are not short of ambitions, and in the village primary school of four people, she was the first in the county, and the inspirational study path of a 10-year-old girl

After the news came out, everyone was moved by the inspirational story of this little girl's diligence and studiousness. As a result, a non-profit organization included her in the target of assistance and sent her to Taiyuan to go to school and receive a better education.

People are not short of ambitions, and in the village primary school of four people, she was the first in the county, and the inspirational study path of a 10-year-old girl

She said that when she was about to go out of the mountains, her father told her the most that she must study hard, and she must not forget her hometown when she becomes a talent in the future, and she must help her sister and sister.

People are not short of ambitions, and in the village primary school of four people, she was the first in the county, and the inspirational study path of a 10-year-old girl

Faced with the study and life in the new school in the big city of Taiyuan, she feels that this is a great luck and a great responsibility. She said, "I bear the fate of the whole family, and I came to Taiyuan from the mountains for the purpose of learning, and no remarks or ridicule can stop me from wanting to learn." Seeing that the classmates were very confident and sunny, I felt very envious. I also want to be someone who will take the opportunity and prove that I am not worse than them. ”

People are not short of ambitions, and in the village primary school of four people, she was the first in the county, and the inspirational study path of a 10-year-old girl

When asked why she worked so hard to study, she replied that she already knew the difference between reading and not reading two years ago. At that time, he and his father were working in the fields, and when he saw the sunset, her father said, "The sun is so red today." But when she saw those people on TV, they said, "Luoxia and the lonely bird fly together, and the autumn water grows together in the sky." At that time, she thought that when she grew up, she would be as cultured as the people on TV.

People are not short of ambitions, and in the village primary school of four people, she was the first in the county, and the inspirational study path of a 10-year-old girl

Some people also asked her why she was willing to bear the burden of the family because she usually had a general relationship with her sister and sister, and she couldn't talk about love or love. She said that because they are a family!

People are not short of ambitions, and in the village primary school of four people, she was the first in the county, and the inspirational study path of a 10-year-old girl

The children of the poor are in charge early! Being born in a poor family is not something Zhang Ziwei can choose, but she can choose how to go on her own life path, do nothing or work hard? It was clear that she had chosen the latter.

People are not short of ambitions, and in the village primary school of four people, she was the first in the county, and the inspirational study path of a 10-year-old girl

The above is the touching story of Zhang Ziwei, a 10-year-old girl from rural Taiyuan, who is inspired to study. I believe that while she is trying to find a wonderful life path, she will also inspire and infect the children on the road to study together, take her as an example, study hard and make progress together.

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