
Behind the "Wake Watch": Why did Dejiang die alone and arranged for the entire middle school health center to go to the wake watch

author:Born to the light after the 70s

#一人去世中学全体守灵? Officials intervene#

Behind the "Wake Watch": Why did Dejiang die alone and arranged for the entire middle school health center to go to the wake watch

Today (June 29), two "wake-up watches" spread all over the country. The reason why people are concerned is that these "guardians" are all public officials – either teachers from No. 1 middle school or employees of health centers.

Behind the "Wake Watch": Why did Dejiang die alone and arranged for the entire middle school health center to go to the wake watch

From the two tables, it is clearly known that one is Dejiang No. 1 Middle School and the other is Yantang Township Health Center. And the wake time is scheduled for 7 days, which seems to be "row seven", which is arranged every day.

And on the 29th, all of them went, and it should be the day of burial.

Behind the "Wake Watch": Why did Dejiang die alone and arranged for the entire middle school health center to go to the wake watch

Some people speculate how big a "character" this is, alarming so many people! According to the locals, this is a kind of folk custom, and it has little to do with the size of the person's position, or it should not matter.

To be honest, I don't believe there is much official position in their family. If there is, I guess I wouldn't dare to do this, it's too public, isn't this nothing to look for?

Behind the "Wake Watch": Why did Dejiang die alone and arranged for the entire middle school health center to go to the wake watch

The other one was written by the union, or maybe it's not the first time this has happened, right?

However, this is indeed a bit too loud, and even violates the relevant regulations. The local should be corrected and guided. We cannot let it go unchecked.

The death of the old man can be a big event, and it is okay for colleagues and villagers to mourn and worship, but it is really inappropriate to make such a big fanfare!

The funeral is mainly handled by the relatives of children and grandchildren and neighbors, and the form is also as simple as possible to follow the local customs, focusing on mourning.

Public officials, in particular, should take a good lead in this regard!

(The picture comes from the Internet, such as invasion and deletion)