
The bricklayer fell in love with the old lady, but after marriage, he was depressed, Taoist priest: Your fortune has arrived

author:It's hard in the world

Hey, hey, we're going to have to break up this ridiculous anecdote today. In our northeast Gada, there is a place called Qingshi Town, and there is a young and strong bricklayer in the town, who is nicknamed Zhang Daring. This young man, his skills are so good that he has nothing to say, he is still bold, who doesn't give him a thumbs up and praise him for his good looks?

But this young man just thought about an old lady in the town, Granny Li. Granny Li is not young, with silver hair, but she is in good spirits, and she always smiles when dealing with people. The fate of the two is wonderful. Once, Zhang Daring was repairing a house in the town, and he fell off the roof of the house carelessly, and happened to be seen by Granny Li. Granny Li didn't say a word, but hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, and brought him a bowl of hot chicken soup from home to make up for him. As soon as this incident passed, the warmth in Zhang Daring's heart, and his feelings for Granny Li took root little by little.

After a long time, Zhang Daring found that he was more and more inseparable from Granny Li. When he was fine, he ran to Granny Li's house, helped to do this and that, and chatted with him to relieve his boredom. Granny Li also treats this young man as if he were a child of her own family. The relationship between the two is getting deeper and deeper day by day.

The bricklayer fell in love with the old lady, but after marriage, he was depressed, Taoist priest: Your fortune has arrived

One night, when the moon was dark and the wind was high, Zhang Daring mustered up the courage to confess to Granny Li. Granny Li was surprised at first, but when she saw Zhang Daring's sincere eyes, her heart softened. She sighed and said, "Bold, you are young and promising, how can I, an old woman, be worthy of you?" When Zhang Daring heard this, he was anxious: "Mother-in-law, don't say that." In my heart, you are my dearest person. I would like to take care of you for the rest of my life! ”

In this way, in the surprise and incomprehension of everyone, the two tied the knot and became husband and wife. On the day of the wedding, the whole Qingshi Town was as lively as the New Year, and everyone came to congratulate them. Zhang Daring smiled from ear to ear, feeling that he was the happiest person in the world.

But the days after marriage are not as beautiful as Zhang Daring thought. He found that although Granny Li was gentle and considerate, she was always a little mysterious. She often talks to herself in the mirror alone, and sometimes shows a weird smile. Zhang Daring was curious, but he didn't want to ask too much.

The bricklayer fell in love with the old lady, but after marriage, he was depressed, Taoist priest: Your fortune has arrived

What made Zhang Daring's heart even more furious was that he found that there were always some strange things in Granny Li's room. There were old bronze mirrors, broken sachets, and things that looked like charms. Although Zhang Daring is a bricklayer, he also understands that these things are not simple. He tried to ask Granny Li about the origin of these things, but Granny Li was always hesitant and unwilling to say more.

As the days passed, the doubts in Zhang Dada's heart became heavier and heavier. He began to wonder if Granny Li was hiding some secret secret. Until one night, he happened to hear Granny Li whispering some incantation in the room. Quietly, he leaned closer to his ears and listened, Granny Li was muttering to the old antique bronze mirror: "The people in the mirror, it's time to come back......" Zhang Daring heard this, and his soul was so frightened that his soul was about to fly. Only then did he suddenly realize that Granny Li was not an ordinary old woman, and she might be hiding some unsavory secret behind her. He didn't dare to say anything, so he could only secretly observe Granny Li's every move.

When Zhang Daring's heart was going up and down, a wandering Taoist priest came to the town. This Taoist priest looks quite immortal, holding a whisk in his hand, looking unfathomable. As soon as he arrived in town, he went straight to Zhang Daring's house. As soon as Zhang Daring saw the Taoist priest, he "chuckled" in his heart, and muttered in his heart, not knowing what he was doing.

The bricklayer fell in love with the old lady, but after marriage, he was depressed, Taoist priest: Your fortune has arrived

As soon as the Taoist priest entered the house, he first looked around, and then his eyes fell on Granny Li. He smiled slightly, and said to Zhang Daring: "Young man, you are blessed!" When Zhang Daring heard this, his heart was even more confused. He was about to open his mouth to ask for an understanding, but he saw that the Taoist priest had already walked up to Granny Li, bowed deeply, and said, "Mother-in-law, you have almost played this trick to hide from the world, right?" When Granny Li heard this, her face changed suddenly. She looked at the Taoist priest, then at Zhang Daring, and then sighed: "Forget it, it's all fate......

Next, Granny Li had a showdown with Zhang Daring and the Taoist priest, telling her true identity and the secrets behind it. It turned out that it all had something to do with the old bronze mirror...... When Zhang Daring and the Taoist priest heard this, they were all stunned. It turned out that Granny Li was not a mortal, but a fox immortal who had cultivated for thousands of years. That bronze mirror is her magic weapon, which can communicate yin and yang and summon the soul of the dead.

Granny Li said that she originally cultivated in the mountains and did not ask about the world. But an accident thousands of years ago made her meet a young scholar. The scholar was polite and talented, and the two fell in love at first sight and soon fell in love. It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, the scholar died of illness, and Granny Li was heartbroken, and since then she has used the bronze mirror to often summon the soul of the scholar to meet him. But summoning souls consumes too much mana, and Granny Li's cultivation is getting worse and worse. Just when she was about to run out of oil, she met Zhang Daring. Zhang Daring's kindness and sincerity touched her and made her feel the warmth she hadn't felt for a long time. So, she decided to use Zhang Daring's power to continue to summon the soul of the scholar, and at the same time find a way to live for herself.

The bricklayer fell in love with the old lady, but after marriage, he was depressed, Taoist priest: Your fortune has arrived

Since you have a relationship with your mother-in-law, we have to cherish this childlike relationship. But the mother-in-law's set, let's say, a bit out of common sense, although I can't interfere, but I have to remind you, everything has to have a degree, too much is not good. When Zhang Daring heard this, his heart was open. He walked up to Granny Li, his eyes were full of affection: "Mother-in-law, I don't care what your identity is, let's live the rest of our lives well." But I also hope that you can let go of those old sesame seeds and rotten grains and cherish the good days in front of you. When Granny Li heard this, her eyes flashed with tears, and she nodded and said, "Bold, you're right." It's time for me to let go of the old things. From now on, I won't touch the bronze mirror, and we'll live a good life. Since then, Granny Li has really let go of those obsessions and lived a stable and happy life with Zhang Daring. She's no longer chattering, and she's much closer to the people in town. Zhang Daring also worked harder and built a warm nest for the two of them.

But the good times didn't last long, one night, Zhang Daring was sleeping soundly, and suddenly heard a scream. He got up and saw that Granny Li's face was pale, and she was holding the bronze mirror tightly in her hand. "Bold...... Granny Li's voice trembled, "he...... He's back......" Zhang Dadao's heart tightened, knowing that the "he" that his mother-in-law said was the scholar who had left. He hurriedly walked to his mother-in-law's side and held her hand tightly: "Mother-in-law, don't be afraid, I'm here." At this moment, the bronze mirror suddenly lit up, and a vague figure slowly walked out of the mirror. The figure, the young scholar, still looked so polite, but his eyes were full of anger and resentment. "You dog men and women!" The scholar roared angrily, "How dare you break my agreement with my mother-in-law!" Zhang Daring was not afraid at all, and stood in front of his mother-in-law and said: "You misunderstood, we really love each other and did not break your agreement." "Truly in love?" The scholar sneered, "You humans are always so selfish! Only care about your own happiness, regardless of others! As he spoke, the scholar waved his sleeves and rushed boldly. Although Zhang Daring was brave, he was not a scholar's opponent after all, and he soon fell behind.

At this moment, the Taoist priest suddenly appeared in the room, and with a wave of the dust in his hand, he stopped the scholar. "Scholar, scholar, your obsession is too deep, and you have gone crazy." The Taoist priest sighed, "Your fate with your mother-in-law has long been over, what are you still clinging to?" When the scholar heard this, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, but he soon became fierce again: "You don't care about me!" I'm going to kill this man! The Taoist priest shook his head: "What can you do if you kill him?" Mother-in-law has let go of her obsession, why are you still so obsessed? The scholar was silent for a while, and suddenly sighed: "Forget it...... It's all over......" After saying that, his figure slowly dissipated, turning into a wisp of green smoke. Granny Li looked at Zhang Daring with tears in her eyes, hugged him, and said in a trembling voice: "Daring, you saved me, I really don't know how to thank you." Zhang Daring also hugged Granny Li tightly and comforted: "Mother-in-law, don't be afraid, with me, I'm not afraid of any wind and waves." Since then, the days of Granny Li and Zhang Daring have become sweeter and sweeter, and the two have walked through the ups and downs of life side by side. The story of the scholar has also become a good story in the town, reminding everyone to cherish the happiness in front of them and not to keep thinking about the bad things in the past.

The bricklayer fell in love with the old lady, but after marriage, he was depressed, Taoist priest: Your fortune has arrived

Since the night of the fight, the villagers in Qingshi Town have found that the lives of Granny Li and Zhang Daring have become more and more nourishing. Zhang Daring's skills are getting better and better, and people in the town are looking for him to repair and build houses, while Granny Li began to teach children to read and write, and her gentle and wise voice made the children love to revolve around her. The days went by like this, and Zhang Daring and Granny Li became the envy of everyone in the town. They support each other and face the ups and downs of life together, as if even God can't look past it, and no longer cause trouble for them.

But one day, a brightly dressed merchant came to town. As soon as the merchant arrived, he stayed at the best inn in the town, and inquired everywhere about the customs, especially the stories of Granny Li and Zhang Daring. He found Zhang Daring and said bluntly: "I heard the story of you and Granny Li, it is really touching. I would like to ask you to put on a play for me, to tell me about your love story, and I am willing to pay a lot of money. Zhang Daring listened, and his heart beat a drum. Although the story between him and Granny Li is touching, the things about the fox fairies and scholars in it are really mysterious and difficult to say. But the price offered by the merchant was too tempting, and Zhang Daring was a little shaken in his heart.

In the evening, Zhang Daring told Granny Li about the merchant's proposal. After hearing this, Granny Li was silent for a while before she slowly said: "Bold, our story is our private matter, and once we say it, it may cause trouble." Zhang boldly nodded, but when he thought of the tempting honorarium again, he inevitably hesitated in his heart. Granny Li saw his thoughts, sighed and said, "Okay, if you really want to try, then we'll play a show." But you have to remember that drama is drama, life is life, and it cannot be mixed up. In this way, Zhang Daring and Granny Li began to rehearse the play. Based on their own experiences, they added fuel and vinegar to choreograph a wonderful play. The merchant was full of praise when he saw it, and gave them a large sum of money on the spot.

The bricklayer fell in love with the old lady, but after marriage, he was depressed, Taoist priest: Your fortune has arrived

But just when Zhang Daring and Granny Li were still immersed in joy, the atmosphere in the town slowly changed. People began to talk about it, saying that the play between Zhang Daring and Granny Li was too mysterious, and some people even began to doubt their identities. Zhang Daring and Granny Li can be regarded as having understood the problem, and with a heart, they decided to stop the noisy performance, and wanted to live the stable life of our Northeast people. But who would have thought that this matter was not over, but it made more trouble. The old and young masters of the town began to avoid them, and some even pointed behind their backs. Zhang Daring and Granny Li felt like a mirror in their hearts, knowing that it was all because their play was too mysterious, which made people's hearts feel pimples.

So, the two of them got busy, picked up the script again, cut all the mysterious plots, and left those real and heartwarming scenes. When the new script was repeated in the town, everyone was so moved. Looking at the deep affection of Zhang Daring and Granny Li, as well as their efforts and persistence for love, people began to reflect on their own caution and misunderstanding, and their views on them slowly changed.

The bricklayer fell in love with the old lady, but after marriage, he was depressed, Taoist priest: Your fortune has arrived

In the end, the story of Zhang Daring and Granny Li has become a good story in our town. People stopped pointing fingers at both of them and began to respect and understand them. Zhang Daring and Granny Li also realized a truth: true love, it is not who you are or what status you have, but whether the two of you can understand and tolerate each other. With their own actions, they left a beautiful legend for Bluestone Town.