
Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years

author:Nickelodeon Institute
Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years
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Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years

Every year on Chinese New Year's Eve, when the Spring Festival Gala is lit up, the audience can always see a familiar face on the screen - Guo Da. With his unique sense of humor and superb performance skills, this comedian has appeared on this stage more than 20 times.

He joined hands with comedy masters such as Cai Ming and Zhao Benshan to bring laughter to thousands of families.

However, behind this dazzling spotlight, a mysterious figure has always silently supported Guo Da. Who is she? How did she influence Guo Da's acting career? Why did she never appear in public? Let's uncover the secrets behind Guo Da's success and explore the little-known but pivotal behind-the-scenes heroes.

In 1955, in an ordinary rural area in Shaanxi, Guo Da fell to the ground. However, fate did not seem to favor the boy. His father died a month before he was born, leaving Guo Da and his sisters to be raised by their mother, Ms. Ma Yingui.

Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years

Guo Da's childhood was shrouded in the shadow of poverty. The family often struggled to make ends meet, and he had to wear his sisters' old clothes, sometimes even covered with patches of large and small patches, as many as forty places.

The mother's meager monthly income of 45 yuan barely supports the family's basic livelihood, and she is unable to buy new clothes for her children.

However, it was in such a difficult environment that Guo Da's acting talent began to sprout quietly. When his mother went out to work, the young Guo Da could only stay home alone. At first, he would fiddle with his father's violin, but later he became obsessed with crosstalk on the radio.

These simple forms of entertainment have invisibly cultivated his interest and talent in the performing arts.

Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years

At the age of 15, in order to reduce his mother's burden, Guo Da resolutely decided to go out to work. He first joined the team building the railway, but due to physical exhaustion, he was soon transferred to the logistics department to take care of the pigs.

Despite the hard work, Guo Da still insists on self-learning acting skills and silently prepares for the future acting career.

In 1974, the opportunity finally came. Guo Da was successfully admitted to the acting major of Shanghai Theater Academy through the recommendation of workers, peasants and soldiers. This opportunity was undoubtedly a huge turning point for Guo Da at that time.

In school, he eagerly learned acting skills and laid a solid foundation for his future acting career.

Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years

Three years later, Guo Da graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy with honors and was assigned to work at the Xi'an Drama Theater. However, it was not all smooth sailing for Guo Da when he first entered the workplace.

When he first appeared in the drama "In the Silence", he was too nervous and behaved abnormally, and even could not continue to perform due to illness. Each rehearsal drew onlookers and criticism from a large audience, and this failure left Guo Da in deep self-doubt.

In 1977, at the low point of Guo Da's career, a young woman named Wu Fang quietly walked into his life. A year older than Guo Da, Wu Fang was born in 1954 in the ancient capital of Xi'an and is a talented costume designer at the Xi'an Drama Theater.

The gears of fate quietly turned that day. Guo Da came to the clothing room with a shabby military uniform to ask for help. Wu Fang received him warmly and carefully mended his clothes.

Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years

During the conversation, Guo Da was deeply attracted by Wu Fang's talent and professionalism. He was surprised to find that Wu Fang often had to design hundreds of costumes for a drama, which was a huge pressure, but she was always able to cleverly design the outfit according to the script and the characteristics of the characters.

Guo Da was deeply moved by Wu Fang's talent and work attitude, and mustered up the courage to express his love to her. In 1978, the two formalized their relationship. However, their love was not all smooth sailing.

When he got married in 1979, due to his poor family, Guo Da couldn't even take out a deposit of 30 yuan. The wedding was very simple, and only family and friends were invited to have a light meal.

On their wedding night, they could only spend their wedding night crammed into a bunk bed in the theater.

Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years

Despite the hardships of life, Wu Fang has always silently supported Guo Da's career. In 1981, the crystallization of their love - son Guo Xiaoguang was born. In order to take better care of the children, the couple decided to let Guo Xiaoguang temporarily live in Wu Fang's maiden home.

Wu Fang's mother was a loving and kind elder who did not tire of taking on the responsibility of caring for her grandson. Every day after work, Wu Fang would rush to her mother's house to visit her son, and established a deep family bond with her mother-in-law.

As time went on, Guo Da's performance in the theater gradually improved. In 1985, he was successfully promoted to the captain of the actors, shouldering the dual responsibilities of acting and managing the lives of actors.

Despite the heavy workload, often requiring late nights, with Wu Fang's understanding and support, Guo Da has always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude.

Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years

Wu Fang not only pays silently in the family, but also shows extraordinary talent in her work. She has designed many exquisite costumes for the drama, such as nearly 80 sets of costumes from the Southern Republic of China period carefully created for "The Great Thunderstorm", which delicately shows the dressing styles of different social classes.

In addition, Wu Fang is also keen to study the traditional costumes of ethnic groups around the world, and has designed more than 50 sets of Tibetan costumes for the drama "Plateau Red". Her design inspiration is endless, and she doesn't complain even if she works late into the night.

Guo Da admired Wu Fang's ingenuity, and also deeply admired her work attitude. It is this mutual appreciation and support that makes their relationship deeper and deeper, and also lays a solid family foundation for Guo Da's future success in his acting career.

With Wu Fang's encouragement and support, Guo Da began an important transformation in his career. He decisively decided to shift his creative focus to comedy and sketches.

Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years

This decision is undoubtedly a wise move, which not only successfully completed the annual creative task, but also won multiple awards for the Xi'an Drama Theater, paving the way for Guo Da's future Spring Festival Gala.

Guo Da's sketch talent was quickly recognized. The sketch "In Front of the Delivery Room" created by him won the grand prize of the National Sketch Competition in one fell swoop, and was successfully selected for the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

This experience made Guo Da famous overnight, and also opened his glorious road to the Spring Festival Gala. At this critical turning point, Wu Fang once again showed her full support for her husband's career.

She not only devoted all her savings to support Guo Da, but also carefully designed unique stage costumes for many of his works, which contributed to Guo Da's success.

Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years

In 1990, Guo Da met another important figure in his acting career - Cai Ming. The two hit it off at first sight, and they had a tacit understanding and created many acclaimed classic sketches together.

Guo Da and Cai Ming's partnership is a perfect match, and they use their exquisite cooperation to bring the comedic effect to the extreme. Works such as "Father", "Robot Funny Stories", and "Chinese New Year" are still talked about by the audience and have become classics on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

However, frequent outings also brought challenges to Guo Da's family life. He often had to travel far away from home because of his work, and his heart was full of guilt. However, Wu Fang has always understood and supported her husband's career, and her tolerance and thoughtfulness have allowed Guo Da to devote herself to creation.

It is this kind of selfless dedication that has become a solid backing for Guo Da's career to take off.

Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years

As he appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala year after year, Guo Da gradually became the "nail household of the Spring Festival Gala" in the hearts of the audience. His signature and unique voice "What" has brought joy to countless audiences and has become his signature performance feature.

However, there is also a huge pressure behind the success. The creative environment is becoming increasingly severe, the remuneration is meager, and the accusations of "occupying the stage" on the Internet are endless.

In these difficult moments, Wu Fang has always been Guo Da's strong backing. She not only gave her husband spiritual encouragement and comfort, but also made Guo Da, who was far away, feel the warmth of home through letters and sending special snacks from her hometown.

In 1994, when Guo Da was transferred to the Beijing General Political Drama Theater, Wu Fang resolutely gave up her job in Xi'an and moved her family to Beijing to fully support her husband's career development.

Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years

It is with his wife's understanding and support that Guo Da can achieve great results on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and become a comedian loved by the audience. His cooperation with Cai Ming has contributed many popular works to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, brought laughter to thousands of households, and also allowed Guo Da to reach a new height in the field of comedy performance.

Behind Guo Da's glamorous stage image, Wu Fang has always been the unsung hero who silently supports. As an accomplished fashion designer, Wu Fang has also made remarkable achievements in her professional field.

She has elaborately designed costumes for numerous plays, demonstrating extraordinary talent and professionalism.

In 1994, when Guo Da was transferred to the Beijing General Political Drama Theater, Wu Fang resolutely gave up her job in Xi'an and moved her family to Beijing. The decision was not easy for her, but she chose to unconditionally support her husband's career development.

Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years

In the new environment, Wu Fang quickly found a broader career stage. She continues to explore and innovate in the field of fashion design, meets many creative peers, and accumulates rich practical experience.

In addition to her achievements at work, Wu Fang has also cultivated her own hobbies. With Guo Da's encouragement, she began to learn antique appreciation and gradually became a collector with in-depth research on antiques.

Every week, she regularly visits the antique market to treasure treasures, and with her keen eye and unique taste, most of the antiques she buys have increased in value. This not only enriches her life, but also brings additional benefits to the family.

Despite her outstanding performance in her field, Wu Fang has never been seen in public. She chose to stand silently behind Guo Da and provide unconditional support for his career.

Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years

When Guo Da frequently traveled for business trips to perform, Wu Fang took on the responsibility of taking care of the family. Not only does she have to juggle her own work, but she also has to take care of her son's life and studies, and at the same time worry about her husband who is far away.

It is this kind of selfless dedication that enables Guo Da to devote himself to his acting career and achieve great results on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Wu Fang's silent support is not only an important factor in the success of Guo Da's career, but also the key to maintaining the happiness of this family.

She used her own way to interpret what true love and family support are, and became Guo Da's most reliable partner and backing in his life journey.

In 2010, Guo Da and Cai Ming's sketch "Family with Graduates" became their last perfect cooperation on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. This marks an important turning point in Guo Da's Spring Festival Gala career.

Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years

Subsequently, he began to gradually fade out of the CCTV stage, and shifted his creative focus to the field of drama and TV dramas.

In 2011, under the huge pressure of work, Guo Da was physically and mentally exhausted and said goodbye to the Spring Festival Gala stage with tears. Behind this decision, there are not only the physical limitations brought about by age, but also the creative bottlenecks encountered with long-term partner Cai Ming.

However, Guo Da did not stop there. With the support of his wife Wu Fang, he chose to return to his original intention and rekindle his love for drama.

Today's Guo Da, although he no longer frequently appears on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, he still shines on the drama stage. He brings his acting experience and deep understanding of life accumulated over the years to each role, bringing more deeply rooted performances to the audience.

Guo Da has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 20 times, all thanks to his wife's silent support behind him for many years

In private life, Guo Da and his wife Wu Fang's relationship is still as sweet as ever, and their son has also started a family. The family is enjoying a happy life.

Guo Da's story tells us how precious sincere love and family support are in the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry. It is precisely with Wu Fang's silent dedication over the years that Guo Da can shine on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and become a comedian loved by the audience.

Their marriage is undoubtedly a clear stream in the entertainment industry, which is worthy of our deep thought and learning.

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