
"The Executive Judge" is too ridiculous, and there is a big loophole in it, and the female judge does not understand the law at all and seizes the house

author:Vatican Sea King VIII

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"The Executive Judge" is too ridiculous, and there is a big loophole in it, and the female judge does not understand the law at all and seizes the house

The rule of law case drama "Executive Judge", this drama, on June 29, 2023, landed on CCTV's eight sets of golden strong theaters for premiere, and was also broadcast simultaneously on Youku and iQiyi.

"The Executive Judge" is too ridiculous, and there is a big loophole in it, and the female judge does not understand the law at all and seizes the house

This posture attracted the attention of countless pairs of eyes as soon as it appeared.

Let's talk about An Jian, the director of this play, who is also a well-known figure in the industry.

Let's take a look at the leading actors, Luo Jin and Yang Zishan, these two are actors that the audience is familiar with and expects.

Not to mention that there are also a number of powerful actors such as Ding Jiali , Zhao Jun and so on, just looking at this lineup, it is really star-studded, and people are looking forward to it becoming a wonderful masterpiece.

"The Executive Judge" is too ridiculous, and there is a big loophole in it, and the female judge does not understand the law at all and seizes the house

But the reality often fails people's wishes! Let's talk about Chu Yun, the executive president played by Yang Zishan, as soon as this role appeared, it caused a lot of controversy.

At the beginning of the plot, Chu Yun aggressively led a group of people and rushed directly to Qi Runyu's restaurant, which was about to be sealed without saying a word, and strongly ordered Qi Runyu to vacate it in just seven days.

"The Executive Judge" is too ridiculous, and there is a big loophole in it, and the female judge does not understand the law at all and seizes the house

This sudden scene stunned Qi Runyu and his wife, and the expressions on their faces were incredulous, as if asking, "What the hell is going on?" Why didn't there be any wind beforehand? ”

Let's just say, normally speaking, before the court takes such enforcement measures, why does it have to communicate and mediate with the parties many times, right?

How can it be like in the play, without warning, and it will be seized when it comes up?

"The Executive Judge" is too ridiculous, and there is a big loophole in it, and the female judge does not understand the law at all and seizes the house

This plot is also too unreasonable, and it seems blunt and rough.

Speaking of which, let's talk about Yang Zishan's performance in the play.

I heard that in order to play this role well, she deliberately went to the court to experience life in person, so it is said that she should be able to portray this role well, right? But the actual situation is really disappointing.

"The Executive Judge" is too ridiculous, and there is a big loophole in it, and the female judge does not understand the law at all and seizes the house

Her expression in the play is called a stiffness, as if it has been frozen, without the slightest flexibility.

Whether it is in the face of the parties' pleadings or the complex case situation, she always has that cold expression, without a trace of emotional waves.

Where is this like a flesh-and-blood judge with a sense of justice? It's more like a ruthless law enforcement machine.

And her performance method is too simple, giving people the feeling that she is reading her lines mechanically, and she does not show the inner world of Chu Yun's character at all.

"The Executive Judge" is too ridiculous, and there is a big loophole in it, and the female judge does not understand the law at all and seizes the house

As an audience, we can't feel her awe of the law, sympathy for the parties, and the entanglement and firmness when facing difficulties in her work.

Looking at her body language, there is no beauty and expressiveness at all.

In his gestures, he did not have the majesty and self-confidence that a judge should have, but seemed a little cramped and unnatural.

"The Executive Judge" is too ridiculous, and there is a big loophole in it, and the female judge does not understand the law at all and seizes the house

The audience's criticism of her is not groundless, everyone feels that she has not established the image of a judge at all, which makes people have no good impression and recognition of this role after watching it.

In addition to Yang Zishan's acting skills, the plot design of this play is also full of loopholes.

Take the real estate transfer contract as an example, the signature on it is not Qi Runyu himself, but forged.

"The Executive Judge" is too ridiculous, and there is a big loophole in it, and the female judge does not understand the law at all and seizes the house

This is really laughable, a drama under the banner of the rule of law, there is such a low-level legal error, isn't this challenging the audience's IQ?

and the presentation of legal procedures in the play, which is also a mess.

For example, when the seizure is carried out, the formal legal process is not followed, giving people the impression that it is arbitrary and undisciplined.

"The Executive Judge" is too ridiculous, and there is a big loophole in it, and the female judge does not understand the law at all and seizes the house

This made those viewers who knew the Fa watch it, and it was called a no-brainer.

Let's watch the drama, don't we just hope to see a wonderful plot, excellent performances, and at the same time learn some useful knowledge?

But this "Executive Judge", the plot is unreasonable, and the actors' performance is unsatisfactory, which really disappointed the audience who were full of expectations.

In fact, a good legal drama is not only to tell a good story, but more importantly, to convey the correct concept of law and show the justice and majesty of the law.

"The Executive Judge" is too ridiculous, and there is a big loophole in it, and the female judge does not understand the law at all and seizes the house

But this drama is obviously not in place in this regard.

Let's go back to the rest of the show.

For example, the costumes and props are also unbearable.

The judges' uniforms sometimes don't look ill-fitting and don't quite fit the real thing.

There is also the layout of the courtroom, which seems simple and unrealistic, and does not have that solemn atmosphere.

"The Executive Judge" is too ridiculous, and there is a big loophole in it, and the female judge does not understand the law at all and seizes the house

Let's talk about the lines of this play, which is also very blunt.

Many times, the words spoken by the actors feel like endorsements, without life and without contagion.

If a drama wants to be successful, every link must be carefully polished.

From script writing, to cast actors, to costumes, props, line design, and more, every detail counts.

"The Executive Judge" is too ridiculous, and there is a big loophole in it, and the female judge does not understand the law at all and seizes the house

It's a pity that "The Enforcement Judge" is not perfect in many ways.

Of course, we can't beat this show to death with a stick.

After all, during the filming process, you may have encountered various difficulties and challenges.

However, this cannot be an excuse for its poor performance.

For the audience, what we want to see is high-quality, in-depth and warm works.

"The Executive Judge" is too ridiculous, and there is a big loophole in it, and the female judge does not understand the law at all and seizes the house

I hope that the future TV series producers can learn a lesson, create each work more attentively, and don't let us down again!

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