
E positive energy (30)丨457 tons of waste carried by "love" Lijin County Senior High School "Youth Warm Current" Inspirational Scholarship will extend love for 20 years

author:Poster Dongying

Dazhong reporter Li Yanhan and Liu Huan report from Dongying

June 15, Lijin County Senior High School.

During the recess, students began to gather in the school square in twos and threes carrying collection bags, which were full of drink bottles, waste answer sheets, straw paper and other waste products. It didn't take long for students from each class to begin lining up in the square with collection bags, waiting for the waste to be weighed.

E positive energy (30)丨457 tons of waste carried by "love" Lijin County Senior High School "Youth Warm Current" Inspirational Scholarship will extend love for 20 years
E positive energy (30)丨457 tons of waste carried by "love" Lijin County Senior High School "Youth Warm Current" Inspirational Scholarship will extend love for 20 years

The statistics were quickly completed, and 1,842 catties of waste were sold this time, with a total of 921 yuan. In June next year, the 921 yuan, together with the money accumulated in the "Youth Warm Current" account, will be distributed to a number of students from poor families but with excellent character and academic performance in the name of "Inspirational Scholarship".

E positive energy (30)丨457 tons of waste carried by "love" Lijin County Senior High School "Youth Warm Current" Inspirational Scholarship will extend love for 20 years
E positive energy (30)丨457 tons of waste carried by "love" Lijin County Senior High School "Youth Warm Current" Inspirational Scholarship will extend love for 20 years

This tradition has been passed down for 20 years at Lijin County Senior High School.

Back in October 2004, the Youth League Committee of the school issued an initiative for the first time on the activity of "collecting waste paper, purifying the campus, and dedicating love", and named this activity as "'Youth Warm Current' Student Aid Project".

Since then, each class and office are uniformly equipped with waste paper, drink bottle collection bags, teachers and students began to consciously put the used paper, drunk water bottles into the bag, every week by a special person to sort out to a fixed place to hand in the collection of waste paper drink bottles, the school Youth League Committee and the student union are responsible for organizing, weighing and counting, and finally the money sold into the "Youth Warm Current" account, in order to improve enthusiasm, the school will also announce the collection of each class and office every week, and rank according to the data.

E positive energy (30)丨457 tons of waste carried by "love" Lijin County Senior High School "Youth Warm Current" Inspirational Scholarship will extend love for 20 years
E positive energy (30)丨457 tons of waste carried by "love" Lijin County Senior High School "Youth Warm Current" Inspirational Scholarship will extend love for 20 years

Focusing on this activity, the Youth League Committee of the school also formulated the "Implementation Plan for Youth Warm Current Activities and the Detailed Rules for the Distribution of Youth Warm Current Inspirational Scholarships" to further refine the reward mechanism. In June every year, the school organizes the Youth Warm Current Commendation and Inspirational Scholarship Distribution Ceremony to issue inspirational scholarships to students who abide by the law and have excellent character and academic performance but have difficult families.

Twenty years have flown by. Through the continuous efforts of students and teachers one after another, as of May this year, the activity has collected a total of 457 tons of waste paper and beverage bottles, equivalent to more than 465,000 yuan, and rewarded and funded 2,240 students. Recycling one ton of waste paper can produce 0.8 tons of recycled paper fiber, which can cut down 17 fewer trees and save 3 cubic meters of landfill space. It is estimated that 365.6 tonnes of recycled paper-making fibre have been generated and 7,769 trees have been protected from felling.

After 20 years of inheritance, the "Youth Warm Current" student aid project is no longer a simple waste recycling activity, but also a vivid practice of moral education in the school. Through this activity, students not only learned to cherish resources and protect the environment, cultivated the spirit of teamwork and selfless dedication, but also learned to give and care, and learned to pass on love and give back gratitude.

E positive energy (30)丨457 tons of waste carried by "love" Lijin County Senior High School "Youth Warm Current" Inspirational Scholarship will extend love for 20 years
E positive energy (30)丨457 tons of waste carried by "love" Lijin County Senior High School "Youth Warm Current" Inspirational Scholarship will extend love for 20 years

Zhang Yukun, class 3 of the school's 2016 class, was funded by the "Youth Warm Current Scholarship Project" due to family difficulties during the school, and after being admitted to the university, he was grateful to contact the school as soon as he got the scholarship, and gave all the scholarships to the school's "Youth Warm Current" account, and said to the school: "I have been helped by the 'Youth Warm Current' and am participating" I also felt the joy of helping others in the 'Warm Current' activity, which filled my heart with warmth and gave me the strength to keep learning. Now I have the ability to contribute my part to the 'Warm Current of Youth', and I hope to help more students in need." ”

E positive energy (30)丨457 tons of waste carried by "love" Lijin County Senior High School "Youth Warm Current" Inspirational Scholarship will extend love for 20 years

"For a long time, the school has been committed to cultivating students with noble character, firm will, strong sense of responsibility and outstanding ability in combination with its own development characteristics, combining the 'Youth Warm Current' student aid project with the school-running concept of 'self-determination, serving the country with honor, self-improvement, and pursuing excellence', so as to put morality and cultivate people into practice, solidly promote quality education, and see practical work in the subtleties." The 'Youth Warm Current' Student Aid Project has not only become a platform to convey social warmth, but also an important channel to guide students to establish correct values, exercise their self-will, cultivate patriotic feelings and pursue excellent quality. Li Haifeng, secretary of the Youth League Committee of Lijin County Senior High School, said.

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