
The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", and it is recommended to choose one of them every day for 30 minutes

author:Dr. Wang of the Department of Nephrology

Uncle Wang is an old man in his seventies who lives in a quiet town. He is in good health and in good spirits, and often takes his grandson for walks in the community. Neighbors often wonder why Uncle Wang is in such good physical condition. One day, everyone met Uncle Wang in the fitness corner of the community and asked him for the secret of longevity. Uncle Wang said with a smile: "Actually, it's very simple, I insist on exercising every day. ”

Uncle Wang's story is not complicated. When he was young, he was an ordinary worker, and he was busy with work every day, but he never gave up the habit of exercising. After retiring, he fixed his daily exercise schedule, walking in the morning, cycling in the afternoon, and going swimming on weekends. Recently, he has become obsessed with yoga and often practices it in the morning light, enjoying the stretching of the body and the peace of mind.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", and it is recommended to choose one of them every day for 30 minutes

"Exercise is the secret of my longevity," Uncle Wang concluded, "I choose one exercise a day for 30 minutes, which not only keeps me healthy, but also refreshes me." ”

Uncle Wang's words aroused everyone's interest. In fact, many studies have shown that moderate exercise does increase longevity and improve quality of life. So, which sports are called "longevity movements"? Next, we will introduce in detail the four recognized longevity exercises, and hope that you can find a suitable way to exercise and enjoy a healthy and long life like Uncle Wang.

The importance of longevity exercise

Exercise isn't just about exercising, it's one of the keys to longevity. Whether it's walking, cycling, swimming, or yoga, these exercises help to live longer and improve the quality of life. Let's dive into the importance of the longevity movement from a scientific perspective.

First and foremost, moderate exercise is essential for cardiovascular health. Walking, cycling and swimming are all aerobic exercises that can effectively promote blood circulation and strengthen heart function. Studies have shown that 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, per week can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. As an efficient aerobic exercise, cycling can not only exercise the muscles of the lower limbs, but also improve the heart and lung function. Swimming is a full-body exercise, especially for cardiorespiratory endurance.

Secondly, exercise has a positive preventive and therapeutic effect on abnormal glucose metabolism. Aerobic exercise, such as walking and cycling, improves insulin sensitivity, helps the body use blood sugar more efficiently, and reduces the risk of abnormal glucose metabolism. In particular, cycling, through continuous moderate-intensity exercise, can significantly reduce blood sugar levels, which plays an important role in preventing abnormal glucose metabolism and its complications.

In addition, exercise also has an important impact on bone and joint health. As we age, bone density gradually decreases, increasing the risk of fractures. Low-impact exercises, such as walking and cycling, can effectively stimulate bones, increase bone density, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Although swimming is less irritating to the bones, it is the exercise with the least stress on the joints, which is very suitable for people with bone and joint problems.

Yoga, as a comprehensive exercise, is beneficial for both physical and mental health. Through the practice of various postures, yoga builds muscle strength and improves the flexibility and balance of the body. Studies have shown that yoga can help lower blood pressure, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve sleep quality. For middle-aged and elderly people, yoga can not only relieve physical discomfort, but also improve mental state and delay the aging process.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", and it is recommended to choose one of them every day for 30 minutes

Exercise can also improve immunity and strengthen the body's resistance. Moderate aerobic exercise can promote the production of white blood cells, strengthen the function of the immune system, and reduce the risk of colds and other diseases. People who insist on exercising for a long time tend to have a stronger immune system and are more able to resist the invasion of various diseases.

Mental health is also one of the important benefits of exercise. Studies have found that exercise can boost endorphins secretion, improve mood, and reduce depression and anxiety. Aerobic exercises, such as walking, cycling and swimming, can improve brain function by improving blood circulation, increasing oxygen supply to the brain. Yoga, on the other hand, uses breathing and meditation to help people relax and achieve a state of unity between body and mind.

Science Exercise Recommendations

The secret of walking

Walking is known as one of the easiest longevity exercises, and the benefits go far beyond staying in shape. A 30-minute walk a day not only promotes cardiovascular health, but also improves mental health and strengthens the immune system. Walking does not require special equipment or a field and is one of the easiest exercises to stick to.

When walking, proper posture is crucial. Keep your head straight and look your eyes forward to avoid lowering or tilting your head too much. Relax your shoulders naturally, don't shrug your shoulders. The arms can swing naturally, and the pace is steady and powerful. Keep your pace even, at a moderate pace, not too fast or too slow. Beginners can start with slow walking and gradually transition to brisk walking to suit their fitness level.

Walking not only helps cardiovascular health, but is also effective in lowering blood pressure in the systemic arteries. Studies have shown that 30 minutes of walking a day can significantly reduce systemic arterial blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Walking can also help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent and improve glucose metabolism.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", and it is recommended to choose one of them every day for 30 minutes

In practice, choosing the right walking environment is just as important. Parks, community greenways, and other places with fresh air are ideal places to walk. When walking, you can wear a pedometer to monitor your steps at all times, set daily goals, and motivate yourself to keep moving. While walking, you can also try to incorporate some simple strength training movements, such as intermittent squats, to further enhance the workout.

Benefits of riding

Cycling is a full-body exercise that not only works the muscles of the lower limbs, but also improves the heart and lungs. Cycling for 30 minutes a day not only helps to lose weight and strengthen physical fitness, but also effectively improves the cardiovascular system.

Choosing the right bike is the first step in riding. According to your height and riding habits, choose the model and size that suits you. The height of the saddle should be adjusted so that the toes touch the ground when standing, and the handlebar height should be level or slightly higher than the saddle. Before riding, check your vehicle's brakes, tires, and other components to ensure safety.

When riding, proper posture is equally important. Lean forward slightly, bend your arms slightly, and hold the handlebars naturally with both hands. When pedaling, apply force on the front of the soles of your feet and alternate pressure on your legs to maintain a steady rhythm. Beginners can opt for flat roads with gradually increasing the slope and riding time to accommodate different riding intensities.

Cycling not only enhances cardiopulmonary function, but also effectively reduces blood lipid levels and prevents atherosclerosis. Studies have shown that 30 minutes of cycling a day can significantly reduce LDL cholesterol levels and increase HDL cholesterol levels, thereby preventing the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. Cycling also boosts blood circulation, increases metabolism and helps detoxify the body.

In practice, choosing the right riding environment is crucial. Avoid roads with heavy traffic and choose safe, flat bike paths or parks. Wear protective equipment such as helmets and gloves when riding to ensure safety. During the ride, you can try variable speed riding, that is, riding fast on flat roads and riding slowly uphill to enhance the workout effect.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", and it is recommended to choose one of them every day for 30 minutes

Benefits of swimming

Swimming is a full-body exercise that not only builds muscles, but also improves cardiorespiratory fitness and flexibility. Swimming for 30 minutes a day not only helps to lose weight and enhance physical fitness, but also effectively relieves stress and improves immunity.

When swimming, choosing the right stroke is crucial. Freestyle is the most common stroke and is suitable for beginners; Breaststroke is a better way to exercise the muscles of the lower limbs; Backstroke helps to relax the back muscles; Butterfly stroke, on the other hand, is a comprehensive exercise of the muscles of the whole body. Choose the right swimming style according to your personal fitness and preferences, and keep practicing and improving.

Swimming can not only improve cardiopulmonary function, but also effectively reduce the burden on the joints. Due to the buoyancy of the water, the joint is less stressed when swimming, which is especially suitable for arthritis patients and the elderly. Studies have shown that 30 minutes of swimming a day can significantly improve range of motion and reduce joint pain.

In practice, choosing the right place and time to swim is crucial. Avoid swimming on an empty stomach or on a full stomach and choose to do a swimming workout 1-2 hours after meals. Before swimming, do proper warm-up exercises to prevent sports injuries. After swimming, rinse your body in time to prevent irritation to your skin by the chemicals in the pool water.

The beauty of yoga

Yoga is an ancient method of mind-body exercise that not only enhances physical flexibility but also improves mental health. Sticking to 30 minutes of yoga practice every day not only helps to relax the body and mind, but also effectively relieves stress and improves sleep.

When practicing yoga, it is crucial to choose the right posture and breathing method. Basic postures such as mountain pose, downward dog pose, and cat-cow pose are suitable for beginners; Gradually transition to advanced poses such as warrior pose, tree pose, etc. When practicing, pay attention to deep and long breathing to maintain the smoothness and stability of the movements. Through yoga practice, you can effectively improve the balance and coordination of the body and enhance muscle strength.

Yoga not only enhances physical flexibility, but also effectively regulates emotions. Studies have shown that 30 minutes of yoga practice per day can significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and improve mental health. Through meditation and breathing practices, yoga can help people relax, relieve stress, and improve concentration and memory.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", and it is recommended to choose one of them every day for 30 minutes

In practice, choosing the right place and time to practice is crucial. Avoid practicing yoga in noisy environments and choose a quiet, comfortable space. When practicing, wear loose, comfortable clothing and avoid restrictive movements. After yoga, perform proper relaxation and stretching to relieve muscle tension.

Sticking to 30 minutes of longevity exercise every day can not only improve physical fitness, but also effectively prevent a variety of chronic diseases. Choosing an exercise method that suits you and exercising scientifically and reasonably will lay a solid foundation for a healthy and long life.

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