
Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

author:There are fish in the North Underworld

In the long history of the Joseon Dynasty in 518 years, countless dazzling figures have emerged. Among them, there is a legendary story of a woman who is still talked about today. She came from an ordinary background, but with her wisdom and charm, she climbed to the pinnacle of power step by step. However, the judgment of history gave her an extremely cruel conclusion - one of the "three demon girls of North Korea". She is Zhang Xifei in the Suzong era, formerly known as Zhang Yuzhen.

From the youngest daughter of an ordinary translator's family to a key figure in influencing North Korea's national fortunes, Jang Ok-jeong's life trajectory is full of drama. Her rise is like an inspirational legend, but her actions have made future generations criticize her. What kind of experience made such a complex character? How did she stand out in the treacherous court battles? And what price did her path to power cost?

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

Zhang Yuzhen, born on September 19 in the 16th year of Shunzhi (1659 AD), is the youngest daughter of an ordinary translator family in the Indong region of North Korea. Her father, Zhang Jiong, was the deputy minister of the Siyi Institute at the time, and her mother was the step-chamber Yin. Although the Zhang family was not a prominent two-class aristocracy, as a family of translators, their social status was between the ordinary (beloved) class and the two classes of nobles, much higher than the quasi-untouchable class.

The ancestor of the Zhang family, Jang An-se, was a loyal vassal of the Goryeo Dynasty, and after Yi Sung-gye established the Joseon Dynasty, he repeatedly refused the conscription of King Taejo. Zhang Anshi's son Zhang Zhongyang eventually entered the court as an official, and the official reached Zuo Yin in Hancheng Prefecture. Zhang Yuzhen's branch is a branch of Zhang Zhongyang. This family history laid a certain foundation for Zhang Yuzhen's future court career.

Zhang Yuzhen's childhood was not all smooth sailing. At the beginning of the eighth year of Kangxi (1669 AD), her father Zhang Jiong died of illness, and Zhang Yuzhen, who was only 10 years old, was immediately raised by her cousin Zhang Xuan. Zhang Xuan was a "wealthy official" in North Korea at that time, although as a translator, his status was not high, but he took advantage of the opportunity to envoy to the Qing Dynasty all the year round and accumulated a huge fortune. Under the protection of Zhang Xuan, Zhang Yuzhen enjoyed a prosperous life.

However, a turning point of fate soon struck. On March 12, the 14th year of Kangxi (1675 AD), a coup d'état broke out that shocked the government and the opposition. Fushanjun Li Zheng, Fuchangjun Li Zhen, Fupyeongjun Li Yu and their henchmen conspired to overthrow the rule of Hyeonjong King Li Di, which is known in history as the "Sanfu Change" or "Gengshen Change". As the confidant of Fushanjun Li Zheng and Fuchangjun Li Zhen, Zhang Xuan could not escape his doom, and was sentenced to raid his home and exile, and was sent to the frontier together with the three kings of the first plot.

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

This accident completely changed the trajectory of Zhang Yuzhen's life. Her family was implicated, and 21-year-old Zhang Yuzhen was forced to enter the palace as a maid. In feudal times, it was almost impossible for a young woman to regain her freedom once she stepped through the palace gates. The gorgeous palace of Gyeongbokgung Palace has become a testimony to the bitter memories of Zhang Yuzhen's early years.

However, fate does not seem to have completely abandoned this smart and clever girl. After entering the palace, Zhang Yuzhen met the first noble person in her life - the step-concubine of King Renzu Li Liang and the princess of Ciyi (Queen Zhuang Lie) Zhao. This kind royal elder admired Zhang Yuzhen very much, believing that she was not only outstanding in appearance, but also in wisdom and talent.

Queen Zhuang Lie included Zhang Yuzhen in her team of maids and cultivated her carefully. She not only taught Zhang Yuzhen court etiquette, but also personally instructed her to learn poetry and songs. Under the patronage of Queen Zhuang Lie, Zhang Yuzhen gradually adapted to court life and showed extraordinary talents.

By chance, Queen Zhuang Lie found an opportunity to recommend Zhang Yuzhen to her great-grandson, Suzong Li Yan, who was the prince of the king at the time. When Zhang Yuzhen saluted Su Zong, her beauty and temperament immediately attracted the young prince. In this way, Jang Ok-jung embarked on her rise to prominence in the Korean court.

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

This early experience laid a solid foundation for Zhang Yuzhen's future court career. Although her family background is not prominent, it is not like the lowly background rumored in later generations. The changes in the family made her experience the ups and downs of life, and the experience of entering the palace as a maidservant honed her will and cultivated her ability to survive in a complex environment. Queen Zhuang Yeol's support opened the door to the center of power for her.

Zhang Yuzhen, under the recommendation of Queen Zhuang Lie, successfully attracted the attention of Suzong Li Yan. In the twentieth year of Kangxi (1681 AD), the twenty-two-year-old Zhang Yuzhen officially became the palace maid of Suzong. With her outstanding looks and extraordinary intelligence, she was soon favored by Su Zong.

However, Zhang's rise has not been without its challenges. In the Korean court at that time, the queen of Myeongsheng, as the wife of Suzong, had great suspicion of Zhang Yuzhen's existence. Queen Myeongsheng was born in a famous family and was the daughter of Kim Seok-yin, a powerful minister of North Korea at that time. Her marriage to Suzong is not only a union of two people, but also a political alliance of two powerful families.

Queen Mingsheng's rejection of Zhang Yuzhen was not without reason. In the history of the Joseon Dynasty, there have been many incidents of national turmoil due to the interference of favored concubines. Queen Mingsheng is well aware of the stakes and naturally does not want to see Zhang Yuzhen's influence grow.

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

In order to curb Zhang Yuzhen's power, Queen Mingsheng adopted a series of measures. She first used her status to limit Zhang Yuzhen's opportunities to get close to Suzong. At the same time, she also secretly instructed other concubines and palace maids in the palace to squeeze out Zhang Yuzhen, in an attempt to isolate this favorite concubine from a lowly family.

In the face of the suppression of Queen Mingsheng, Zhang Yuzhen did not give in easily. She made full use of her intelligence and charm to stand out from the competition with other concubines. Zhang Yuzhen was proficient in poetry and often impressed Su Zong with her elegant words. She is also good at observing words and feelings, and can always solve problems for Su Zong at the right time, and gradually won Su Zong's trust and dependence.

In the twenty-fourth year of Kangxi (1685 AD), Zhang Yuzhen gave birth to a son, who later became Li Yun, the king of Jingzong. This incident greatly enhanced Zhang Yuzhen's status in the palace. However, just when Zhang Yuzhen thought she had finally gained a foothold, a sudden change changed her fate again.

In the twenty-sixth year of Kangxi (1687 AD), Queen Ming Sheng successfully persuaded Su Zong to expel Zhang Yuzhen from the court on the grounds that her family had participated in the "Three Blessings Change". This blow is undoubtedly huge for Zhang Yuzhen. However, Zhang Yuzhen did not accept her fate. She used this time to concentrate on her studies and continue to improve her talents, while also accumulating some supporters outside the palace.

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

In the twenty-seventh year of Kangxi (1688 AD), Suzong married Min Shi, the queen of Renxian. Queen Inhyun has a gentle personality and is not hostile to Zhang Yuzhen. With the support of Queen Renxian and Suzong's longing for Zhang Yuzhen, Zhang Yuzhen finally returned to the court in the twenty-ninth year of Kangxi (1690 AD).

After returning to the palace this time, Zhang Yuzhen's position was more stable. She was named Shuyuan and became a concubine of the third grade. Zhang Yuzhen learned the previous lesson and managed her relationship in the palace more carefully. She maintained a good relationship with Queen Inhyun, while also trying to avoid conflict with other concubines.

Zhang Yuzhen's talents were fully developed during this period. Not only did she show great talent in literature, but she also had a unique insight into the art of Korean music and painting. Su Zong often discussed poetry with her, and even consulted her when dealing with government affairs.

Over time, Zhang Yuzhen's influence gradually expanded. She began to participate in the decision-making of some court affairs, and played an important role in Suzong's dealings with his ministers. Although she did not officially intervene in the government's politics, her opinions were already able to influence some of Suzong's decisions.

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

However, the taste of power is sweet and dangerous. The rise of Zhang Yuzhen caused dissatisfaction among many ministers in the DPRK and China. They are worried that Zhang Yuzhen, like some favorite concubines in history, will interfere excessively in state affairs and endanger the stability of the country. This concern has laid a hidden danger for Zhang Yuzhen's future political career.

Despite this, at this stage, Zhang Yuzhen has successfully transformed from an ordinary palace maid to an important figure who can influence national events. Her rise to prominence demonstrates her outstanding talent and tenacity, and also reflects the complex political ecology of the North Korean court. This experience set her stage for what would later become one of the most controversial figures in North Korean history.

With the continuous improvement of Zhang Yuzhen's status in the palace, she gradually stepped into the center of North Korean politics. In the thirty-third year of the Kangxi reign (1694 AD), Zhang Yuzhen was promoted to the rank of nobleman, a title that marked her becoming one of the most influential concubines in the palace. In the same year, a coup d'état that shook the government and the opposition completely changed the political landscape of North Korea and provided a bigger stage for Jang Yuzhen.

The coup d'état was called the "Jiaxu Change". With the support of the Westerners, Sujong deposed Song Shilie, the leader of the Nanrendang Party for many years, and reappointed the leader of the Westerners' Party, Nam Jiuwan. This political change not only changed the partisan landscape in North Korea, but also provided an opportunity for Jang to intervene in the government's politics.

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

In this coup, Zhang Yuzhen showed her keen political sense. She skillfully used her close relationship with Sujong to speak for the Westerners at critical moments and help them regain power. This move allowed her to win the support of the Westerners, and at the same time allowed Suzong to see her political talents.

After the successful coup, Zhang Yuzhen's influence rose sharply. She began to participate frequently in government discussions, and even played a key role in some important decisions. Suzong often consulted her on state affairs, and her advice could often influence Suzong's decisions.

In the thirty-fourth year of Kangxi (1695 AD), Zhang Yuzhen was named a concubine and officially became a concubine from the second grade. This title is not only an affirmation of her personal status, but also marks her official appearance in North Korean politics. Since then, she has been known as Zhang Xi's concubine by the world.

However, Zhang's political career has not been without smooth sailing. Her rise caused dissatisfaction among many ministers in the court. They believe that a palace concubine from a humble background should not interfere in state affairs. In particular, the supporters of the Southern People's Party regard Zhang Xifei as a thorn in their side. They wrote to impeach Zhang Xifei many times, accusing her of interfering in politics and disrupting the country.

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

In the face of these attacks, Zhang Xifei showed great political skill. On the one hand, she used her influence in the palace to skillfully defuse some of the accusations against her. On the other hand, she also knows how to keep a low profile at the right time to avoid overstimulating opponents.

In the thirty-sixth year of Kangxi (1697 AD), Zhang Xifei ushered in an important turning point in her political career. In this year, Queen Inhyun Min died of illness. As the most favored concubine in the palace, Zhang Xi Concubine naturally became a popular candidate for the new queen. However, Concubine Zhang unexpectedly recommended Min Shi, the daughter of Princess Devon and the granddaughter of the Westerner leader Min Zhenhou, as the new queen.

This move shows Zhang Xifei's political wisdom. She knew that she was from a humble background, and even if she became a queen, it would be difficult to convince the public. On the contrary, recommending Min not only won the support of the Westerners, but also avoided becoming the target of public criticism. This decision earned her the appreciation of Suzong and the gratitude of the Westerners.

In the thirty-eighth year of Kangxi (1699 AD), Li Yun, the eldest son of Zhang Xifei, was made the son of the king. This incident further strengthened her position. As the biological mother of the future king, Zhang Xifei's influence in the court reached an unprecedented height.

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

However, the pinnacle of power is often also the beginning of danger. As Zhang Xifei's influence continued to expand, her behavior became more and more arbitrary. She began to interfere in the appointment and dismissal of officials, and even influenced the foreign policy of Korea and the Qing Dynasty. These moves have caused more dissatisfaction and opposition from many people.

In the fortieth year of Kangxi (1701 AD), a large-scale political struggle broke out against Zhang Xifei. The Southern People's Party and a small number of Westerner Party members united and strongly demanded that Suzong depose Zhang Xifei. They accused Jang of interfering in politics and disrupting the country's political order.

In the face of this political storm, Zhang Xifei has shown amazing resilience and political wisdom. She used her connections in the palace to skillfully defuse some of the accusations against her. At the same time, she also knows how to keep a low profile at the right time, temporarily withdraw from the political stage, and wait for the turmoil to subside.

This political struggle ended in the victory of Zhang Xifei. Although her power was somewhat limited, she still maintained her influence over Suzong. The struggle also made Zhang aware of the fragility of power, which made her more cautious in her later political career.

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

Although Zhang Xifei reached the peak of her political career during this period, it also planted the seeds of future decline. Her arbitrary behavior and thirst for power earned her the notoriety of being one of the "Three Great Demon Maidens of North Korea". However, it is undeniable that the political talent and skill displayed by Jang Hee-concubine during this period are extremely rare in the history of North Korea.

In the forty-second year of Kangxi (1703 AD), Zhang Xifei's political career began to decline. In this year, Sujong's health deteriorated dramatically, and various factions in the DPRK and China began to fight fiercely for the future distribution of power. Zhang Xifei, as Suzong's favorite concubine and the biological mother of Wang Shizi Li Yun, naturally became the focus of this power struggle.

In this struggle, Zhang Xifei's biggest opponent was Cui Xiheng, the leader of the old arguments. Cui Xiheng used to be a supporter of Zhang Xifei, but as Zhang Xifei's power continued to expand, the relationship between the two gradually deteriorated. Choe Seok-heng believes that Jang Hee-concubine's behavior has seriously threatened the political order of North Korea and must be contained.

In the forty-third year of the Kangxi reign (1704 AD), Cui Xiheng, together with other ministers, proposed a series of proposals to Suzong to limit the power of Zhang Xi's concubine. They demanded that Zhang Xifei be banned from participating in government politics and that her contact with the outside world be restricted. These suggestions were partially adopted by Su Zong, and Zhang Xifei's space for movement began to be restricted.

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

Faced with this situation, Zhang Xifei did not sit still. She used her influence in the palace to try to resist Cui Xiheng's pressure by co-opting some neutral officials. At the same time, she also began to pay more attention to the education of Li Yun, the prince of the royal family, hoping to maintain her position by training future kings.

However, Zhang's efforts failed to turn the situation around. In the forty-fifth year of Kangxi (1706 AD), a sudden event completely changed the fate of Zhang Xiconcubine. In this year, someone reported to Suzong, saying that Zhang Xifei had improper dealings with some ministers in private and attempted to interfere in court politics. Although this accusation lacked conclusive evidence, it caused great displeasure in Suzong.

Enraged, Suzong ordered Zhang Xifei to be imprisoned in a remote palace in Gyeongbokgung Palace. The decision marked the substantive end of Ms. Zhang's political career. Although she still retains the title of Xi Concubine, she has lost all opportunities to participate in court politics.

During her solitary confinement, Zhang Xifei repeatedly asked Suzong to restore her freedom, but was refused. Her only consolation was that Li Yun, the prince of the royal family, often came to visit and bring her news of the palace and government affairs.

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

In the forty-seventh year of Kangxi (1708 AD), Suzong's condition deteriorated further. At this critical moment, Zhang Xiconcubine, through Wang Shizi Li Yun, made a bold suggestion to Suzong: let Li Yun supervise the country in advance. This suggestion drew strong opposition from the ministers of the court, who saw it as a conspiracy by Jang to regain power.

Faced with this situation, Suzong adopted a compromise plan. He agreed to let Li Yun participate in some government affairs, but did not formally grant the power to supervise the state. This decision not only protects the interests of the royal family, but also avoids the possibility of Zhang Xiconcubine returning to power.

In the forty-ninth year of Kangxi (1710 AD), Suzong died and was succeeded by Li Yun as Jingzong. As the biological mother of the new king, Zhang Xi Concubine was revered as the princess and gained a certain degree of freedom. However, her political influence has been greatly reduced. The new government is controlled by the old faction, who have tried to limit Zhang Xifei's participation in political affairs.

Despite this, Zhang Xifei did not completely give up her pursuit of power. She tried to influence the government through Jingzong, but with little success. Although Jingzong respected his mother, he relied more on the opinions of his ministers in political affairs.

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

In the fifty-first year of Kangxi (1712 AD), Zhang Xifei was involved in a palace conspiracy. She was accused of trying to poison the queen in order to make her niece the new queen. Although this accusation was ultimately proven to be false, it seriously damaged Ms. Zhang's reputation.

After this turmoil, Zhang Xifei completely withdrew from the political stage. She devoted most of her time to Buddhist practice and artistic practice, and occasionally gave advice to Jingzong, but it was limited to family matters.

In the fifty-seventh year of Kangxi (1718 AD), Zhang Xiconcubine died at the age of 59. Her life has been full of ups and downs, from an ordinary palace maid to a power-leaning concubine, and from the pinnacle of power. The end of her political career was full of setbacks and failures, but it also showed her tenacity and obsessive pursuit of power.

The end of Jang Hee-concubine's political career was not only a turning point in her personal fate, but also a reflection of the complex changes in North Korean politics. Her decline marked the weakening of the influence of the imperial power on the government and heralded the further improvement of the Korean political system. Although many of her actions have been criticized by later generations, her mark on North Korean history is indelible.

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

As one of the most controversial figures in Korean history, Jang Hee-concubine's life was full of dramatic ups and downs, and her merits and demerits have always been a hot topic of discussion among later historians and the public. The evaluation of Zhang Xiconcubine often varies from person to person, showing great differences.

When Zhang Xifei was alive, there was already obvious polarization in her evaluation. Her supporters believe that Ms. Jang is smart and decisive, good at handling government affairs, and has made important contributions to North Korea's political stability. In particular, in the "Jiaxu Change", her political wisdom helped Sujong successfully achieve a regime change and stabilize the political situation in North Korea. In addition, she actively promoted the reform of the imperial examination system and cultivated a large number of talents for North Korea.

However, her opponents believe that Jang Hee-concubine interfered in the government and undermined the political order in North Korea. They accused Zhang of using her position for personal gain, cronyism, and serious political corruption. Especially at the height of her power, her appointment and dismissal of officials were often based on personal likes and dislikes, which seriously damaged North Korea's political ecology.

After Zhang Xifei's death, the evaluation of her was even more complicated. In the 60th year of Kangxi (1721 AD), Jingzong ordered the compilation of the "Suzong Record". In this official history book, Zhang Xifei is described as a talented figure with serious shortcomings. The history books acknowledge her contributions to certain political affairs, but also severely criticize her interference in court politics.

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

In the Yingzu period, the evaluation of Zhang Xiconcubine further deteriorated. Yingzu is the half-brother of Jingzong and has no blood relationship with Zhang Xifei. During his reign, he repeatedly criticized Jang Hee-concubine's actions, arguing that she was one of the main causes of political chaos in North Korea. Under the influence of Yingzu, the official evaluation of Zhang Xiconcubine became more negative.

However, among the people, the image of Zhang Xifei presents a different look. Many folklore portrays Zhang Xifei as an intelligent, brave, and compassionate figure. These legendary concubines often helped the weak and punished the wicked, showing a very different image from the official account.

It is particularly worth mentioning that in some wild histories and notebook novels in the late Joseon period, Zhang Xifei is portrayed as a complex and charismatic character. These works neither fully affirm nor completely dismiss her, but rather attempt to understand and explain her actions from multiple perspectives. For example, there is a record of Zhang Xifei in the "Yanyan Collection", although it criticizes some of her behaviors, but also affirms her talent and charm.

After entering the modern era, with the progress of historical research methods, the evaluation of Zhang Xiconcubine began to become more objective and comprehensive. Some scholars have begun to pay attention to the historical background in which Zhang Xifei lived, trying to understand her actions in terms of the political environment and social structure of the time.

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

For example, some scholars have pointed out that the rise of Jang Hee-concubine actually reflected the weakening of Joseon royal power. In the later period of the Joseon Dynasty, royal power was constrained by various forces, and the king often had to rely on the power of the harem to balance the various factions in the court. From this point of view, Zhang Xifei's interference in politics was, to some extent, the result of Su Zong's acquiescence and even encouragement.

There are also scholars who analyze Zhang Xifei from the perspective of gender. They believe that as a woman, Zhang Xifei's ability to have such influence in the patriarchal society at that time is a phenomenon worth studying. These scholars believe that Ms. Jaang's experience reflects the complexity of women's status in North Korean society.

In addition, some researchers have also paid attention to Zhang Xifei's contribution to culture. According to records, Zhang Xifei was proficient in poetry and calligraphy, and was good at calligraphy and painting. During her reign, she vigorously promoted the development of court art and cultivated many artistic talents. From this point of view, Jang Hee-concubine also had a certain positive influence on the development of Korean culture.

However, despite modern research trying to make a more objective assessment of Jang Hee-concubine, negative perceptions of her still dominate in Korean society. In the minds of many South Koreans, Ms. Jang remains an ambitious, abusive villain.

Zhang Xifei - an inspirational legend of the Joseon court, a vicious demon woman who is famous in later generations

In general, the historical evaluation of Zhang Xifei presents great divergence and complexity. This divide reflects differing views not only about Zhang Xifei herself, but also about broader issues of power, politics and the role of women. Zhang Xifei's life is like a mirror, reflecting the many contradictions and complexities of North Korean society. Whether it is positive or negative, the mark left by Jang Hee-concubine in the history of North Korea is indelible.

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