
Inspirational life! Yu Chengdong: Western University of Technology is the most correct choice in my life, strive to become the highest level engineer of Huawei, and stay after arriving at Huawei [with analysis of the current situation of the higher education industry]

author:Elegant Starry Sky KJ4
Inspirational life! Yu Chengdong: Western University of Technology is the most correct choice in my life, strive to become the highest level engineer of Huawei, and stay after arriving at Huawei [with analysis of the current situation of the higher education industry]

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On June 29, Yu Chengdong, Executive Director of Huawei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Device BG, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Intelligent Vehicle Solution BU, attended the 2024 undergraduate graduation ceremony of his alma mater, Northwestern Polytechnical University, as an alumni representative, and delivered a speech.

Yu Chengdong recalled his study experience in his speech, and said that 37 years ago, he was successfully admitted to the first major of his first choice and entered Northwestern Polytechnical University with the first place in science in Huoqiu County, Anhui Province, which was the most correct choice in his life.

Talking about his career, Yu Chengdong said that he went to Shenzhen during the holiday by chance, and after arriving at Huawei, he stayed and did not let him go, and he did not expect to do it for 31 years.

In his speech, Yu Chengdong put forward four life insights and suggestions for the graduates. They are aspiring, insisting on lifelong learning, pioneering and innovative, practical work and simple style.

Yu Chengdong also shared his experience growing up at Huawei. He recalled that he had the ambition to become a chief engineer in the graduation guest book, and he continued to work towards his goal, eventually becoming Huawei's first Level 6 engineer and the first Level 7 engineer, both of which were Huawei's highest-level engineers at that time.

When talking about the third suggestion to develop and innovate, Yu Chengdong shared his experience of working at Huawei, saying that Ren Zhengfei sent him to Huawei Europe as president at that time, and gave him the task of achieving the first market share in Europe in three years. At that time, Huawei's market share was less than 3%, but they created a miracle, surpassing Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens, and Alcatel-Lucent in Europe in three years, and overfulfilled the task. Yu Chengdong suggested that students should have the spirit of daring to innovate and make breakthroughs, not only to dare to create new products and products with excellent experience, but also to dare to break through themselves.

At present, the voluntary filling of the college entrance examination across the country has been opened. Yu Chengdong's speech at his alma mater was jokingly called "the strongest enrollment advertisement in history" by netizens. At the same time, major colleges and universities have also joined this "enrollment war". In order to attract the attention of more outstanding students, colleges and universities have done their best to launch a variety of ingenious enrollment strategies. From exciting promotional videos to creative poster designs, to a variety of online and offline interactive activities, colleges and universities are trying to showcase their characteristics and strengths in the hope of standing out in this fierce competition.

In 2020, there were 2,738 regular colleges and universities in China

Although the mainland's higher education industry has matured, the number of higher education institutions and institutions continues to increase, providing more high-quality talents for the mainland's development. Since 2004, the number of ordinary universities and postgraduate training institutions in mainland China has been steadily increasing year by year, but the number of adult colleges and universities has been declining year by year, indicating that adult higher education institutions that lack advantages in the market are gradually withdrawing. However, the number of enrolments in adult higher education has been increasing year on year, indicating a rapid increase in the individual size of adult higher education institutions left in the market.

According to the "Main Results of the 2020 National Education Statistics" released by the Ministry of Education in March 2021, there are 2,738 ordinary colleges and universities in the country. Among them, there were 1,270 undergraduate colleges and universities (including 21 vocational schools at the undergraduate level), an increase of 5 over the previous year; The number of higher vocational (junior college) colleges was 1,468, an increase of 45 over the previous year. According to data released by the Ministry of Education in July 2020, there were 265 adult higher education institutions, a decrease of three from the previous statistics (June 15, 2019).

Inspirational life! Yu Chengdong: Western University of Technology is the most correct choice in my life, strive to become the highest level engineer of Huawei, and stay after arriving at Huawei [with analysis of the current situation of the higher education industry]

The development of higher education in the eastern region is more developed: the number of colleges and universities is 1.56 times that of the western region

As of 2020, the total number of universities in the eastern, central and western regions was 1,142, 862 and 734 respectively, accounting for 41.71%, 31.48% and 26.81% of the total number of ordinary universities in the country. Among them, the number of ordinary universities in the eastern region is about 1.56 times that of the western region.

In terms of the number of universities directly under the state, the number of universities in the eastern region is four times that of the western region, and there is even no or only one university directly under the Ministry of Education in some western provinces. Of the 115 universities involved in the "211 Project", 66 are in the east, 24 in the central part and 25 in the west. Among the 39 colleges and universities involved in the "985 Project" across the country, the number in the eastern region is about four times that in the western region. Overall, the eastern region accounts for the vast majority of state-supported universities, and the disparity is clear.

Inspirational life! Yu Chengdong: Western University of Technology is the most correct choice in my life, strive to become the highest level engineer of Huawei, and stay after arriving at Huawei [with analysis of the current situation of the higher education industry]

The quality of teaching in ordinary colleges and universities will be improved in an all-round way

The forward-looking analysis believes that the quality of domestic colleges and universities will be comprehensively improved, and the talent training system will be comprehensively innovated.

Inspirational life! Yu Chengdong: Western University of Technology is the most correct choice in my life, strive to become the highest level engineer of Huawei, and stay after arriving at Huawei [with analysis of the current situation of the higher education industry]

Liang Ruixiong, President of Guangdong University of Science and Technology, pointed out that with the rapid development of science and technology, engineering education is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. The new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation has put forward new requirements for the cultivation of engineering talents. Liang Ruixiong emphasized that applied universities should play a role in the empowerment of science and technology and the development of new productivity supported by talents, and the reform of engineering education should be oriented to the future, actively explore new models of engineering talent training, continuously improve the quality of talent training, and assume the responsibility and mission entrusted by the times.

Each discipline is given the same development funding, and I attach the same importance to each college, is this okay? Obviously, this is not a good strategy. So what's a good strategy? Professor Hong Chengwen of the Faculty of Education of Beijing Normal University believes that it is necessary to do a good job at both ends. On the one hand, it is necessary to make the strong stronger, make the dominant disciplines more prominent, and gradually form their own characteristic disciplines and key colleges, because if there are no advantageous colleges in the university competition, they are actually in a disadvantageous position. On the other hand, it is necessary to support disadvantaged subjects. There are two ways to do this support, one is to make disadvantaged disciplines stronger through input, and the other is to integrate disadvantaged disciplines with other disciplines. In this case, you need to be good at giving up some disciplines, because in "supporting the weak" there is also a meaning that you have to make sacrifices, and you can't give up nothing.

Prospective Economist APP Information Group

For more research and analysis of this industry, please refer to the "Analysis Report on Market Prospect and Investment Strategic Planning of China's Higher Education Industry" by Qianzhan Industry Research Institute

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